§ 54-199. Findings and intent.  

Latest version.
  • The city commission finds and determines that:


    The requirements and standards of this article are necessary for the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of the city and the protection of the environment and natural resources of the city;


    It is the intent of the city commission to implement the goals, objectives and policies adopted in the comprehensive plan;


    It is the intent of the city commission that necessary public facilities and services be available concurrent with the impacts of development;


    It is the intent of the city commission that final development orders and permits be issued in a manner which does not result in a reduction of any levels of service below the adopted level of service standards in the comprehensive plan;


    It is the intent of the city commission to adhere to and implement the schedule of capital improvements in the comprehensive plan and other capital improvements as necessary to maintain the adopted level of service standards in the comprehensive plan;


    It is the intent of the city commission to adopt a reasonable concurrency management system in furtherance of the public benefit while at the same time ensuring that all property owners have a reasonable, beneficial and economic use of their property and that no property is taken without just compensation;


    Not all development or development activity impacts are significant enough to cause the deterioration of the levels of service adopted in the comprehensive plan. It is, therefore, further found that the establishment of a de minimis developmental impact which will not cause an unacceptable degradation of levels of service is consistent with the goals, objectives and policies of the comprehensive plan. The application of this methodology by the establishment and recognition of certain types of de minimis development is found to be substantially related to the preservation of individual property rights in accordance with the state comprehensive plan.

(Ord. No. 08-03, § 1(exh. 1), 6-26-2008)