§ 6. Annexations from March 22, 1973, to present.  

Latest version.
  • The following land was annexed to the city by the indicated ordinance:

    Ord. No. 73-8, 4-26-1973

    Tract #1
    (Rolling Hills Subdivision, Unit 4)

    A tract of land situated in the S ½ of Section 13, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, and being more particularly described as follows:

    Beginning at the NE corner of the SW ¼ of Section 13, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, and (1) Run West a distance of 40 feet to the West right-of-way line of Husson Avenue; (2) Thence run South and along the West line of Husson Avenue for a distance of 635 feet more or less to the SE corner of Lot 20, Block E of ROLLING HILLS SUBDIVISION, Unit 2, according to plat thereof recorded in Map Book 4, at page 153 of the public records of Putnam County, Florida; thence (3) Run Westerly and along the South line of said Subdivision a distance of 268.0 feet to a concrete monument; (4) Thence run Southerly and along a line of said subdivision a distance of 0.90 feet to a concrete monument; (5) Thence run Westerly and along the South line of said subdivision a distance of 775.0 feet to a concrete monument at the Southwest corner of lot 12, Block H of said subdivision; (6) Thence run Southerly and parallel with the East line of said Southwest ¼ of said Section 13, a distance of 468.0 feet; (7) Thence run Westerly and perpendicular to call (6) above a distance of 32.0 feet; (8) Thence run Southerly and parallel with said East line a distance of 203.44 feet to the South line of the Southwest ¼ of said Section 13; (9) Thence run Easterly and along said South line a distance of 1075.0 feet to the Southeast corner of said Southwest ¼; (10) Continue East for a distance of 15 feet to the East right-of-way line of Husson Avenue; (11) Thence run North and along the East line of Husson Avenue for a distance of 1309.33 feet more or less to the North line of the Southwest ¼ of the SE ¼ of Section 13, Township 10 South, Range 26 East; (12) Thence run West 15 feet to the point of beginning and to close.

    Tract #2
    (Rolling Hills Subdivision, Unit 5)

    A tract of land situated in the SW ¼ of Section 13, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, Tallahassee Meridian, and being more particularly described as follows:

    Beginning at the Southwest corner of ROLLING HILLS SUBDIVISION, Unit #2, according to plat thereof, recorded in Map Book 4, at page 153 of the public records of Putnam County, Florida and (1) run Northerly, along the West line of said Subdivision, a distance of 375.0 feet to the Southeast corner of Lot 2, Block "H" of ROLLING HILLS SUBDIVISION, Unit #3, according to plat thereof, recorded in Map Book 4, page 202 of said public records. (2) Thence Westerly, along the South line of Unit #3 of said Subdivision, a distance of 627.62 feet to the Southwest corner of Lot 11, Block "C" of said Unit #3, being on the West line of the E ½ of the E ½ of the W ½ of the SW ¼ of Section 13. Return to the point of beginning and (3) run Southerly, parallel with the East line of the SW ¼ of Section 13, a distance of 468.0 feet. (4) Thence Westerly, perpendicular to call (3), a distance of 32.0 feet. (5) Thence Southerly, parallel with said East line, a distance of 203.44 feet to the South line of the SW ¼ of Section 13. (6) Thence Westerly, along said South line, a distance of 595.35 feet to the Southwest corner of the E ½ of the E ½ of the W ½ of the SW ¼ of Section 13. (7) Thence Northerly, along the West line of said E ½ of the E ½ of the W ½ of the SW ¼, a distance of 1045.35 feet to the Westerly end of call (2) and to close.

    Ord. No. 73-9, 7-12-1973

    Blocks 5 and 8, EXCEPT the West 65 feet of Lots 10 and 11 and West 65 feet of South ½ of Lot 7, of Block 8, MacGregor's Subdivision of Palatka Heights, Map Book 2, page 14 of the Public Records of Putnam County, Florida.

    Ord. No. 73-10, 7-26-1973

    Lots 5 and 8, Block "E," Rolling Hills Subdivision, Unit #1 as per plat thereof recorded in Map Book 4, page 137 of the public records of Putnam County, Florida.


    Lot 9, Block "E," Rolling Hills Subdivision, Unit #2 as per plat thereof recorded in Map Book 4, page 153 of the public records of Putnam County, Florida.

    Ord. No. 73-11, 8-9-1973

    All of Block 6 and Block 7 in MacGregor's Subdivision of Palatka Heights, according to plat thereof filed April 9, 1915 and recorded in Plat Book 2, Page 14, in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Putnam County, Florida.

    Ord. No. 73-12, 9-13-1973

    From the Westerly terminus of the corporate limits of the City of Palatka on the North right-of-way line of State Road #20, as State Road #20 exists in the year 1973 (see certified copy of Ordinance in Official Records Book 290 page 1329 of the public records of Putnam County, Florida) run Westerly, along the North line of State Road #20, being the North line of the corporate limits of the City of Palatka in this area, for a distance of 420 feet, more or less, to the West line of Elmwood Avenue, a County Road (see deed recorded in Deed Book 199 page 214 of said public records) for the point of beginning of this description.


    Run thence North, along the West line of Elmwood Avenue to a point that is 632 feet North of and 373 feet East of the Southwest corner of the SE ¼ of the NE ¼ of Section 11, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, and is the Southeast corner of lands described in deed recorded in Official Records Book 96 page 637.


    Run thence West, along the South line of lands described in Official Records Book 96 page 637 for a distance of 150 feet to the Southwest corner of lands described in Official Records Book 96 page 637 and on the East line of lands described in Official Records Book 67 page 10.


    Run thence South, along the East line of lands described in Official Records Book 67 page 10 for a distance of 112 feet to the Southeast corner of lands described in Official Records Book 67 page 10.


    Run thence West, along the South line of lands described in Official Records Book 67 page 10 for a distance of 223 feet to the East line of the SW ¼ of the NE ¼ of said Section 11.


    Run thence South, along the East line of the SW ¼ of the NE ¼ for a distance of 20 feet, more or less, to a point 500.20 feet North of the Southeast corner of the SW ¼ of the NE ¼ of said Section 11, being the Southeast corner of the Second Description contained in deed recorded in Official Records Book 67 page 10.


    Run thence West, along the South line of the Second Description contained in deed recorded in Official Records Book 67 page 10 for a distance of 435.5 feet to the Southwest corner of lands described in Official Records Book 67 page 10, being on the line of lands described in deed recorded in Official Records Book 43 page 263.


    Run thence South for a distance of 27 feet, more or less to the Southeasterly corner of lands described in Official Records Book 43 page 263.


    Run thence West, along the South line of lands described in Official Records Book 43 page 263 for a distance of 891 feet to the West line of the SW ¼ of the NE ¼ of said Section 11, being the Southwesterly corner of lands described in Official Records Book 43 page 263.


    Run thence North, along the West line of the SW ¼ of the NE ¼ of said Section 11 for a distance of 516 feet, more or less to the Southeast corner of the East ½ of the N ½ of the N ½ of the SE ¼ of the NW ¼ of said Section 11 (this being the Southeast corner of lands described in Official Records Book 253 page 552).


    Run thence West, along the South line of the E ½ of the N ½ of the N ½ of the SE ¼ of the NW ¼ of Section 11 for a distance of 660 feet to the Southwest corner thereof.


    Thence run North, along the West line of the E ½ of the N ½ of the N ½ of the SE ¼ of the NW ¼ for a distance of 330 feet, to the North line of the SE ¼ of the NW ¼ of Section 11.


    Thence run East, along the North line of the SE ¼ of the NW ¼ for a distance of 660 feet to the Northeast corner of the SE ¼ of the NW ¼ being the Northeast corner of lands described in Official Records Book 253 page 552.


    Run thence North, along the West line of the NW ¼ of the NE ¼ for a distance of 412 feet to a Permanent Reference Marker, being the point of beginning of lands described in Official Records Book 43 page 263.


    Run thence North 89° 02′ East, along the line of lands described in Official Records Book 43 page 263 for a distance of 479.66 feet to a Concrete Permanent Reference Marker, and continue in the same course for an additional distance of 213.07 feet, to the Westerly right-of-way line of the Florida Power & Light Company Right-of-way as described in instrument recorded in Deed Book 238 page 264, this being also the Southeast corner of lands described in Official Records Book 253 page 536.


    Run thence North 1° 03′ 40″ West, along the East line of lands described in Official Records Book 253 page 536, being also the Westerly right-of-way line of the Florida Power & Light Company, for a distance of 755.6 feet, more or less, to the Southerly right-of-way line of St. Johns Avenue (formerly Lemon Street Extension). Return to the point of beginning.


    Run thence Easterly, along the North line of State Road #20, being the North line of the Corporate Limits of the City of Palatka in this area, for a distance of 66 feet, more or less, to the East line of Elmwood Avenue aforesaid.


    Run thence North, along the East line of Elmwood Avenue to a point that is 698 feet North and 439 feet East of the Southwest corner of the SE ¼ of the NE ¼ of said Section 11.


    Run thence West, across Elmwood Avenue to the West line thereof at the Northeast corner of land described in Official Records Book 96 page 637, and continue West for an additional Distance of 150 feet to the Northwest corner of land described in Official Records Book 96 page 637, and on the East line of lands described in Official Records Book 67 page 10.


    Run thence North along the East line of land described in first description contained in Official Records Book 67 page 10 for a distance of 612 feet, more or less, to the North line of the SE ¼ of the NE ¼ of said Section 11.


    Run thence West, along the North line of the SE ¼ of the NE ¼ for a distance of 223 feet to the Northwest corner of the SE ¼ of the NE ¼ of said Section 11, and on the line of lands described in Official Records Book 43 page 263.


    Run thence North 1° 03′ 40″ West, along the East line of lands described in Official Records Book 43 page 263 for a distance of 411 feet, more or less, to a Permanent Reference Marker set in a corner of lands described in Official Records Book 43 page 263.


    Run thence South 89° 02′ West, along a line of lands described in Official Records Book 43 page 263 for a distance of 377.14 feet to a corner in said lands.


    Run thence North 1° 03′ 40″ West along the line of lands described in Official Records Book 43 page 263 for a distance of 806.6 feet, more or less, to the Southerly right-of-way line of St. Johns Avenue (formerly Lemon Street Extension).


    Run thence Westerly, along the Southerly right-of-way line of St. Johns Avenue, 230 feet, more or less, to the Westerly right-of-way line of Florida Power & Light Company right-of-way to the Northerly end of Call #15 above to close.

    All references according to the public records of Putnam County, Florida.

    Ord. No. 74-2, 4-11-1974

    A part of the NE ¼ of the NE ¼ of Section 11, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, more particularly described as follows: Begin at the Northerly terminus of Call #15, of that Ordinance of the City of Palatka, certified copy of which is recorded in Official Records Book 298 page 1599, said point being on the South line of St. Johns Avenue (formerly Lemon Street Extension). (1) Run thence Easterly, along the South right-of-way line of St. Johns Avenue for a distance of 607 feet, more or less to the intersection of the South right-of-way line of St. Johns Avenue and the West line of the West ½ of the NW ¼ of the NE ¼ of the NE ¼ of said Section 11, Township 10 South, Range 26 East. (2) Run thence South, along the West line of the West ½ of the NW ¼ of the NE ¼ of the NE ¼ for a distance of 582.12 feet, more or less, to the Southwest corner of the West ½ of the NW ¼ of the NE ¼ of the NE ¼. (3) Run thence East, along the South line of the West ½ of the NW ¼ of the NE ¼ of the NE ¼ for a distance of 332 feet, more or less, to the Southeast corner of the West ½ of the NW ¼ of the NE ¼ of the NE ¼. (4) Run thence North, along the East line of the West ½ of the NW ¼ of the NE ¼ of the NE ¼ for a distance of 664 feet, more or less to the Northeast corner of the West ½ of the NW ¼ of the NE ¼ of the NE ¼, said point being in the right-of-way of St. Johns Avenue. (5) Continue in the same course for an additional distance of 20 feet, more or less, to the Northerly right-of-way line of St. Johns Avenue. (6) Run thence Westerly along the Northerly right-of-way line of St. Johns Avenue for a distance of 939 feet, more or less to a point in the North line of St. Johns Avenue that is due North of the Point of Beginning. (7) Run thence South, across St. Johns Avenue for a distance of 80 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning to close.

    Ord. No. 74-12, 9-30-1974

    Parcel 1

    Begin at the East end of Call #5 in that Ordinance of the City of Palatka, a municipal corporation of the State of Florida, certified copy of said Ordinance be [being] recorded in Official Records Book 290 page 1329 of the public records of Putnam County, Florida. (1) Run thence West, along the South line of the Seaboard Coast Line Railroad for a distance of 50 feet, more or less, to the West line of Section 11, Township 10 South, Range 26 East. (2) Run thence North along the West line of Section 11, Township 10 South, Range 26 East for a distance of 80 feet, more or less to the Northwest corner of Section 11, being also the Southwest corner of Section 2, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, and continue North, along the West line of Section 2, Township 10 South, Range 26 East for a distance of 1,610 feet, more or less, to the Southeast corner of Block 26 according to the plat of RIDGEDALE, a subdivision of parts of Sections 2 and 3 in Township 10 South, Range 26 East, according to plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 3 page 164, of aforesaid public records. (3) Run thence East, along the North line of Cadillac Street in said Subdivision, being along the South line of Block 27, 28 and 29 for a distance of 980 feet to the Southeast corner of Block 29. (4) Run thence South across Cadillac Street, to the Northeast corner of Block 16 of said Subdivision, and continue South, along the East line of Block 16 for a total distance of 260 feet to the Southeast corner of said Block 16. (5) Run thence West, along the South line of Block 16 for a distance of 100 feet to the Southwest corner of Lot 9 in said Block 16. (6) Run thence North, along the West line of Lot 9, Block 16 for a distance of 100 feet to the Northwest corner of Lot 9, Block 16. (7) Run thence West, along the North line of Lots 8 and 7 of Block 16 for a distance of 100 feet to the Northeast corner of Lot 6 of Block 16. (8) Run thence South, along the East line of Lot 6 of Block 16 for a distance of 100 feet to the Southeast corner of said Lot, and continue South for an additional distance of 60 feet across Madison Street to the Northeast corner of Lot 5 of Block 13 of said Subdivision. (9) Run thence East, along the North lines of Blocks 13 and 14 of said Subdivision for a distance of 410 feet to the Northeast corner of Lot 3 in Block 14. (10) Run thence South, along the East line of Lots 3 and 8 of Block 14 for a distance of 200 feet to the Southeast corner of Lot 8 in Block 14. (11) Run thence West, along the South line of Block 14 for a distance of 50 feet to the Southeast corner of Lot 7 of Block 14. (12) Run thence South, across Pontiac Street to the Northeast corner of Lot 4 in Block 7 of said Subdivision, and continue South, along the East line of said Lot 4 for a total distance of 160 feet to the Southeast corner of said Lot 4. (13) Run thence East, along the North line of Lot 8 in said Block 7 for a distance of 50 feet to the Northeast corner of said Lot 8. (14) Run thence South, along the East line of Lot 8 in Block 7, to the Southeast corner of Lot 8 in Block 7, continue South across Royal Street to the Northeast corner of Lot 3 in Block 6 of said Subdivision, and continue South, along the East line of Lot 3 of Block 6 for a total distance of 260 feet to the Southeast corner of said Lot 3. (15) Run thence West along the South line of Lots 3 and 4 of said Block 6 for a distance of 100 feet to the Southeast corner of Lot 5 of said Block 6. (16) Run thence South, along the East line of Lot 6 of said Block 6 to the Southeast corner thereof and continue South, across Colbalt Street for a total distance of 160 feet to the South line of Colbalt Street. (17) Run thence West, along the South line of Colbalt Street for a distance of 700 feet to a P.R.M. marking the Northwest corner of area in above recited plat marked "NOT INCLUDED IN THIS PLAT," this point being 30 feet East of the Northeast corner of Block 2 of aforesaid Plat. (18) Run thence South, along the West line of area marked "NOT INCLUDED IN THIS PLAT" being the East line of an unnamed Street 30 feet in width, for a distance of 476 feet to a P.R.M. (19) Run thence West, along the South line of Paige Street for a distance of 315 feet to a point 30 feet South of the Southwest corner of Block 1 of aforesaid Subdivision, this being on the East line of Amos Street of said Subdivision (now called Moody Road). (20) Run thence South, across the Seaboard Coast Line Railroad for a distance of 113.4 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning to close.

    Parcel 2

    All of Palatka Municipal Airport, being named Kay Larkin Field, being parts of Sections 3 and 4 of Township 10 South, Range 26 East and parts of Sections 33 and 34 of Township 9 South, Range 26 East, being bounded on the North by the Southerly right-of-way line of State Road #100; on the East by the Easterly line of Section 3, Township 10 South, Range 26 East; on the South by the Boundary Line Agreement recorded in Official Records Book 183 Page 177; on the West by said Boundary Line Agreement and by those lands described in Official Records Book 261 Page 458. Omitting, however, those lands described in Official Records Book 243 Page 578.

    Parcel 3

    Begin at the Northwesterly terminus of the corporate limits of the City of Palatka on the Southerly right-of-way of State Road #100 as State Road #100 exists in the year 1974 (1) run thence West and along the Southerly right-of-way line of State Road #100, to the intersection of said Southerly right-of-way and the East right-of-way of State Road #19; (2) run thence Southerly and along the East right-of-way line of State Road #19 to the intersection of State Road #19 and the South boundary line of Sunny Gardens Subdivision according to plat thereof recorded in Map Book 3, page 108 of the public records of Putnam County, Florida; (3) run thence West 200 feet more or less to the West right-of-way line of State Road #19; (4) run thence North and along the West right-of-way line of State Road #19 to the intersection of the said West right-of-way line and the North right-of-way line of State Road #100; (5) run thence East and along the North right-of-way line of State Road #100 to the Northwesterly terminus of the corporate limits as presently exist; (6) run thence South and along said corporate limits line to the point of beginning to close.

    Parcel 4

    All that part of Block 17 and that part of Myrtle Street (closed) of Baileyville, recorded in Map Book 2, page 11, and all that part of Blocks 5 and 6, that part of Block 5 entitled "1.08 acres, O.V. Railway right-of-way," that part of Union, Third and Fourth Streets (closed) of J.J. Simpkin's Subdivision, recorded in Map Book 2, page 31, lying Southerly of the Southerly right-of-way of State Road #100 and Westerly of a Northerly projection of Second Street of said J.J. Simpkin's Subdivision, all according to the public records of Putnam County, Florida.

    EXCEPTING THEREFROM the following described Lands:

    That part of lands described in Deed Book 222, page 409.

    That part of lands described in Deed Book 228, page 456.

    That part of lands described in O.R. Book 60, page 231.

    That part of lands described in O.R. Book 79, pages 5 and 417.

    AND ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM that certain parcel of land described as beginning at a point 30 feet West of the East boundary and 40 feet North of the South boundary of Block 5 of said J.J. Simpkin's Subdivision and run Northerly, parallel to the East boundary of said Block 5, and along the West boundary of lands described in Deed Book 222, page 409 of said public records, a distance of 200 feet; thence run Westerly, parallel with the South boundary of Block 5, a distance of 250 feet; thence run Southerly, parallel with said East boundary, a distance of 200 feet; thence run Easterly, parallel with said South boundary, a distance of 250 feet to the point of beginning and to close.

    Parcel 5

    A tract of land situated in the E ½ of Section 2, Township 10 South, Range 26 East being more particularly described as follows:

    Commencing at the Southwest corner of Sunny Gardens Subdivision according to plat thereof recorded in Map Book 3, page 108 of the public records of Putnam County, Florida, and run thence Easterly, along the South line of said Subdivision, a distance of 200 feet to the point of beginning of this description. From point of beginning, (1) continue Easterly, along said South line, a distance of 828.9 feet more or less, to a corner of said Subdivision. (2) Thence Northerly, along a line of said Subdivision, a distance of 295.2 feet to the Northeast corner of Block 1 of said Sunny Gardens Subdivision. (3) Thence Easterly, along the South line of Pinewood Avenue, according to said Subdivision, a distance of 295.2 feet more or less, to intersect with the Westerly line of Lot 22 of a Subdivision of Part of the E ½ of Section 2, Township 10 South, Range 26 East by Captain S.H. Fortune, Surveyor, dated November 6, 1948 and recorded in Deed Book 184, page 452 of said public records. (4) Thence Southerly, along the West line of Lot 22, a distance of 52.6 feet more or less, to the Southwest corner of Lot 22 of said Subdivision. (5) Thence Easterly, along the South line of Lots 4 through 22, inclusive of said Subdivision, a distance of 1025.55 feet more or less, to the Southeast corner of lands described in O.R. Book 306, page 1003. (6) Thence Northerly, along the East line of said lands, a distance of 562 feet more or less, to the Southerly right-of-way of State Road 100. (7) Thence Westerly, along said Southerly right-of-way, a distance of 1395 feet more or less, to intersect with the West line of Lot 26 of said Subdivision of part of the E ½ of Section 2 being a point of variation in the right-of-way of State Road #100. Return to the point of beginning, and (8) run Northerly, parallel to the West line of Sunny Gardens Subdivision, a distance of 246.76 feet more or less to the Southeasterly right-of-way of State Road #19. (9) Thence Northeasterly, along said Southeasterly right-of-way, a distance of 1134 feet more or less, to the P.C. of a 100-foot radius curve as described in Minutes of Circuit Court Book 16, page 144 of said public records. (10) Thence along said curve an arc distance of 144.4 feet to the P.T. of said curve, being a point 132 feet Southwesterly, as measured at right angles from the centerline of State Road #100. (11) Thence Easterly, parallel with said centerline and at a distance of 132 feet Southwesterly therefrom, being the Southerly line of lands described in Minutes of Circuit Court Book 16, page 313, a distance of 175 feet more or less to intersect with the Westerly line of Lot 26 of said Subdivision of a part of the E ½ of Section 2. (12) Thence Northerly, along said West line, a distance of 35 feet more or less, to the Westerly end of Call (7) and to close.

    LESS AND EXCEPT Lot 15 of said Subdivision of Part of the E ½ of Section 2, Township 10 South, Range 26 East by Captain S.H. Fortune, Surveyor, dated November 6, 1948, and recorded in Deed Book 184, page 452 of said public records.

    Ord. No. 74-16, 12-26-1974
    (As amended by Ord. No. 76-4, 3-11-1976)

    Parcel 1

    NW ¼ of SW ¼ of NW ¼ of Section 10, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, shall be zoned R-3.

    Parcel 2

    SW ¼ of the SW ¼ of the NW ¼ and the E ½ of SW ¼ of NW ¼ of Section 10, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, shall be zoned C-1-A.

    Parcel 3

    All of the Northwest Quarter (NW ¼) of the Southwest Quarter (SW ¼) of Section 10, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, lying North of the North right-of-way line of State Road No. 20 and West of the West line of those lands described in Deed Book 175, page 381, public records of Putnam County, Florida and East of the East line of those lands described in O.R. Book 270, page 358 of said public records, shall be zoned C-2.

    Parcel 4

    Lot 52 of Block A and Lot 71 of Block C of Webbs Viking Manor Subdivision shall be zoned C-1-A.

    Parcel 5

    Lots 1 through 11 of Block A and Lots 1 and 2 of Block B of Webbs Viking Manor Subdivision shall be zoned R-3.

    Parcel 6

    All remaining lots in Webbs Viking Manor Subdivision shall be zoned R-1.

    Parcel 7

    North 300 feet of NE ¼ of NW ¼ of Section 10, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, shall be zoned C-1-A.

    Parcel 8

    South 660 feet of North 990 feet of NE ¼ of NW ¼ of Section 10, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, shall be zoned R-3.

    Parcel 9

    East ½ of NW ¼ of NW ¼ of Section 10, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, shall be zoned C-2.

    Parcel 10

    West ½ of NW ¼ of NW ¼ of Section 10, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, shall be zoned R-2.

    Parcel 11

    NE ½ [¼] of SE ¼ of Section 9, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, Putnam County, Florida, North of State Road No. 20, shall be zoned C-2.

    Ord. No. 74-17, 2-27-1975

    A part of the SE ¼ of the NE ¼ of Section 11, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, more particularly described as follows:

    Begin at a point on the North line of State Road #20, that is 894 feet West and 66 feet North of the Southeast corner of the SE ¼ of the NE ¼, and is the Easterly end of Call #16 of that Ordinance of Annexation #73-12, certified copy of which is recorded in Official Records Book 298 page 1599 of the public records of Putnam County, Florida. (1) Run thence North, along Call #17 of above recited Ordinance of Annexation, for a distance of 630 feet to the North line of lands described in Official Records Book 22 page 591 of aforesaid Public Records. (2) Run thence East, along the North line of lands described in Official Records Book 22 page 591 for a distance of 857.75 feet to the existing limits of the City of Palatka, according to that Ordinance of Annexation #63-1, certified copy of which is recorded in Official Records Book 114 page 237 of aforesaid public records. (3) Run thence South, along the existing limits of the City of Palatka for a distance of 250 feet to a corner in said limits. (4) Run thence West, along the existing limits of the City of Palatka for a distance of 500 feet to a corner in said limits. (5) Run thence South, along the existing limits of the City of Palatka for a distance of 380 feet to the North right-of-way line of State Road #20. (6) Run thence West, along the North right-of-way line of State Road #20 for a distance of 366 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning to close.

    Ord. No. 74-18, 3-27-1975

    Lots 9, 10, 11, and 12 of Arden Heights Subdivision according to plat thereof recorded in Map Book 5, page 19, of the Public Records of Putnam County, Florida.

    Ord. No. 75-7, 8-14-1975

    Parcel #1

    The W ½ of the following described lands: Beginning at the SE corner of the W ½ of the NE ¼, thence running West 1,000 feet along the South boundary of said W ½ of NE ¼, thence running North 435 feet, thence running East 1,000 feet to the East boundary of said W ½ of NE ¼, thence along said East boundary 435 feet to the point of beginning, containing ten (10) acres more or less, and being a part of the premises conveyed to Jerry Burnham by United States Patent dated the 20th day of November A.D., 1875, and recorded in Book "W" of conveyances page 275 of the records of said Putnam County.

    All of the above described land being in Section 10, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, Putnam County, Florida.

    Parcel #2

    Lots 1, 2, and 3 of Block 2 of Jackson Heights Subdivision as per plat thereof recorded in Map Book 4, page 53 of the public records of Putnam County, Florida.

    Ord. No. 76-17, 5-13-1976

    Lot 6 of Arden Heights Subdivision, according to plat thereof recorded in Map Book 5, page 19, of the Public Records of Putnam County, Florida.

    Ord. No. 76-26, 10-14-1976

    Lots 2 and 5 of ARDEN HEIGHTS SUBDIVISION, according to plat thereof recorded in Map Book 5, page 19, of the public records of Putnam County, Florida.

    Ord. No. 76-28, 12-9-1976

    All that part of the NE ¼ of the NW ¼ of Section 11, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, lying East of the Easterly right-of-way line of State Road #19, as said right-of-way is described in that certain Final Judgment recorded in Minutes Circuit Court Book 16, Page 381, and lying South of the South right-of-way line of Lemon Street Extension as said right-of-way is described in that certain deed recorded in Official Records Book 37, Page 499, EXCEPT (a) That part thereof described in deed and easement to Volkswagen Southeastern Distributor, Inc. and recorded in Official Records Book 172, Page 358. (b) All that part of the West 5 acres of the NE ¼ of the NW ¼ of Section 11, lying EASTERLY of the East right-of-way line of State Road #19. All book and page references are to the public records of Putnam County, Florida.

    Ord. No. 77-1, 2-10-1977

    Lot 1, Block 4 according to Husson's Addition to Palatka filed in Plat Book 1, pages 18 and 19 in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Putnam County, Florida. Together with that part of John Street (closed) see Deed Book 241, page 193, described as follows: From the NW corner of Lot 1 of said block run Northerly for a distance of 20 feet more or less to the center of John Street; return to the point of beginning. (2) Run thence Easterly along the Northerly line of Lot 1 to the NE corner of Lot 1 of said Block 4. (3) Thence run North 20 feet more or less to the center of John Street to the Northerly end of call (1) and to close. Being 5 acres more or less.

    EXCEPT those lands conveyed to Putnam County for right-of-way described in Official Records Book 63, page 592.

    Ord. No. 77-14, 9-22-1977

    Lot 14, ORMAN LEIGH ESTATES, according to plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 4 Page 157 of the public records of Putnam County, Florida.

    Ord. No. 77-17, 12-22-1977

    All that part of the Northeast ¼ of the Northwest ¼ of Section 11, Township 10 South, Range 26 East that lies West of the Westerly right-of-way line of the State Road No. 19, except that portion thereof lying in the right-of-way of the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad and those lands described in Official Records Book 37, Page 499 (Lemon Street extension) of the Public Records of Putnam County, Florida.

    Ord. No. 78-8, 8-24-1978

    From the quarter section corner on the Easterly boundary of Section 11, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, run North 1° 1′ West and along the Easterly boundary of said Section 11 a distance of 696 feet; thence run South 89° 9′ West a distance of 38 feet to a concrete marker; thence North 1° 1′ West a distance of 140 feet for the point of beginning of this description: (1) Run South 89° 9′ West, a distance of 127.5 feet; (2) thence North 1° 1′ West, a distance of 175 feet, more or less, to the lands described in Deed Book 231 page 584; (3) thence run North 89° 9′ East and along the South boundary of the lands described in Deed Book 231, page 584, 127.5 feet to the Westerly right-of-way line of Palm Avenue; (4) thence run South 1° 1′ East and along the West right-of-way line on Palm Avenue 175 feet, more or less to the point of beginning and to close.

    Ord. No. 78-9, 8-24-1978

    A tract of land situated in the N ½ of the S ½ of the SE ¼ of the NW ¼ of Section 10, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Southwest corner of the SE ¼ of the NW ¼ of Section 10, Township 10 South, Range 26 East and run thence Northerly, along the West line of said SE ¼ of the NW ¼, a distance of 332.67 feet to the Southwest corner of the N ½ of the S ½ of the SE ¼ of the NW ¼ of Section 10 and the point of beginning of this description. From point of beginning (1) continue Northerly, along said West line, a distance of 332.67 feet to the Northwest corner of the N ½ of the S ½ of the SE ¼ of the NW ¼ of Section 10; (2) thence Easterly, along the North line of said N ½ of the S ½ of the SE ¼ of the NW ¼, a distance of 1326.05 feet to the Northeast corner of the N ½ of the S ½ of the SE ¼ of the NW ¼ of Section 10; (3) thence Southerly, along the East line of said N ½ of the S ½ of the SE ¼ of the NW ¼, a distance of 332.22 feet to the Southeast corner of the N ½ of the S ½ of the SE ¼ of the NW ¼ of Section 10; (4) thence Westerly, along the South line of said N ½ of the S ½ of the SE ¼ of the NW ¼, a distance of 1325.45 feet to the point of beginning and to close.

    Ord. No. 79-15, 12-13-1979

    From the Northwest corner of the NW ¼ of the SE ¼ of Section 13, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, run South 1° 05′ East and along the Quarter Section Line for a distance of 990.05 feet to the point of beginning; thence (1) run North 89° 02′ East and along the North line of Lots 27 and 26 of Block 1 of Country Club Heights Subdivision, as per Map Book 4, page 30, for a distance of 150 feet to a point; thence (2) run North and parallel to the Quarter Section Line above mentioned 150 feet to a point; thence (3) run Westerly and parallel to Call #1 150 feet to the said Quarter Section Line; thence (4) run South 1° 5′ East, 150 feet to the point of beginning and to close.

    Excepting therefrom that part lying within the right-of-way of Husson Avenue.

    Ord. No. 80-1, 1-24-1980

    The SE ¼ of the SE ¼ of Section 3, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, except Book T, page 329 and Book 65, page 119, public records of Putnam County, Florida.

    Ord. No. 80-8, 7-24-1980

    A part of the SE ¼ of the NE ¼ of Section 11, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, more particularly described as follows, to wit: From the Northwest corner of the SE ¼ of the NE ¼ of Section 11, run South 30 feet to a P.R.M.: Thence run East 373 feet to a P.R.M. Set 30 feet South of the North line of the SE ¼ of the NE ¼ of said Section 11; thence run South along the West side of a 60 feet graded road for a distance of 200 feet to a P.R.M. and the point of beginning of this description: (1) Run thence South along the West side of said graded road for a distance of 100 feet to a point; (2) run thence West for a distance of 150 feet to a point; (3) run thence North for a distance of 100 feet to a P.R.M.; (4) run thence East for a distance of 150 feet to the point of beginning to close.

    Ord. No. 80-9, 7-24-1980

    NW ¼ of the NE ¼ of the SE ¼ of Section 13, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, subject to County Road on the North and East sides and Florida Power and Light Company right-of-way.

    Ord. No. 80-11, 8-28-1980

    A tract of land situated in the E ½ of the NW ¼ of the NE ¼ of the NE ¼ of Section 11, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, being a part of lands described in Deed Book 173, page 293 of the public records of Putnam County, Florida and being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Northwest corner of the E ½ of the NW ¼ of the NE ¼ of the NE ¼ of Section 11, Township 10 South, Range 26 East and run thence Southerly, along the West line of said E ½ of the NW ¼ of the NE ¼ of the NE ¼, a distance of 557.63 feet to the point of beginning of this description. From point of beginning (1) continue Southerly, along said West line, a distance of 102.37 feet, more or less, to the Southwest corner of the E ½ of the NW ¼ of the NE ¼ of Section 11. Return to the point of beginning and (2) run thence Easterly, parallel with the North line of said E ½ of the NW ¼ of the NE ¼ of the NE ¼, a distance of 143.0 feet, more or less, to the West right-of-way of a 30.0 foot Easement to the City of Palatka as described in O.R. Book 141, page 371, of said public records; (3) thence Southerly, along said West right-of-way, being parallel with the East line of the E ½ of the NW ¼ of the NE ¼ of the NE ¼ of Section 11 and at a distance of 187.0 feet Westerly therefrom, a distance of 102.37 feet, more or less, to the South line of the E ½ of the NW ¼ of the NE ¼ of the NE ¼ of Section 11; (4) thence Westerly, along said South line, a distance of 143.0 feet, more or less, to the Southerly end of call (1) and to close.

    Subject to Easement to City of Palatka described in O.R. Book 141, page 371 of the public records of Putnam County, Florida.

    Ord. No. 80-12, 10-23-1980

    All of Block 4, except Book 174, page 470, and O.R. Book 365, page 694 of J.J. Simpkins Subdivision, Map Book 1, page 114 a part of Section 1, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, according to the records of Putnam County, Florida. The property is zoned R-2.

    Ord. No. 80-17, 12-11-1980

    Lot 9 and the South 25 feet of Lot 10 Block B, Brooks S/D of Hussons Addition in N ½ of the NE ¼ of the NE ¼ of the SW ¼ of Section 12, Township 10 South, Range 26 East.

    Ord. No. 81-1, 1-22-1981

    Lot 6, Block 2, Jackson Heights Subdivision as per Map Book 4, page 53, public records of Putnam County, Florida.

    Ord. No. 81-2, 1-22-1981

    Being a part of the SE ¼ of NE ¼ of Section 11, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, particularly described as follows: From the Northwest corner of said SE ¼ of the NE ¼, run South 30 feet to a P.R.M.; thence run East 373 feet to a P.R.M. set 30 feet South of the North line of said SE ¼ of NE ¼; thence run South along the West line of a 60 foot graded road 100 feet to the point of beginning of this description; (1) thence run South 100 feet to a P.R.M.; (2) thence run West 150 feet; (3) thence run North 100 feet; (4) thence run East 150 feet to the point of beginning.

    Ord. No. 81-3, 1-22-1981

    Lot 5, Block 2, Jackson Heights Subdivision, as per Map Book 4, page 53, public records of Putnam County, Florida.

    Ord. No. 81-5, 3-26-1981

    A tract of land situated in the NE ¼ of the NW ¼ of Section 11, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the Easterly right-of-way of State Road 19 at a distance of 200 feet Southwesterly of P.I. of the intersection of the Easterly right-of-way of State Road 19 and the Southerly right-of-way of St. Johns Avenue and (1) continue Southwesterly along the Easterly right-of-way a distance of 200 feet; (2) thence Easterly parallel with the right-of-way of St. Johns Avenue a distance of 200 feet; (3) thence Northeasterly parallel with the right-of-way of State Road 19, a distance of 200 feet; (4) thence Westerly parallel with the right-of-way of St. Johns Avenue a distance of 200 feet to P.O.B. and to close.

    Together with an easement for ingress and egress 16 feet in width the East line of which is described as follows: Beginning at the Northeasterly corner of the above described lands and (1) run Northeasterly, parallel with the right-of-way of State Road 19 a distance of 200 feet to the Southerly right-of-way of St. Johns Avenue and the termination of this description.

    Ord. No. 81-6, 3-26-1981

    A tract of land situated in the SW ¼ of Section 3, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Southwest corner of Section 3, Township 10 South, Range 26 East and run thence Easterly, along the South line of the SW ¼ of said Section, a distance of 945.0 feet to the point of beginning of this description. From point of beginning (1) continue Easterly, along said South line, a distance of 666.0 feet; (2) thence Northerly, parallel with the West line of said SW ¼, a distance of 1310.0 feet, more or less, to intersect with call #5 of that certain Boundary line agreement described in O.R. Book 183, page 177 of said public records. Return to the point of beginning and (3) run thence Northerly, parallel with said West line, a distance of 1310.0 feet, more or less, to intersect with call #5 of said Boundary line agreement described in O.R. Book 183, Page 177; (4) thence Easterly, along call #5, of said boundary line agreement, a distance of 666.0 feet, more or less, to the Northerly end of call (2) and to close.

    Excepting therefrom lands described in O.R. Book 350, page 1234 of the public records of Putnam County, Florida.

    Containing 18.0 acres, more or less.

    Ord. No. 81-14, 7-23-1981

    The SW ¼ of the NE ¼ of the SE ¼ of Section 13, Township 10 South, Range 26 East.

    Ord. No. 81-15, 7-23-1981

    Commencing at 250 feet East of the West section line on the Southwest corner of the NW ¼ of the NW ¼ of Section 11, Township 10, Range 26; thence run West 66 feet, thence North 660 feet, thence East 66 feet, thence South 660 feet to point of beginning. Being in the W ½ of the NW ¼ of Section 11, Township 10 South, Range 26 East. Also: That part of the NW ¼ of the NW ¼ of Section 11, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, commence at the Northeast corner of said NW ¼ of the NW ¼ of Section 11, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, and thence run South 1° 06′ 15″ East and along the East line of said quarter quarter section a distance of 1003.20 feet to a concrete monument; thence run South 89° 00′ 45″ West a distance of 684.09 feet to a concrete monument and the point of beginning; (1) thence run North 1° 06′ 15″ West a distance of 1003.20 feet to the North line of the said quarter quarter section; (2) thence run South 89° 00′ 45″ West a distance of 228.03 feet to a point; (3) thence run South 1° 06′ 15″ East a distance of 1003.20 feet to a concrete monument; (4) thence turn North 89° 00′ 45″ East a distance of 228.03 feet to the point of beginning, to close.

    Excepting therefrom so much thereof as lies within road and railroad rights-of-way.

    Ord. No. 81-16, 7-23-1981

    All of Block 5, except Lot 2 of "Palm Heights" A.M. Ray's Subdivision of part of the W ½ of the NW ¼ of the NW ¼ of Section 12, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, as per map thereof recorded in Map Book 2, page 40, in the office of the clerk of the circuit court of Putnam County, Florida.

    Ord. No. 81-26, 10-21-1981

    Lots 1 through 8, Block 7, Palm Heights as per Map Book 2, page 40, public records of Putnam County, Florida.

    Ord. No. 81-27, 11-21-1981

    Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, Block H, Tuckers Addition to Palatka Heights as per Map Book 2, page 40, public records of Putnam County, Florida.

    Ord. No. 82-1, 1-14-1982

    A tract of land situated in the W ½ of the NE ¼ of Section 2, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, being a part of Lot 4 of a Subdivision of said W ½ of the NE ¼, recorded in Miscellaneous Map Book 1, page 83 of the public records of Putnam County, Florida and being more particularly described as follows:

    Commencing at the Northeast corner of the W ½ of the NE ¼ of Section 2, Township 10 South, Range 26 East and run thence Westerly, along the North line of said NE ¼, a distance of 897.60 feet (13.60 chains) to the Northwest corner of Lot 4 of said subdivision. Thence Southerly, along the West line of Lot 4, being parallel with the East line of the W ½ of the NE ¼ of Section 2, a distance of 2203.73 feet to a concrete monument on the Southerly right-of-way of State Road #100 and the point of beginning of this description. From point of beginning (1) continue Southerly, along said West line, being parallel with the East line of the W ½ of the NE ¼ of Section 2, a distance of 319.535 feet to a concrete monument; (2) thence Easterly, perpendicular to said West line, a distance of 52.55 feet to a concrete monument on the Westerly right-of-way of State Road #19; (3) thence Northeasterly, along said Westerly right-of-way, a distance of 166.196 feet to a concrete monument at the P.C. of a curve, concave to the Southwest, having a radius of 100.0 feet and a central angle of 97° 16′; (4) thence along said curve, being along the right-of-way of a turnout or return connecting the Westerly right-of-way of State Road #19 with the Southerly right-of-way of State Road #100, an arc distance of 169.76 feet to the P.T. of said curve, being on the Southerly right-of-way of State Road #100; (5) thence Westerly, along said Southerly right-of-way, a distance of 88.72 feet to the point of beginning and to close.

    Ord. No. 82-9, 5-27-1982

    Lot 1, Block E, Rolling Hills Subdivision as per plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 4, page 137, public records of Putnam County Florida.

    Ord. No. 82-20, 11-23-1982

    A tract of land situated in the SE ¼ of the NW ¼ of Section 11, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, being more particularly described as follows:

    Commencing at the Southwest corner of the SE ¼ of the NW ¼ of Section 11, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, and run thence Easterly along the South line of said SE ¼ of the NW ¼, a distance of 440.0 feet. Thence Northerly, parallel with the Western line of said SE ¼ of the NW ¼ a distance of 50.17 feet, more or less, to the Northerly right-of-way of State Road 20 and the point of beginning of this description. From point of beginning (1) continue Northerly, parallel with said West line a distance of 496.5 feet to the Southwest corner of lands described in Deed Book 231, page 160 of said public records; (2) thence Easterly, along the South line of said lands, being the North line of lands described in Deed Book 222, page 594, a distance of 185.5 feet to the Northeast corner of lands described in Deed Book 222, page 594. Return to the point of beginning and (3) run Easterly, along the Northerly right-of-way of State Road 20, a distance of 141.5 feet to the Southwest corner of lands described in Deed Book 218, page 320 of said public records; (4) thence Northerly, along the West line of said lands, a distance of 77.0 feet to the Northwest corner thereof; (5) thence Easterly, along the North line of said lands and on an Easterly projection thereof, a distance of 43.0 feet to the Southeasterly corner of lands described in Deed Book 222, page 594; (6) thence Northerly, along the East line of said lands, a distance of 419.5 feet to the Easterly end of Call (2) and to close.

    Subject to 16.5 foot easement to American Telephone and Telegraph Company described in Deed Book 170, page 50 of the public records of Putnam County, Florida.

    Excepting therefrom lands described in Official Records Book 366, page 773 of the public records of Putnam County, Florida.

    Ord. No. 82-21, 11-23-1982

    Lots 2 and 3, Block E, Clarke and Browning Subdivision as per Plat Book 2, page 27, public records of Putnam County, Florida.

    Ord. No. 82-22, 11-23-1982

    From the Southwest corner of the SE ¼ of SE ¼ of NW ¼ of Section 10, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, run North and along the West line of the said SE ¼ of SE ¼ of NW ¼ a distance of 50 feet to the Northerly right-of-way line of State Road 20, being the point of beginning; (1) thence continue North and along the said West line a distance of 126 feet to the Southwest corner of the tract described in Official Records Book 227, page 223 of the public records of Putnam County, Florida; (2) thence run East and along the South line of the said tract a distance of 143 feet to the Southeast corner thereof; (3) thence run North and along the East line of the said tract a distance of 164 feet more or less to the North line of the South 330 feet of the said SE ¼ of SE ¼ of NW ¼; (4) thence run East a distance of 55 feet to the East line of the West 198 feet of the SE ¼ of SE ¼ of NW ¼; (5) thence run South and along the said East line a distance of 280 feet more or less to the Northerly right-of-way line of State Road 20; (6) thence run Westerly and along the said Northerly right-of-way line a distance of 198 feet to the point of beginning and to close.

    Subject to easements and right-of-way for roads and public utilities.

    Subject to restrictions and conditions contained in deed from State of Florida, through the trustees of the internal improvement fund of the State of Florida to Harold G. Schlecht, dated January 21, 1943 and recorded in Deed Book 141, page 193, of the public records of Putnam County, Florida.

    Ord. No. 83-6, 3-24-1983

    The N ½ of the NW ¼ of the SE ¼ of the NW ¼ of Section 11, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, Putnam County, Florida. Including that certain tract of land described in Official Records Book 374, page 1608. Less and except, that part of the above described land lying within the right-of-way of State Road 19 as described in that certain Order Of Taking recorded in Official Records Book 81, page 275. Also, less and except, that certain tract of land more particularly described in Official Records Book 384, page 1076. All references are according to the public records of Putnam County, Florida.

    Ord. No. 83-12, 4-28-1983

    Lot 8 Arden Heights Subdivision, as per Map Book 5, page 19 of the public records of Putnam County, Florida.

    Ord. No. 84-3, 3-8-1984

    A tract of land situated in the NE ¼ of the SW ¼ of Section 2, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, being more particularly described as follows:

    Beginning at the intersection of the South line of the NE ¼ of the SE ¼ of Section 2, Township 10 South, Range 26 East with the Westerly right-of-way of State Road 19, said point being 520.72 feet Westerly, as measured along the South line from the SE corner of the NE ¼ of the SW ¼ of Section 2 and being on a curve, concave to the Southeast, having a radius of 5829.65 feet and a central angle of 11° 04′, and (1) thence run Northerly, along said curve, an arc distance of 171.08 feet to the P.T. of said curve. (2) Thence run N 27° 48′ 02″ E, along the Northwesterly right-of-way of State Road #19, a distance of 907.88 feet to intersect with the East line of the NE ¼ of the SW ¼ of Section 2. (3) Thence run N 1° 11′ 29″ W, along said East line, a distance of 380.60 feet to the NE corner of said NE ¼ of the SW ¼. (4) Thence run S 89° 01′ 49″ W, along the North line of the NE ¼ of the SW ¼ of Section 2, a distance of 1328.64 feet to the NW corner of said NE ¼ of the SW ¼. (5) Thence run S 1° 11′ 12″ E, along the West line of the NE ¼ of the SW ¼ of Section 2, a distance of 1327.695 feet to the SW corner of said NE ¼ of the SW ¼. (6) Thence run N 89° 01′ 17″ E, along the South line of the NE ¼ of the SW ¼ of Section 2, a distance of 808.025 feet to the point of beginning and to close.

    And a parcel of land lying in Block 2 of Sunny Gardens Subdivision of a part of the North ½ of the NW ¼ of the SE ¼ of Section 2, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, as per plat thereof recorded in Map Book 3, Page 108 of the Public Records of Putnam County, Florida, being more particularly described as follows:

    As a point of reference, commence at a point lying at the intersection of the South line of the NE ¼ of the SW ¼ of Section 2, Township 10 South, Range 26 East with the Westerly right-of-way of State Road 19, said point being 520.72 feet Westerly, as measured along said South line from the SE corner of the NE ¼ of the SW ¼ of Section 2 and being on a curve concave to the SE, having a radius of 5829.65 feet and a central angle of 11° 04′, thence run Northerly along said curve, an arc distance of 171.08 feet to the P.T. of said curve, thence run North 27° 48′ 02″ East, along the Northwesterly right-of-way of State Road 19, a distance of 907.88 feet to intersect with the East line of the NE ¼ of the SW ¼ of Section 2, at which point lies the Point of Beginning of the parcel conveyed; thence from said Point of Beginning, continue to run North 27° 48′ 02″ East along the Northwesterly right-of-way of State Road 19, a distance of 65.0 feet; thence run North 62° 11′ 58″ West a distance of 36.018 feet; thence run South 01° 11′ 29″ East a distance of 74.31 feet to the end of the herein [described] parcel.

    Subject to A.T.&T. Co. Cable right-of-way as described in Deed Book 170, page 267, of the public records of Putnam County, Florida.

    And subject to Drainage Easement to Putnam County over and across the Easterly 30.0 feet thereof.

    Containing 34.9 acres, more or less, inclusive of said right-of-way Easement.

    Ord. No. 84-5, 4-26-1984

    A tract of land situated in the SW ¼ of the SE ¼ of Section 3, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, and being more particularly described as follows:

    Commencing at the SE corner of the SW ¼ of the SE ¼ of said Section 3, and run thence Westerly along the South line of said Section, a distance of 66.0 feet. Thence run Northerly, along the Westerly right-of-way of a 66.0 ft. County road as described in O.R. Book 146 at page 223 of the public records of Putnam County, Florida, and parallel with the East line of the SW ¼ of the SE ¼ of said Section 3, a distance of 721.05 feet to the point of beginning of this description. From point of beginning (1) continue Northerly along said County road, and parallel with said East line, a distance of 285.0 feet; (2) Thence run Westerly perpendicular to said Westerly right-of-way, a distance of 150.0 feet; (3) Thence run Southerly, parallel with the East line of the SW ¼ of the SE ¼ of said Section 3, a distance of 285.0 feet; (4) Thence run Easterly, perpendicular to call (3) a distance of 150.0 feet to the point of beginning and to close.

    Ord. No. 84-6, 4-26-1984

    Parcel 1

    The Southeast ¼ of Southwest ¼ East of State Road #19 (except that part described in Deed Book 176, page 282) of Section 2, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, Putnam County, Florida.

    Parcel 2

    A strip of Seaboard Systems Railroad (Grantor's) right-of-way being 120 feet wide, 60 feet each side of Grantor's former Palatka-Brooksville main line track beginning at the East right-of-way line of State Road 19 and extending 600 feet Easterly lying in the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 2, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, and the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 11, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, Putnam County, Florida, containing 1.65 acres, more or less.

    Parcel 3

    The East 330 feet of the SE ¼ of the SW ¼ of Section 2, Township 10 South, Range 26 East.

    Including the right-of-way for St. Johns Avenue starting along the East right-of-way of State Road 19 and proceeding East for 877.51 ft.

    Ord. No. 84-8, 6-14-1984

    The Westerly 198 feet of the South ½ of the SE ¼ of the SE ¼ of the NW ¼ of Section 10, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, Except that portion thereof sold to R.E. Newberry, et ux, Deed Book 168, page 214, Except that portion sold to S.K. Rich, Deed Book 179, page 63, public records of Putnam County, FL. Subject to any portion of the above described property lying within the right-of-way of that certain unnamed roadway running North and South on the West side thereof from the above described property to State Road 20 as shown on McLaury's subdivision (West Palatka), as shown in Miscellaneous Map Book 1, page 1, of the public records of Putnam County, Florida.

    Ord. No. 84-14, 7-26-1984

    That part of the NW ¼ of the [NW] ¼ of Section 11, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, described as follows: Commence at the Northeast corner of the NW ¼ of the NW ¼ of Section 11, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, and thence run South 1° 6′ 15″ East and along the East line of said quarter section a distance of 1003.20 feet to a concrete monument thence run South 89° 0′ 45″ West a distance of 228.03 feet to a concrete monument and the point of beginning; (1) thence run North 1″6′ 15″ West a distance of 1003.20 feet to the North line of the said quarter section; (2) thence run South 89° 0′ 45″ West a distance of 228.03 feet to a point; (3) thence run South 1° 6′ 15″ East a distance of 1003.20 feet to a concrete monument; (4) thence run North 89° 0′ 45″ East a distance of 228.03 feet to the point of beginning to close.

    Excepting therefrom so much thereof as lies within road and railroad rights-of-way.

    Ord. No. 84-17, 9-13-1984

    The South 330 feet of the SE one-quarter of the NE one-quarter of the NE one-quarter of Section 11, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, excepting the South 30 feet thereof, lying in the right-of-way of Kennedy Street as described in O.R. Book 36, page 515, public records of Putnam County, Florida.

    Ord. No. 85-3, 2-14-1985

    A tract of land lying between and being a part of the SE ¼ of the SE ¼ of Section 3, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, Putnam County, Florida more particularly described as follows: Begin at the Southwest corner of the SE ¼ of the SE ¼ of said Section 3 and thence run East along the South line of the SE ¼ of the SE ¼ of said Section 3, a distance of 3.16 chains (208.56 feet); thence run North parallel to the West line of the SE ¼ of the SE ¼ of said Section 3, a distance of 15.82 chains (1044.12 feet); thence run West parallel to the South line of the SE ¼ of said Section 3, a distance of 3.16 chains (208.56 feet); thence run South, along the West line of the SE ¼ of the SE ¼ of said Section 3, a distance of 15.82 chains (1044.12 feet) to the point of the beginning to close.

    Ord. No. 85-15, 9-12-1985

    Part of Section 9, Township 10 South, Range 26 East. The West ½ of the West ½ of the Southeast ¼ all lying North of State Road 20 in Putnam County, Florida. Excepting therefrom the Northerly 210 feet of the Westerly 103.71 feet.

    Ord. No. 85-16, 9-12-1985

    A part of the Northeast ¼ of the Southwest ¼ and a part of the Southeast ¼ of the Southwest ¼ and a part of the Northwest ¼ of the Southwest ¼ of the Southeast ¼ all of Section 9, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, Putnam County, Florida, being more particularly described as follows:

    For a Point of Beginning commence at the Northwest corner of said Northwest ¼ of the Southwest ¼ of the Southeast ¼; thence South 89° 18′ 40″ East along the Northerly line of said Northwest ¼ of the Southwest ¼ of the Southeast ¼, a distance of 25.00 feet; thence South 34° 35′ 51″ East, a distance of 47.15 feet; thence South 04° 39′ 39″ East, a distance of 258.90 feet to the Northerly right-of-way line of State Road No. 20; thence South 70° 16′ 21″ West, along said Northerly right-of-way line of State Road No. 20, a distance of 77.35 feet to the Westerly line of said Northwest ¼ of the Southwest ¼ of the Southeast ¼; thence North, along said Westerly line of said Northwest ¼ of the Southwest ¼ of the Southeast ¼ a distance of 179.55 feet; thence North 24° 05′ 47″ West, a distance of 158.18 feet to the Southerly line of said Northeast ¼ of the Southwest ¼; thence North 89° 23′ 58″ West, along said Southerly line of said Northeast ¼ of the Southwest ¼, a distance of 516.75 feet to the Southwest corner of the lands described in Deed Book 203, page 176 of the public records of said county; thence North 00° 21′ 56″ East, along said Westerly line of said lands described in Deed Book 203, page 176, and along the Westerly line of the lands intended to have been described in Official Records Book 247, page 210 of said public records, a distance of 748.93 feet to the Northwest corner of said lands intended to have been described in Official Records Book 247, page 210; thence South 89° 17′ 08″ East, along the Northerly line of said lands intended to have been described in Official Records Book 247, page 210, and along the Northerly line of said lands described in Deed Book 203, page 176, a distance of 280.49 feet to the Southwest corner of the lands intended to have been described in Official Records Book 183, page 574 of said public records; thence North 00° 21′ 56″ East, along the Westerly line of said lands intended to have been described in Official Records Book 183, page 574, a distance of 165.00 feet to the Northwest corner of said lands intended to have been described in Official Records Book 183, page 574; thence South 89° 17′ 08″ East, along the Northerly line of said lands intended to have been described in Official Records Book 183, page 574, a distance of 295.02 feet to the Easterly line of said Northeast ¼ of the Southwest ¼; thence South, along said Easterly line of said Northeast ¼ of the Southwest ¼, a distance of 912.83 feet to the Point of Beginning. Containing 11.60 acres, more or less.

    Ord. No. 85-17, 9-12-1985

    A 200-foot-deep strip on the North boundary of the following descriptive parcel: The East ½ of the West ½ of the Southeast ¼ of Section 9, Township 10 South, Range 26 East that lies North of the right-of-way line of State Highway 20, formerly State Highway 14.

    Ord. No. 85-18, 9-12-1985

    College Park Shopping Center

    A part of the West ½ of the Northwest ¼ of the Southwest ¼ of Section 11, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, in Putnam County, Florida, being more particularly described as follows:

    Commencing at the intersection of the South line of State Road 20 and the West line of said Southwest ¼ of Section 11, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, run Easterly along the South right-of-way line of said State Road 20 a distance of 142.0 feet to the Point of Beginning of this description; thence continue Easterly along the South line of said State Road 20 for a distance of 158.0 feet to a point; thence run South and parallel to the West line of said Southwest ¼ of Section 11, Township 10 South, Range 26 East a distance of 130.0 feet to a point; thence run Westerly and parallel to the South line of said State Road 20 a distance of 158.0 feet to a point; thence run Northerly and parallel to said West line of the Southwest ¼ of Section 11, Township 10 South, Range 26 East to the Point of Beginning and close. Contains 0.47 acres, more or less.

    Ord. No. 85-19, 9-12-1985

    A part of the Northwest ¼ of the Southwest ¼ of Section 11, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, Putnam County, Florida, being more particularly described as follows:

    For a Point of Beginning commence at the point of intersection of the Southerly right-of-way line of State Road No. 20, a 100-foot right-of-way and the Westerly line of said Section 11; thence Easterly along said Southerly right-of-way line of State Road No. 20, a distance of 142.00 feet; thence Southerly parallel with said Westerly line of Section 11, a distance of 130.00 feet; thence Westerly parallel with said Southerly right-of-way line of State Road No. 20, a distance of 142.00 feet to said Westerly line of Section 11; thence Northerly along said Westerly line of Section 11, a distance of 130.00 feet to the Point of Beginning. Containing 0.42 acres, more or less.

    Ord. No. 86-7, 5-22-1986

    A tract of land situated in the Northwest ¼ of the Southwest ¼ of Section 11, Township 10 South, Range 26 East and being more particularly described is [as] follows:

    Commencing at the Northwest corner of the Southwest ¼ of Section 11, and run thence Easterly, along the North line of said Southwest ¼, a distance of 555.0 feet. Thence run Southerly, parallel with the West line of the Southwest ¼ of said Section 11, a distance of 86.93 feet, more or less, to the Southerly right-of-way of State Road No. 20, and the Point of Beginning of this description. From Point of Beginning (1) continue Southerly, parallel with said West line, a distance of 150.0 feet. (2) Thence run Easterly, parallel with the North line of said Southwest ¼, a distance of 150.0 feet, more or less, to the Westerly right-of-way of State Road No. 19. (3) Thence run Northerly and Westerly, along the right-of-ways of State Roads No. 19 and No. 20, to the Point of Beginning and to close.

    Ord. No. 86-8, 5-22-1986

    A tract of land situated in the Northwest ¼ of the Southwest ¼ of Section 11, Township 10 South, Range 26 East and being more particularly described as follows:

    Beginning at the Northwesterly corner of lands described in O.R. Book 367, page 1649 being the Southwest corners of lands described in O.R. Book 195, page 343 and parcel No. 2 of lands described in O.R. Book 181, page 248 of the public records of Putnam County, Florida, and (1) run thence Westerly, along the Southerly lines of lands described in O.R. Book 195, page 343, parcel No. 2 of O.R. Book 181, page 248 and O.R. Book 323, page 762, a distance of 55.0 feet. Return to the Point of Beginning, and (2) run Southerly, along the Westerly line of lands described in O.R. Book 367, page 1649 being parallel with the Westerly right-of-way of State Road No. 19, a distance of 60.0 feet to the Southwesterly corner of said lands. (3) Thence Easterly, along the Southerly line of said lands being parallel with the North line of the Southwest ¼ of Section 11, a distance of 125.0 feet to the Westerly right-of-way of State Road No. 19. (4) Thence Southerly, along said Westerly right-of-way, a distance of 40.0 feet. (5) Thence Westerly, parallel with the North line of the Southwest ¼ of Section 11, a distance of 181.21 feet more or less, to intersect with a line connecting the Westerly end of call (1) above with the Northerly end of call No. 2 of an easement for drainage and water retention purposes of part of Tract No. 2 of lands described in O.R. Book 445, page 355 of said public records. (6) Thence Northeasterly, along said line, a distance of 100.37 feet more or less, to the Westerly end of call (1) and to close.

    Reserving unto the grantors, their heirs and assigns, an easement for ingress and egress along the Southerly 15.0 feet thereof.

    Reserving unto the grantors, their heirs and assigns, an easement 10.0 feet in width, the centerline of which is described as follows:

    Beginning 5.0 feet Easterly, as measured parallel with the North line of the Southwest ¼ of Section 11, from the center of an existing sanitary sewer manhole near the Northwest corner of the above described lands, and (1) run thence Westerly, parallel with the North line of the Southwest ¼ of Section 11, to the Westerly line of the above described lands and the termination of this easement.

    Containing 0.23 acres, more or less, inclusive of said easements.

    No building shall be constructed nearer than 25.0 feet from the Westerly right-of-way of State Road No. 19.

    [Also,] a tract of land situated in the Northwest ¼ of the Southwest ¼ of Section 11, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, and being more particularly described as follows:

    Commencing at the Northwest corner of the Southwest ¼ of Section 11, run thence Easterly along the North line of said Southwest ¼, a distance of 555.0 feet. Thence run Southerly, parallel with the West line of the Southwest ¼ of said Section 11, a distance of 236.93 feet more or less to a concrete monument; thence run Easterly, parallel with the North line of said Southwest ¼, a distance of 18.37 feet to the Point of Beginning of this description. Thence (1) continue Easterly and parallel with the North line of the Southwest ¼ of Section 11 a distance of 125.0 feet to the Westerly right-of-way line of State Road No. 19, thence (2) run Southerly along the Westerly right-of-way line of State Road No. 19 a distance of 60.0 feet, thence (3) run Westerly and parallel with the North line of the Southwest ¼ of Section 11, a distance of 125.0 feet, thence (4) run Northerly and parallel with the Westerly right-of-way line of State Road No. 19 a distance of 60.0 feet to the Westerly end of call (1) and to close.

    Ord. No. 86-9, 6-26-1986

    Part of the Northwest ¼ of the Southwest ¼ of Section 11, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, being more particularly described as follows:

    Beginning at the Northwest corner of the tract described in O.R. Book 195, page 343, of the public records of Putnam County, Florida; (1) thence run Westerly and along the Southerly right-of-way line of State Road 20 a distance of 125 feet to a point. Return to the Point of Beginning and (2) thence run South and along the West line of the said tract described in O.R. Book 195, page 343, a distance of 150 feet to a point; (3) thence run Westerly and parallel to call (1) above a distance of 125 feet to a point; (4) thence run North and in a straight line a distance of 150 feet to the Westerly end of call (1) and to close.

    Ord. No. 86-10, 6-26-1986

    A tract of land situated in the Northwest ¼ of the Southwest ¼ of Section 11, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, being more particularly described as follows:

    Commencing at the Southwest corner of the Northwest ¼ of the Southwest ¼ of Section 11, Township 10 South, Range 26 East and run thence Northerly, along the West line of said Northwest ¼ of the Southwest ¼, a distance of 715.0 feet. Thence Easterly, parallel with the South line of the Northwest ¼ of the Southwest ¼ of Section 11, a distance of 219.82 feet. Thence Northerly, parallel with said West line, a distance of 55.0 feet to the Point of Beginning of this description. From Point of Beginning (1) run thence Easterly, parallel with the South line of the Northwest ¼ of the Southwest ¼ of Section 11, a distance of 369.55 feet to the Northwesterly right-of-way of State Road No. 19. Return to the Point of Beginning and (2) run thence Westerly, parallel with said South line, a distance of 65.0 feet. (3) Thence Northerly, parallel with the West line of the Northwest ¼ of the Southwest ¼ of Section 11, a distance of 68.0 feet, more or less, to intersect with the South line of Parcel No. 1 of lands described in O.R. Book 181, page 248 of the public records of Putnam County, Florida. (4) Thence Easterly, along said South line, a distance of 225.2 feet, more or less, to the Southeast corner of Parcel No. 1 of lands described in O.R. Book 181, page 248. (5) Thence Northerly, along the East line of said lands, being parallel with the West line of the Northwest ¼ of the Southwest ¼ of Section 11, a distance of 300.0 feet to the Northeast corner of Parcel No. 1 of lands described in O.R. Book 181, page 248. (6) Thence Westerly, along the North line of said lands, a distance of 40.0 feet to the Southeast corner of lands described in O.R. Book 402, page 386 of said public records. (7) Thence Northerly, along the East line of said lands, a distance of 100.0 feet to the Southerly right-of-way of State Road No. 20. (8) Thence Easterly, along said Southerly right-of-way, a distance of 90.0 feet, more or less, to the Northwest corner of lands described in O.R. Book 323, page 762 of said public records. (9) Thence Southerly, along the West line of said lands, being parallel with the West line of the Northwest ¼ of the Southwest ¼ of Section 11, a distance of 150.0 feet to the Southwest corner of lands described in O.R. Book 323, page 762. (10) Thence Easterly, along the South line of said lands, a distance of 88.0 feet, more or less, to the Northwest corner of lands described in O.R. Book 462, page 1491 of said public records. (11) Thence Southwesterly, along the Westerly line of said lands, a distance of 100.37 feet, more or less, to the Southwesterly corner of lands described in O.R. Book 462, page 1491. (12) Thence Easterly, along the South line of said lands, being parallel with the North line of the Northwest ¼ of the Southwest ¼ of Section 11, a distance of 181.21 feet, more or less, to the Southeasterly carrier of lands described in O.R. Book 462, page 1491 on the Northwesterly right-of-way of State Road No. 19. (13) Thence Southwesterly, along said Northwesterly right-of-way, a distance of 68.0 feet, more or less, to the P.C. of a curve, concave to the Northwest, having a radius of 2764.93 feet and a central angle of 33° 42′. (14) Thence along said curve, being the Northwesterly right-of-way of State Road No. 19, an arc distance of 172.0 feet, more or less, to the Easterly end of call (1) and to close.

    Together with easements reserved in lands described in O.R. Book 445, page 355 and O.R. Book 462, page 1491 of the public records of Putnam County, Florida.

    Subject to that part thereof lying within easement for drainage and water retention described in O.R. Book 445, page 355 of said public records.

    Ord. No. 86-15, 8-28-1986

    A tract of land situated in the Northwest ¼ of the Southwest ¼ of Section 11, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, being more particularly described as follows:

    Commencing at the Northeast corner of the Northwest ¼ of the Southwest ¼ of Section 11, Township 10 South, Range 26 East and run thence Westerly, along the North line of said Northwest ¼ of the Southwest ¼, a distance of 30.0 feet. Thence Southerly, parallel with the East line of the Northwest ¼ of the Southwest ¼ of Section 11, being along the West line of lands described in Deed Book 204, page 101, and the East line of lands described in O.R. Book 257, page 477 of the public records of Putnam County, Florida, a distance of 282.47 feet, more or less, to the Southeast corner of lands described in O.R. Book 257, page 447 and the point of beginning of this description. From point beginning (1) continue Southerly, parallel with the East line of the Northwest ¼ of the Southwest ¼ of Section 11 and at a distance of 30.0 feet Westerly therefrom, being along the West line of lands described in Deed Book 204, page 101, a distance of 717.0 feet, more or less, to intersect with the North line of the South ½ of the Southeast ¼ of the Northwest ¼ of the Southwest ¼ of Section 11 at the Northeast corner of lands described in Deed Book 209, page 150 of said public records. (2) Thence Westerly, along the North line of said South ½ of the Southeast ¼ of the Northwest ¼ of the Southwest ¼, being along the North line of lands described in Deed Book 209, page 150, a distance of 370.0 feet to the Northwest corner of lands described in Deed Book 209, page 150. (3) Thence Southerly, along the West line of said lands, a distance of 330.0 feet, more or less, to the Southwest corner of lands described in Deed book 209, page 150 on the South line of the Northwest ¼ of the Southwest ¼ of Section 11. (4) Thence Westerly, along said South line, a distance of 543.3 feet, more or less, to the Southeasterly right-of-way of State Road No. 19, being on the arc of a curve, concave to the Northwest, having a radius of 2,964.93 feet and a central angle of 33° 42′. (5) Thence Northeasterly, along said curve and said Southeasterly right-of-way, an arc distance of 985.0 feet, more or less, to the P.T. of said curve. (6) Thence Northerly, along the Easterly right-of-way of State Road No. 19, a distance of 250.0 feet, more or less, to the most Westerly corner of lands described in O.R. Book 152, page 117 of said public records. (7) Thence Easterly, along the Southerly line of said lands, a distance of 264.69 feet, more or less, to the Northerly end of call No. 3 of lands described in O.R. Book 257, page 477. (8) Thence Southerly, along call No. 3 of said lands, a distance of 70.9 feet, more or less, to the Southwest corner of lands described in O.R. Book 257, page 477. (9) Thence Easterly, along the South line of said lands, a distance of 125.0 feet to the point of beginning and to close.

    Subject to the right-of-way of a paved County Road (Third Avenue) along call (4) of the above described lands.

    Containing 12.75 acres, more or less, inclusive of right-of-way of paved County Road.

    Ord. No. 86-26, 10-23-1986

    A part of the West ½ of the Northwest ¼ of Section 11, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, more particularly described as follows:

    From the Northwest corner of Section 11, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, run South, along the West line of said Section for a distance of 1,848 feet to the Southwest corner of the tract of land described in Deed Book 66, page 530, being also the Northerly end of call no. 1 of Parcel No. 2 described in that certain final decree recorded in Chancery Order Book 45, page 155, for the point of beginning of this description. (1) Run thence East along the course of call no. 2 of Parcel No. 2 in that certain final decree recorded in Chancery Order Book 45, page 155, for a distance of 330 feet to a concrete marker at the Easterly end of the aforesaid call no. 2; (2) Thence run North and along the course of call no. 3 of the said tract and along a Northerly prolongation thereof a distance of 1,244 feet to the South line of the tract more particularly described in Deed Book 64, page 562; (3) Thence run East and along the South line of the said tract described in Deed Book 64, page 562, a distance of 31 feet to a concrete monument at the Southeast corner of the said tract; (4) Thence run North and along the East line of the said tract described in Deed Book 64, page 562, a distance of 280.5 [feet], more or less, to the South line of the tract more particularly described in Deed Book 31, page 510; (5) Thence run East and along the South line of the tract more particularly described in Deed Book 34, page 540, a distance of 61.51 feet, more or less, to intersect the West line of the tract more particularly described in Deed Book 19, page 39; (6) Thence run North and along the said West line a distance of 270 feet to the Northeast corner of the tract more particularly described in Deed Book 34, page 540; (7) Thence run West and along the North line of the said tract described in Deed Book 31, page 540, a distance of 429 feet, more or less, to the Northwest corner of the tract more particularly described in Deed Book 34, page 540; (8) Thence run South along the West line of the said Section 11 a distance of 1,788 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning to close.

    Except any part thereof lying within the right-of-way of the Atlantic Coast Line Railway; also except the parts thereof heretofore conveyed for right-of-way purposes by those certain deeds recorded in Official Records Book 38, at page 119 and 121 respectively. All book and page references are to the Public Records of Putnam County, Florida.

    And further excepting therefrom that part thereof described as follows: From the Northwest corner of Section 11, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, run South, along the West line of said Section for a distance of 596.47 feet to a point, run thence East for a distance of 50 feet to a concrete marker set on the East right-of-way line of the County Road as granted in Official Records Book 38, page 121, of the Public Records of Putnam County, Florida, which concrete marker is set 420 feet Southerly of the South right-of-way line of St. Johns Avenue, for the point of beginning of this exception. (1) Run thence North 88° 53′ 43″ East for a distance of 280 feet to a concrete marker. (2) Run thence South 1° 04′ 11″ East, along the East line of lands first above described, for a distance of 450 feet to a concrete marker. (3) Run thence South 88° 53′ 43″ West for a distance of 280 feet to a concrete marker set on the East right-of-way line of said County Road. (4) Run thence North along the East right-of-way line of said County Road for a distance of 450 feet to the point of beginning to close.

    Ord. No. 87-2, 1-22-1987

    Lots 1, 3, 5 and 7, Thames Subdivision of North 908 feet of East 377 feet of Northwest ¼ of Northeast ¼ of Section 11, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, Putnam County, Florida as recorded in Map Book 3, page 198 of the public records of Putnam County, Florida excepting therefrom that part of said Lots 1 and 3 lying in St. Johns Avenue as now established together with Lots A and 15, Arden Heights Subdivision as recorded in Map Book 5, page 19 of the public records of Putnam County, Florida.

    Ord. No. 87-10, 5-28-1987

    Parcel 1

    A tract of land situated in the SE quarter of the SW quarter [of] Section 2 and in the NE quarter of the NW quarter of Section 11, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, being a part of the right-of-way of the Seaboard Coast Line Railroad and being more particularly described as follows:

    Beginning at a concrete monument at the Southwest corner of the SE quarter of the SW quarter of Section 2, Township 10 South, Range 26 East and run thence Northerly along the West line of said SE quarter of the SW quarter, a distance of 46.34 feet to a concrete monument on the Northerly right-of-way of the Seaboard Coast Line Railroad; thence Easterly along said Northerly right-of-way a distance of 312.43 feet to a concrete monument on the Westerly right-of-way of State Road #19; thence Southwesterly along said Westerly right-of-way a distance of 126.06 feet to a concrete monument on the Southerly right-of-way of the Seaboard Coast Line Railroad, being the Northerly right-of-way of St. Johns Avenue (Lemon Street Extension); thence Westerly along said Southerly and Northerly rights-of-way a distance of 273.73 feet to a concrete monument on the West line of the NE quarter of the NW quarter of Section 11; thence Northerly along said West line a distance of 73.66 feet to the point of beginning.

    Containing .807 acres, more or less.

    Parcel 2

    A tract of land situated in the SE quarter of the SW quarter of Section 2, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, being more particularly described as follows:

    Commencing at the Southwest corner of Lot 22 of College Park Subdivision, according to plat thereof, recorded in Map Book 4, page 147 of the public records of Putnam County, Florida, and run Southerly on a Southerly projection of the West line of Lot 22, a distance of 207.23 feet to the point of beginning of this description. From point of beginning (1) continue Southerly, on a Southerly projection of preceding call, a distance of 10.0 feet to the Northerly right-of-way of the Seaboard Coast Line Railroad (formerly Atlantic Coast Line Railroad). (2) Thence Easterly, along said Northerly right-of-way, a distance of 311.59 feet to the Westerly right-of-way of State Road #19. (3) Thence Northeasterly, along said Westerly right-of-way, a distance of 18.91 feet to the Southeasterly corner of lands described in O.R. Book 124, page 374 of said public records. Return to the point of beginning and (4) run thence Easterly, parallel with the Northerly right-of-way of the Seaboard Coast Line Railroad, a distance of 110.0 feet. (5) Thence Northerly, parallel with call (1), a distance of 8.0 feet to intersect with a Westerly projection of the Southerly line of lands described in O.R. Book 124, page 374. (6) Thence Easterly, along said Westerly projection and along the Southerly line of said lands, a distance of 207.39 feet to the Northeasterly end of call (3) and to close.

    Ord. No. 87-16, 7-23-1987

    Begin at the Northern terminus of the corporate limits of the City of Palatka at the intersection of the Easterly right-of-way line of State Road 19 and the Northerly right-of-way line of State Road 100 in the NE ¼ of Section 2, Township 10 South, Range 26 East (1) thence run Northeasterly, along the Easterly right-of-way line of State Road 19, to the intersection of said Easterly right-of-way line and the South line of those lands described in O.R. Book 308 page 369 and Deed Book 83 page 83; (2) thence run South 86° 30′ 08″ East, along the South line of said lands described in O.R. Book 308 page 369 and Deed Book 83 page 83, a distance of 183.31 feet to the North line of Carver Street as shown on the Map of Shadow Lawn Heights Subdivision as recorded in Map Book 3 page 195; (3) thence run South 89° 23′ 58″ East, along the North line of Carver Street, a distance of 79.36 feet; (4) thence run North 1° 20′ 25″ West for a distance of 144.58 feet; (5) thence run North 89° 05′ 53″ West a distance of 187.52 feet to the Easterly right-of-way line of State Road 19; (6) thence continue Northeasterly, along the Southeasterly right-of-way line of State Road 19, to the intersection of said Southeasterly right-of-way line and the North line of South Avenue as shown on the plat of Revised Map of Stinwill Suburban Farms, as recorded in Map Book 2 page 39; (7) thence run Easterly, along the North line of said South Avenue, to the West right-of-way line of State Road 15 (U.S. Highway 17); (8) thence run Northerly, along the Westerly right-of-way line of State Road 15, to intersect with the South line of lands described in Deed Book 231 page 255; (9) thence run Westerly, along the South line of said lands described in Deed Book 231 page 255, to the Southwest corner of said lands; (10) thence run Northerly, along the West line of said lands described in Deed Book 231 page 255 and O.R. Book 57 page 115, a distance of 150 feet to the Northwest corner of said lands described in O.R. Book 57 page 115; (11) thence run Easterly, along the North line of said lands to the Westerly right-of-way line of State Road No. 15; (12) thence run Northerly, along the Westerly right-of-way line of State Road No. 15 and Northwesterly, Westerly and Southwesterly, along the Southeasterly right-of-way line of State Road 19, to intersect with the West line of Stinwill Avenue as shown on said plat of Revised Map of Stinwill Suburban Farms; (13) thence run Northerly, along the Westerly line of said Stinwill Avenue, to intersect with the North right-of-way line of State Road 19; (14) thence continue Northerly, along the West line of Stinwill Avenue, 1155 feet to a point; (15) thence run South 61° 16′ 30″ West for a distance of 2000 feet; (16) thence run Southerly, parallel with the West line of Stinwill Avenue, a distance of 855 feet; (17) thence run North 61° 16′ 30″ East for a distance of 1880 feet; (18) thence run Southerly, parallel with Stinwill Avenue for a distance of 300 feet to the intersection of the Northerly right-of-way line of State Road 19 and the South line of Lot 51 as per said plat of Stinwill Suburban Farms; (19) thence run Southwesterly, along the Northwesterly right-of-way line of State Road 19, to intersect with the Northerly right-of-way line of State Road 100; (20) thence run Easterly, along the Northerly right-of-way line of State Road 100 to intersect with the Easterly right-of-way line of State Road 19 and the point of beginning of this description to close.

    All references are according to the public records of Putnam County, Florida.

    Ord. No. 87-17, 7-23-1987

    Beginning at the Westerly terminus of the corporate limits of the City of Palatka at the intersection of the Northerly right-of-way line of State Road 20 and the West line of the SE ¼ of Section 9, Township 10 South, Range 26 East and (1) thence run Southerly, across the right-of-way of State Road 20, to the intersection of the South right-of-way line of State Road 20 and the West right-of-way line of Round Lake Road (as said right-of-way is presently maintained); (2) thence continue Southerly, along the West right-of-way line of Round Lake Road (as said right-of-way is presently maintained) to a point which lies 66.0 feet South of the North line of the NE ¼ of the NW ¼ of Section 16, Township 10 South, Range 26 East; (3) thence run Westerly, parallel with the North line of said NE ¼ of the NW ¼, a distance of 1287 feet, more or less, to a point which lies 33.0 feet East of the West line of said NE ¼ of NW ¼; (4) thence run Southerly, parallel with the West line of said NE ¼ of NW ¼, a distance of 594 feet, more or less, to the South line of the North ½ of said NE ¼ of NW ¼; (5) thence run Easterly, along the South line of the North ½ of said NE ¼ of NW ½ [¼], a distance of 627 feet, more or less, to the Southeast corner of the West ½ of the South ½ of the North ½ of said NE ¼ of NW ¼; (6) thence run Northerly a distance of 330 feet, more or less, to the Northeast corner of the West ½ of the South ½ of the North ½ of said NE ¼ of NW ¼; (7) thence run Easterly, along the South line of the North ½ of the North ½ of said NE ¼ of NW ¼, a distance of 660 feet, more or less, to the Westerly right-of-way line of Round Lake Road (as said right-of-way is presently maintained); (8) thence continue Easterly, to the Easterly right-of-way line of Round Lake Road (as said right-of-way is presently maintained); (9) thence run Northerly, along the Easterly right-of-way line of Round Lake Road (as said right-of-way is presently maintained) through Section 16 and Section 9, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, to the Southerly right-of-way line of State Road 20; (10) thence continue Northerly to the North right-of-way line of State Road 20; (11) thence run Westerly, along the Northerly right-of-way line of State Road 20 to the point of beginning and to close.

    Ord. No. 87-18, 7-23-1987

    Commencing at the NW corner of the SW ¼ of the SW ¼ of Section 1, Township 10 South, Range 26 East (the same being identical with the NW corner of Lot 7 in Jackson's Subdivision as recorded in Deed Book Y page 48) and thence run South, along the West line of aforesaid Lot 7, Jackson's Subdivision, for a distance of 268.6 feet to a concrete permanent reference marker and the point of beginning of this description; (1) thence run North 82° 30′ East for a distance of 153 feet and 9 inches to a concrete permanent reference marker; (2) thence run South 19° East for a distance of 100 feet and 9 inches to a concrete permanent reference marker on the Northerly right-of-way line of the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad; (3) thence run South 56° 30′ West, along the Northerly right-of-way line of the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad, a distance of 205.5 feet to a concrete permanent reference marker set on the West line of said Lot 7; (4) thence continue South 56° 30′ West to a point which lies 80 feet West of the East line of the SE ¼ of Section 2, Township 10 South, Range 26 East; (5) thence run Northerly, parallel to the East line of the SE ¼ of said Section 2 and at a distance of 80 feet Westerly therefrom, to a point which lies 33 feet North of the South line of the NE ¼ of the SE ¼ of said Section 2; (6) thence run Westerly, parallel with the South line of said NE ¼ of the SE ¼ and at a distance of 33 feet Northerly therefrom, a distance of 580 feet to a point; (7) thence run Northerly, parallel with the East line of said SE ¼, a distance of 297 feet to a point; (8) thence run Easterly, parallel with the South line of said NE ¼ of the SE ¼, a distance of 580 feet; (9) thence run Northerly and Northeasterly, along the Westerly right-of-way line of that county road described in Deed Book 228 page 456, to intersect with the West line of said Section 1, said point of intersection being 567 feet South of the NW corner of Government Lot 6 of said Section 1; (10) thence run East a distance of 80 feet to a point on the East line of said county road right-of-way shown on plat recorded in Deed Book 228 page 456; (11) thence run Southerly, along the Easterly right-of-way line of said county road right-of-way shown on plat recorded in Deed Book 228 page 456 to the point of beginning and to close.

    Ord. No. 87-19, 8-3-1987

    A tract of land, lying and being a part of the SW ¼ of Section 3, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, Putnam County, Florida, being more particularly described as follows:

    Beginning at a point on the South line of the SW ¼ of Section 3, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, at a distance of 1245 feet Easterly from the Southwest corner of said Section 3, said point being the Southwest corner of a 66 foot roadway described in deed recorded in O.R. Book 350, page 1234, of the public records of Putnam County, Florida; (1) thence run Northerly, parallel with the West line of the SW ¼ of Section 3, being along the West line of said roadway described in O.R. Book 350, page 1234, a distance of 435 feet; (2) thence run Westerly, parallel with the South line of the SW ¼ of said Section 3, a distance of 500 feet; (3) thence run Southerly, parallel with the West line of the SW ¼ of said Section 3, a distance of 435 feet to the South line of said SW ¼; (4) thence run Easterly, along the South line of the SW ¼ of said Section 3, a distance of 500 feet to the point of beginning and to close.

    Ord. No. 87-29, 10-8-1987

    Lots 1 through 12 of Block B of Highlawn, a subdivision of the Northeast ¼ of the Southwest ¼ of Section 11, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, all according to plat thereof filed May 26, 1925, and recorded in Plat Book 2, page 49, in the office of the clerk of the circuit court of Putnam County, Florida.

    Ord. No. 88-3, 4-28-1988

    Commencing at the intersection of the Westerly right-of-way line of State Road No. 19 and South line of Section 2, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, said point being 1625.48 feet Easterly from the Southwest corner of said Section 2 and 13.91 feet Northeasterly, as measured along the Westerly right-of-way line of State Road No. 19, from the centerline of the Seaboard Coast Line Railroad. From the above described point run Northeasterly along said Westerly right-of-way line, a distance of 468.40 feet to the P.C. of a curve, concave to the Southeast, having a radius of 5829.65 feet and a central angle of 11° 04′. Thence along said curve an arc distance of 463.98 feet to the point of beginning of this description. From point of beginning (1) continue along said curve, being the Westerly right-of-way of State Road No. 19, an arc distance of 490.24 feet to a concrete monument on the North line of the Southeast ¼ of the Southwest ¼ of Section 2, Township 10 South, Range 26 East. Return to the point of beginning and (2) run Northwesterly, radial to said curve, a distance of 220.55 feet to the Easterly boundary of College Park Subdivision as recorded in Map Book 4, page 147 of the public records of Putnam County, Florida, said point being 111.48 feet Northerly, as measured along said Easterly boundary, from a concrete monument at the Northwesterly corner of lands described in O.R. Book 210, page 308 of said public records. (3) Thence Northerly, along said Easterly boundary of College Park Subdivision, a distance of 361.64 feet to a concrete monument on the North line of the Southeast ¼ of the Southwest ¼ of Section 2, Township 10 South, Range 26 East. (4) Thence Easterly, along said North line of the Southeast ¼ of the Southwest ¼, a distance of 409.675 feet to the Northerly end of call (1) and to close.

    Subject to easement to the American Telephone and Telegraph Company as described in Deed Book 170, page 267 of the public records of Putnam County, Florida.

    Ord. No. 88-4, 5-26-1988

    A part of Lots 48 and 49, Revised Map of Stinwill Suburban Farms, as recorded in Map Book 2, page 39, of the public records of Putnam County, Florida, being more particularly described as follows: For a point of reference commence at the point of intersection of the Westerly right-of-way line of the old Palatka-Jacksonville brick road as now established as a 66-foot right-of-way and the Northerly right-of-way line of Eddie Vreen Road as now established as a 66-foot right-of-way; thence North 20° 49′ 37″ West, along said Westerly right-of-way line, a distance of 372.72 feet to the point of beginning; thence continue North 20° 49′ 37″ West, along said Westerly right-of-way line, a distance of 214.60 feet to the Westerly projection of the Southerly line of the lands described in Official Records Book 241, page 698, of the public records; thence South 88° 43′ 36″ West, along said Westerly projection, a distance of 112.94 feet to the Easterly right-of-way line of State Road No. 15; thence Southeasterly, along said Easterly right-of-way line, along the arc of a curve concave Southwesterly and having a radius of 3867.66 feet, a chord bearing of South 02° 56′ 01″ East and a chord distance of 201.99 feet; thence North 88° 49′ 43″ East, a distance of 178.92 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 0.67 acres more or less.

    Ord. No. 88-6, 6-9-1988

    On a tract of land situated in Government Lot 1, Section 1, Township 10 South, Range 26 East and in Government Lots 4 and 5, Section 6 (West of river), Township 10 South, Range 27 East and being more particularly described as follows:

    Commencing at the intersection of the centerline of Nineteenth Street of the City of Palatka and the Northeasterly line of the B.A. Copp Grant and run Northerly on a projection of said centerline, a distance of 495.69 feet to the point of beginning of this description; from the point of beginning (1) run Easterly perpendicular to the Northerly projection of said centerline, a distance of 382.19 feet to the Northeasterly line of said B.A. Copp Grant. Return to the point of beginning and (2) run Westerly, perpendicular to the Northerly projection of said centerline, a distance of 17.75 feet. (3) Thence run Southerly, parallel with said Northerly projection of said centerline and at a distance of 17.75 feet Westerly therefrom, a distance of 518.71 feet to the Northeasterly line of B.A. Copp Grant. (4) Thence run Northeasterly along the Northeasterly line of said Grant, a distance of 654.99 feet to the Easterly end of Call (1) and to close.

    Ord. No. 88-7, 6-23-1988

    Parcel 1

    Lots 1, 2, 3, 10, 11 and 12 of Well's Subdivision of Lots 3 and 4, Block 2 of Joe Evans Subdivision of NW ¼ of NE ¼ of Section 1, Township 10 South, Range 26 East.

    Parcel 2

    Part of Lot 12 of Stinwill Suburban Farms, recorded in Map Book 2, page 39, and also that part of South Avenue as shown by plat of said Stinwill Suburban Farms lying East of the old Jacksonville brick road, being more particularly described as follows: Commence at a concrete monument at the North Quarter corner of Section 1, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, said concrete monument being 2703.05 feet Easterly of the NW corner of said Section 1, and run thence North 88° 44′ 23″ East along the North line of said Section, a distance of 1266.78 feet to a concrete monument on the Westerly right-of-way of the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad as presently located. Thence run North 47° 46′ 07″ West along said right-of-way, a distance of 428.25 feet to a concrete monument. Thence run South 88° 44′ 23″ West, parallel to the North line of said Section 1, a distance of 1233.43 feet to the Easterly right-of-way of the old Jacksonville brick road and to a concrete monument. Thence run South 20° 49′ 32″ East along said right-of-way, a distance of 41.87 feet to a concrete monument set on the P.T. of a concave curve to the left, having a radius of 1876.86 feet and a central angle of 27° 59′ 40″. Thence along said curve an arc distance of 278.76 feet [to] the North line of said Section 1. Thence run North 88° 56′ 25″ East along the North line of said Section 1, a distance of 150.82 feet to the point of beginning and to close. Containing 9.00 acres, more or less.

    Parcel 3

    All that part of Lots 1, 2 and 3 East of Road in Block 3, of J.W. Glisson's Subdivision of a part of the NE ¼ of NW ¼ and the NW ¼ of NE ¼, in Section 1, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, as per map recorded in Map Book 2, page 12. References are to the Public Records of Putnam County, Florida.

    Parcel 4

    Part of Fractional Section 1, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, and more particularly described as follows: From the intersection of the Northwest line of the Copp Grant, Section 37, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, and the Southwesterly right-of-way line of the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad, run North 47° 45′ West, and along said Southwesterly right-of-way line of said railroad, for a distance of 840.7 feet to a P.R.M., set at the most Easterly corner of John Blackwelder tract for the point of beginning of the parcel of land to be described, said point also being the most Northerly point of those lands conveyed by Joseph Patricelli, et ux., to The Board of Public Instruction of Putnam County, Florida, by deed recorded at Deed Book 214, page 345; thence running South 43° 43′ West, and along said lands described at Deed Book 214, page 345, for a distance of 260 feet to a PRM; thence run North 47° 19′ West, and along the lands described at Deed Book 214, page 345, for a distance of 28.9 feet to a point; thence run Southwesterly parallel with the aforesaid Copp Grant line, to the North side of the old Palatka-Jacksonville Highway, sometimes referred to as Rice Creek Road; thence North and along the Northerly boundary of said highway 381 feet, more or less, to an iron post set on the West line of Government Lot 1; thence North 1500 feet to a stone set on the Northwest corner of Lot 1 and on township and section line of the Entralgo Grant; thence East 125 feet to the Southerly right-of-way line of the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad; thence South 47° 45′ East and along said right-of-way to the point of beginning.

    Excepting therefrom, the following described lands, to wit: Part of Fractional Section 1, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, and more particularly described as follows: From the intersection of the Northwest line of the Copp Grant, Section 37, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, and the Southwesterly right-of-way line of the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad, run North 47° 45′ West, and along said Southwesterly right-of-way line of said railroad, for a distance of 840.7 feet to a P.R.M. set at the most Easterly corner of the tract of land to be conveyed herein, known as the "John Blackwelder Tract," for the point of beginning of the parcel of land to be described, said point also being the most Northerly point of those lands conveyed by Joseph Patricelli, et ux., to The Board of Public Instruction of Putnam County, Florida, by deed recorded in Deed Book 214, page 345; (1) thence running South 43° 43′ West, and along the lands described in Deed Book 214, page 345, for a distance of 260 feet to a P.R.M.; (2) thence run North 47° 19′ West and along the lands described in Deed Book 214, page 345, for a distance of 28.9 feet to a point; (3) thence continue Westerly on the same course for a distance of 270.4 feet to a P.R.M.; (4) thence North 43° 33′ East 257.8 feet to a P.R.M. set on the Southwesterly right-of-way line of said railroad; (5) thence South 47° 45′ East, and along the Southwesterly right-of-way line of said railroad, 300 feet to the point of beginning, and to close.

    Being the same lands which were on the 21st day of August, A.D. 1959, by warranty deed, conveyed by Palatka Rentals & Sales, Inc., to the parties of the first part herein, said deed being recorded in Official Records Book 39, at page 521.

    All references herein are to the Public Records of Putnam County, Florida.

    Ord. No. 88-8, 6-23-1988

    Parcel 2

    The North one-half of the following described property, to wit: Part of Lot 11 and South Avenue of Stinwill Suburban Farms, according to plat thereof recorded in Map Book 2 at page 39 of the public records of Putnam County, Florida, described as beginning at the intersection of the South boundary of Section 37, Township 9 South, Range 26 East, with the Easterly right-of-way line of the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad, then running Easterly along the South boundary of said Section 37 to the Southeast corner of said Section 37; thence run Northerly along the East boundary of said Section 37 a distance of 935 feet; thence run Westerly, parallel with the South boundary of said Section 37, to the Easterly right-of-way line of the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad; thence run Southeasterly along the Easterly right-of-way line of the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad to the point of beginning. Containing 36.6 acres more or less.

    Parcel 3

    The South one-half of the following described property, to wit: Part of Lot 11 and South Avenue of Stinwill Suburban Farms, according to plat thereof recorded in Map Book 2 at page 39 of the public records of Putnam County, Florida, described as beginning at the intersection of the South boundary of Section 37, Township 9 South, Range 26 East, with the Easterly right-of-way line of the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad, then running Easterly along the South boundary of said Section 37 to the Southeast corner of said Section 37; thence run Northerly along the East boundary of said Section 37 a distance of 935 feet; thence Westerly parallel with the South boundary of said Section 37 to the Easterly right-of-way line of the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad; thence run Southeasterly along the Easterly right-of-way line of the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad to the point of beginning. Containing 36.6 acres more or less.

    Ord. No. 89-3, 5-25-1989

    Part of the Southeast ¼ of the Southwest ¼ of Section 9, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the East line of said Southeast ¼ of Southwest ¼ of Section 9, with the Southerly right-of-way line of State Road No. 20, run thence (1) South 70° 20′ West along said Southerly right-of-way line 182.48 feet; thence (2) South 19° 58′ 05″ East 110.0 feet; thence (3) North 82° 03′ 39″ East 135.60 feet to the East line of said Southeast ¼ of Southwest ¼, and continue on same course 14.4 feet to the Westerly right-of-way line of Round Lake Road; thence (4) run North 0° 50′ 25″ East along the Westerly right-of-way line of Round Lake Road 150.0 feet to the Southerly right-of-way line of State Road No. 20; thence (5) run South 70° 20′ West along said Southerly right-of-way line 17.52 feet to the point of beginning and to close.

    Ord. No. 89-4, 5-25-1989

    That part of the Northwest ¼ of the Northwest ¼ of Section 11, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, described as follows: Commence at the Northeast corner of the Northwest ¼ of the Northwest ¼ of Section 11, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, and thence run South 1° 6′ 15″ East, along the East line of the said quarter section, a distance of 671.46 feet to a concrete monument and the point of beginning; (1) thence run South 1° 6′ 15″ East a distance of 165.87 feet to a concrete monument; (2) thence run South 89° 0′ 45″ West a distance of 228.03 feet to a concrete monument; (3) thence run North 1° 6′ 15″ West a distance of 165.87 feet to a concrete monument; (4) thence run North 89° 0′ 45″ East a distance of 228.03 feet to the point of beginning, to close.

    Ord. No. 89-11, 7-27-1989

    A portion of the Northwest ¼ of the Southwest ¼ of Section 10, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, Putnam County, Florida; being more particularly described as follows: Commence at the Northwest corner of said Northwest ¼ of the Southwest ¼ and run thence North 88° 54′ 58″ East, along the North line of said Northwest ¼ of the Southwest ¼, a distance of 315.00 feet to the point of beginning; thence continue North 88° 54′ 58″ East, along said North line 150.00 feet; thence South 04° 19′ 54″ East, 471.57 feet to a point on the Northwesterly right-of-way line of State Road 20 (100-foot right-of-way); thence South 68° 49′ 10″ West along said Northwesterly right-of-way line, 150.00 feet; thence North 05° 00′ 36″ West, 523.58 feet to the point of beginning.

    Ord. No. 89-19, 10-26-1989

    Parcel 1

    The West 163 feet of the East 328 feet of the Northwest ¼ of the Northeast ¼ of the Southeast ¼ of Section 11, Township 10 South, Range 26 East (Section 11-10-26), Putnam County, State of Florida.

    Excepting from the above-described tract of land the right-of-way for State Road No. 20 alongside the North side thereof.

    Parcel 2

    The East 132 feet of the West 332 feet of the Northwest ¼ feet [sic] of the Northeast ¼ of Section 11, Township 10 South, Range 26 East (Section 11-10-26), Putnam County, State of Florida.

    Excepting from the above-described tract of land the right-of-way for State Road No. 20 alongside the North side thereof.

    Description: Proposed M-1 Zoning.

    A tract of land situated in the J.B. Entralgo Grant, Section 37, Township 9 South, Range 26 East, being a part of the revised map of Stinwill Suburban Farms, recorded in Map Book 2, page 39, of the public records of Putnam County, Florida, and being more particularly described as follows:

    Commencing at a concrete monument at the intersection of the Easterly right-of-way of the Seaboard Coast Line Railroad with the North line of Lot 69 of the revised map of Stinwill Suburban Farms and run thence S 8° 02′ 30″ E along said Easterly right-of-way, being 50.0 feet Easterly, as measured at right angles, from the centerline of said Seaboard Coast Line Railroad a distance of 4,630.02 feet to intersect with the Southerly line of a 66.0-foot parcel of land described in O.R. Book 100, page 332, of the public records of Putnam County, Florida, and the point of beginning of this description. From point of beginning:


    Continue S 8° 02′ 30″ E and Southeasterly along the Easterly right-of-way of said Seaboard Coast Line Railroad a distance of 3,274.4 feet, more or less, to the Northwesterly corner of lands described in O.R. Book 80, page 603, of public records;


    Thence Easterly, along the Northerly line of said lands, being parallel with the South line of the J.B. Entralgo Grant, Section 37, of said township and range, and at a distance of 935.0 feet Northerly, as measured parallel with the East line of said grant, a distance of 2,215.4 feet, more or less, to intersect with the East line of the J.B. Entralgo Grant, Section 37, of said township and range;


    Thence Northerly, along said East line a distance of 1,100.0 feet, more or less, to the waters of the St. Johns River. Return to the point of beginning; and


    Run thence N 73° 04′ 55″ E along the Southerly line of said 66.0-foot parcel of lands described in O.R. Book 100, page 332, a distance of 370.44 feet, more or less, to a point 366.0 feet Easterly, as measured as right angles, from the Easterly right-of-way of the Seaboard Coast Line Railroad;


    Thence run S 8° 02′ 30″ E and Southeasterly parallel with said Easterly right-of-way and at a distance of 366.0 feet Easterly, as measured perpendicular and radially therefrom, a distance of 1,680.0 feet, more or less, to intersect with the Northerly right-of-way Florida Power & Light Company Easement described in O.R. Book 228, page 48, and O.R. Book 279, page 700, of said public records;


    Thence Easterly along said Northerly right-of-way a distance of 2530.0 feet, more or less, to the waters of the St. Johns River.


    Thence Southeasterly, meandering said waters, a distance of 290.0 feet, more or less, to the Northerly end of call (3) and to close.

    Together with all rights of accretion, littoral or riparian rights appertaining thereto.

    Containing 99.9 acres, more or less.

    Subject to an easement for roadway and utility purposes, 66.0 feet in width, along call (5) of the above-described lands.

    Description: Proposed C-3 Zoning.

    A tract of land situated in the J.B. Entralgo Grant, Section 37, Township 9 South, Range 26 East, being a part of the revised map of Stinwill Suburban Farms, recorded in Map Book 2, page 39, of the public records of Putnam County, Florida, and being more particularly described as follows:

    Commencing at a concrete monument at the intersection of the Easterly right-of-way of the Seaboard Coast Line Railroad with the North line of Lot 69 of the revised map of Stinwill Suburban Farms and run thence S 8° 02′ 30″ E along said Easterly right-of-way, being 50.0 feet Easterly, as measured at right angles, from the centerline of said Seaboard Coast Line Railroad, a distance of 4,630.02 feet to intersect with the Southerly line of a 66.0 foot parcel of land described in O.R. Book 100, page 332, of the public records of Putnam County, Florida. Thence run N 73° 04′ 55″ E, along said Southerly line a distance of 370.44 feet, more or less, to a point 366.0 feet Easterly, as measured at right angles, from the Easterly right-of-way of the Seaboard Coast Line Railroad and the point of beginning of this description. From the point of beginning:


    Continue N 73° 04′ 55″ East along the Southerly line of lands described in O.R. Book 100, page 332 and along the Southerly line of lands described in O.R. Book 514, page 1251, of said public records a distance of 202.42 feet, more or less, to a point 566.0 feet Easterly, as measured at right angles, from the Easterly right-of-way of the Seaboard Coast Line Railroad;


    Thence run S 8° 02′ 30″ E and Southeasterly parallel with said Easterly right-of-way and at a distance of 566.0 feet Easterly, as measured perpendicular and radially therefrom, a distance of 1,755.0 feet, more or less, to intersect with the Northerly right-of-way of Florida Power & Light Company Easement described in O.R. Book 228, page 48, and O.R. Book 279, page 700, of said public records. Return to the point of beginning; and


    Run S 8° 02′ 30″ E and Southeasterly parallel with the Easterly right-of-way of the Seaboard Coast Line Railroad and at a distance of 366.0 feet Easterly, as measured perpendicular and radially therefrom, a distance of 1,680.0 feet, more or less, to intersect with the Northerly right-of-way of the Florida Power & Light Company Easement described in O.R. Book 228, page 48, and O.R. Book 279, page 700, of said public records;


    Thence Easterly along said Northerly right-of-way a distance of 230.0 feet, more or less, to the Southerly end of call (2) and to close.

    Containing 8.0 acres, more or less.

    Together with an easement for roadway and utility purposes, 66.0 feet in width, the Easterly line of which is described as follows:

    Beginning at the Westerly end of call (1) of the above-described lands and:


    Run thence S 8° 02′ 30″ E and Southeasterly parallel with the Easterly right-of-way of the Seaboard Coast Line Railroad and at a distance of 366.0 feet Easterly, as measured perpendicular and radially therefrom, being along call (3) of the above-described lands, a distance of 1,680.0 feet, more or less, to intersect with the Northerly right-of-way of the Florida Power & Light Easement, described in O.R. Book 228, page 48, and O.R. Book 279, page 700, of the public records of Putnam County, Florida and the termination of this description.

    Shortening the Westerly line of the above-described easement to intersect with the Northerly right-of-way of said Florida Power & Light Company Easement and the Southerly line of lands described in O.R. Book 100, page 332, of said public records.

    Description: Proposed R-3 Zoning.

    A tract of land situated in the J.B. Entralgo Grant, Section 37, Township 9 South, Range 26 East, being a part of the revised map of Stinwill Suburban Farms, recorded in Map Book 2, page 39, of the public records of Putnam County, Florida, and being more particularly described as follows:

    Commencing at a concrete monument at the intersection of the Easterly right-of-way of the Seaboard Coast Line Railroad with the North line of Lot 69 of the revised map of Stinwill Suburban Farms and run thence S 8° 02′ 30″ E, along said Easterly right-of-way, being 50.0 feet Easterly, as measured at right angles, from the centerline of said Seaboard Coast Line Railroad a distance of 4,630.02 feet to intersect with the Southerly line of a 66.0-foot parcel of land described in O.R. Book 100, page 332, of the public records of Putnam County, Florida. Thence run N 73° 04′ 55″ E along said Southerly line and along the Southerly line of lands described in O.R. Book 514, page 1251, of said public records, a distance of 572.86 feet, more or less, to a point 566.0 feet Easterly, as measured at right angles, from the Easterly right-of-way of the Seaboard Coast Line Railroad and the point of beginning of this description. From the point of beginning:


    Continue N 73° 04′ 55″ E, along the Southerly line of lands described in O.R. Book 514, page 1251, a distance of 1,165.94 feet, more or less, to the waters of the St. Johns River. Return to the point of beginning; and


    Run S 8° 02′ 30″ E and Southeasterly parallel with the Easterly right-of-way of the Seaboard Coast Line Railroad and at a distance of 566.0 feet Easterly, as measured perpendicular and radially therefrom, a distance of 1,755.0 feet, more or less, to intersect with the Northerly right-of-way of the Florida Power & Light Company Easement described in O.R. Book 228, page 48, and O.R. Book 279, page 700, of said public records;


    Thence Easterly along said Northerly right-of-way, a distance of 2,300 feet, more or less, to the waters of the St. Johns River;


    Thence Northwesterly, meandering said waters, a distance of 2,960.0 feet, more or less, to the Easterly end of call (1) and to close.

    Together with all rights of accretion, littoral or riparian rights appertaining thereto.

    Containing 80.0 acres, more or less.

    Ord. No. 90-2, 2-22-1990

    Description: Proposed R-1AA Zoning.

    A tract of land situated in the J.B. Entralgo Grant, Section 37, Township 9 South, Range 26 East, being a part of the revised map of Stinwill Suburban Farms, recorded in Map Book 2, page 39, of the public records of Putnam County, Florida, and being more particularly described as follows:

    Commencing at a concrete monument at the intersection of the Easterly right-of-way of the Seaboard Coast Line Railroad with the North line of Lot 69 of revised map of Stinwill Suburban Farms and run thence S 8° 02′ 30″ E, along said Easterly right-of-way, being 50.0 feet Easterly as measured at right angles, from the centerline of said Seaboard Coast Line Railroad a distance of 1,574.09 feet to the Southwesterly corner of lands described in O.R. Book 230, page 580, of said public records. Thence run N 88° 50′ 30″ E, along the Southerly line of said lands, a distance of 1,050.36 feet to the Northerly end of call (1) of a 66.0-foot roadway easement described in O.R. Book 424, page 1162, of said public records. Thence run S 8° 02′ 30″ E along call (1) of said easement a distance of 100.0 feet to the P.C. of a curve, concave to the West, having a radius of 1,146.28 feet and a central angle of 20° 00′ 00″. Thence along said curve, being call (2) of a 66.0-foot easement described in O.R. book 424, page 1162, an arc distance of 400.13 feet to the P.T. of said curve. Thence run S 11° 57′ 30″ W, along call (3) of said easement, a distance of 804.18 feet to the Westerly end of call (5) of lands described in O.R. Book 487, page 1682 of said public records. Thence run N 88° 50′ 30″ E, along call (5) of said lands a distance of 550.71 feet to a concrete monument on the Northerly line of lands described in O.R. Book 487, page 1682. Thence run S 1° 09′ 30″ E, perpendicular to said Northerly line, a distance of 646.67 feet to the point of beginning of this description. From the point of beginning:


    Run thence S 89° 45′ 45″ E a distance of 580.0 feet, more or less, to the waters of the St. Johns River. Return to the point of beginning; and


    Run thence N 89° 45′ 45″ W, a distance of 660.0 feet, more or less, to intersect with the Westerly line of lands described in O.R. Book 487, page 1682, on the Easterly line of a 66.0 foot roadway easement described in O.R. Book 424, page 1162, at a point on a curve concave to the East having a radius of 1,113.28 feet and a central angle of 20° 00′ 00″;


    Thence Northerly along said curve and said Easterly line, being the Westerly line of lands described in O.R. Book 487, page 1682, an arc distance of 93.6 feet, more or less, to the P.C. of said curve;


    Thence run N 11° 57′ 30″ E along the Easterly line of said 66.0-foot easement, being the Westerly line of lands described in O.R. Book 487, page 1682, and O.R. book 533, page 1414, a distance of 881.4 feet, more or less, to a point 950.0 feet Northerly, as measured at right angles, from call (2);


    Thence run S 89° 45′ 45″ E parallel with calls (2) and (1) and at a distance of 950.0 feet Northerly, as measured perpendicular therefrom, a distance of 1,140.0 feet, more or less, to the waters of the St. Johns River;


    Thence Southerly, meandering said waters, a distance of 965.0 feet, more or less, to the Easterly end of call (1) and to close.

    Together with all rights of accretion, littoral or riparian rights appertaining thereto.

    Containing 26.0 acres, more or less.

    Description: Proposed R-3 Zoning.

    A tract of land situated in the J.B. Entralgo Grant, Section 37, Township 9 South, Range 26 East, being a part of revised map of Stinwill Suburban Farms, recorded in Map Book 2, page 39, of the public records of Putnam County, Florida, and being more particularly described as follows:

    Commencing at a concrete monument at the intersection of the Easterly right-of-way of the Seaboard Coast Line Railroad with the North line of Lot 69 of revised map of Stinwill Suburban Farms and run thence S 8° 02′ 30″ E, along said Easterly right-of-way, being 50.0 feet Easterly as measured at right angles, from the centerline of said Seaboard Coast Line Railroad a distance of 1,574.09 feet to the Southwesterly corner of lands described in O.R. Book 230, page 580, of said public records. Thence run N 88° 50′ 30″ E along the Southerly line of said lands a distance of 1,050.36 feet to the Northerly end of call (1) of a 66.0-foot roadway easement described in O.R. Book 424, page 1162, of said public records. Thence run S 8° 02′ 30″ E along call (1) of said easement a distance of 100.0 feet to the P.C. of a curve, concave to the West, having a radius of 1,146.28 feet and a central angle of 20° 00′ 00″. Thence along said curve, being call (2) of a 66.0-foot easement described in O.R. Book 424, page 1162, an arc distance of 400.13 feet to the P.T. of said curve. Thence run S 11° 57′ 30″ W along call (3) of said easement a distance of 804.18 feet to the Westerly end of call (5) of lands described in O.R. Book 487, page 1682 of said public records. Thence run N 88° 50′ 30″ E along call (5) of said lands a distance of 550.71 feet to a concrete monument on the Northerly line of lands described in O.R. Book 487, page 1682. Thence run S 1° 09′ 30″ E, perpendicular to said Northerly line, a distance of 646.67 feet to the point of beginning of this description. From the point of beginning:


    Continue S 1° 09′ 30″ E a distance of 813.0 feet to a concrete monument on the Southerly line of lands described in O.R. Book 487, page 1682;


    Thence run S 73° 04′ 65″W along said Southerly line a distance of 600.0 feet to a concrete monument at the Southwest corner of lands described in O.R. Book 487, page 1682, at a corner of lands described in O.R. Book 100, page 332, of said public records. Return to the point of beginning; and


    Run thence N 89° 45′ 45″ W a distance of 660.0 feet, more or less, to intersect with the Westerly line of lands described in O.R. book 487, page 1682, on the Easterly line of a 66.0-foot roadway easement described in O.R. Book 424, page 1162, at a point on a curve concave to the East having a radius of 1,113.28 feet and a central angle of 20° 00′ 00″;


    Thence Southerly along said curve and said Easterly line, being the Westerly line of lands described in O.R. Book 487, page 1682, an arc distance of 295.0 feet, more or less, to the P.T. of said curve;


    Thence run S 8° 02′ 30″ E along the Easterly line of said 66.0-foot easement, along the Easterly line of the third call of lands described in O.R. Book 100, page 332, and along the Westerly line of lands described in O.R. Book 487, page 1682, a distance of 707.73 feet to the Westerly end of call (2) and to close.

    Containing 12.2 acres, more or less.

    Subject to an easement for roadway and utility purposes, 66.0 feet in width, the Easterly and Southerly lines of which are described as follows:

    Beginning at the Northerly end of call (1) of the above-described lands and;


    Run thence S 1° 09′ 30″ E along call (1) of said lands a distance of 811.96 feet to a point 1.0 feet Northerly, as measured at right angles, from the Southerly line of lands described in O.R. Book 487, page 1682, of the public records of Putnam County, Florida;


    Thence run S 73° 04′ 55″ W parallel with said Southerly line and at a distance of 1.0 feet Northerly, as measured perpendicular therefrom, a distance of 600.13 feet to the Westerly line of lands described in O.R. Book 487, page 1682, on the Easterly line of third call of lands described in O.R. Book 100, page 332, of said public records and the termination of this description.

    Extending the Westerly right-of-way of the above-described easement N 1° 09′ 30″ W to intersect with call (3) of the above-described lands.

    Together with that part thereof lying Southeasterly of the arc of a 50.0-foot radius curve at the intersection of the Northerly and Westerly rights-of-way of the above-described easement.

    Excepting therefrom that part thereof lying within lands described in O.R. Book 100, page 332, of the public records of Putnam County, Florida.

    Description: Proposed C-3 Zoning.

    A tract of land situated in the J.B. Entralgo Grant, Section 37, Township 9 South, Range 26 East, being a part of the revised map of Stinwill Suburban Farms, recorded in Map Book 2, page 39, of the public records of Putnam County, Florida, and being more particularly described as follows:

    Commencing at a concrete monument at the intersection of the Easterly right-of-way of the Seaboard Coast Line Railroad with the North line of Lot 69 of revised map of Stinwill Suburban Farms and run thence S 8° 02′ 30″ E along said Easterly right-of-way, being 50.0 feet Easterly as measured at right angles, from the centerline of said Seaboard Coast Line Railroad, a distance of 1574.09 feet to the Southwesterly corner of lands described in O.R. Book 230, page 580, of said public records. Thence run N 88° 50′ 30″ E along the Southerly line of said lands a distance of 1,050.36 feet to the Northerly end of call (1) of a 66.0-foot roadway easement described in O.R. Book 424, page 1162, of said public records. Thence run S 8° 02′ 30″ E along call (1) of said easement a distance of 100.0 feet to the P.C. of a curve, concave to the West, having a radius of 1,146.28 feet and a central angle of 20° 00′ 00″. Thence along said curve, being call (2) of a 66.0-foot easement described in O.R. Book 424, page 1162, an arc distance of 400.13 feet to the P.T. of said curve. Thence run S 11° 57′ 30″ W along call (3) of said easement a distance of 804.18 feet to the Westerly end of call (5) of lands described in O.R. Book 487, page 1682, of said public records. Thence run N 88° 50′ 30″ E along call (5) of said lands a distance of 550.71 feet to a concrete monument on the Northerly line of lands described in O.R. Book 487, page 1682. Thence run S 1° 09′ 30″ E perpendicular to said Northerly line a distance of 646.67 feet to the point of beginning of this description. From point of beginning:


    Continue S 1° 09′ 30″ E a distance of 813.0 feet to a concrete monument on the Southerly line of lands described in O.R. Book 487, page 1682;


    Thence run N 73° 04′ 55″ E along said Southerly line a distance of 654.4 feet, more or less, to the waters of the St. Johns River, passing through a concrete monument set at a distance of 634.0 feet. Return to the point of beginning; and


    Run thence S 89° 45′ 45″E a distance of 580.0 feet, more or less, to the waters of the St. Johns River;


    Thence Southerly, meandering said waters, a distance of 627.5 feet, more or less to the Easterly end of call (2) and to close.

    Together with all rights of accretion, littoral or riparian rights appertaining thereto.

    Containing 10.3 acres, more or less.

    Together with an easement for roadway and utility purposes 66.0 feet in width, the Easterly and Southerly lines of which are described as follows:

    Beginning at the Westerly end of call (3) of the above-described lands and:


    Run thence S 1° 09′ 30″ E along call of said lands at a distance of 811.96 feet to a point of 1.0 feet Northerly, as measured at right angles, from the Southerly line of lands described in O.R. Book 487, page 1682, of the public records of Putnam County, Florida;


    Thence run S 73° 04′ 55″ W parallel with said Southerly line and at a distance of 1.0 feet Northerly, as measured perpendicular therefrom, a distance of 600.13 feet to the Westerly line of lands described in O.R. book 487, page 1682, on the Easterly line of third call of lands described in O.R. Book 100, page 332, of said public records and the termination of this description.

    Extending the Westerly right-of-way of the above-described easement N 1° 09′ 30″ W to intersect with a line N 89° 45′ 45″ W from the Northerly end of call (1) of the above described easement.

    Together with that part thereof lying Southeasterly of the arc of a 50.0-foot radius curve at the intersection of the Northerly and Westerly rights-of-way of the above-described easement.

    Excepting therefrom that part thereof lying within lands described in O.R. Book 100, page 332, of the public records of Putnam County, Florida.

    Ord. No. 90-3, 4-26-1990

    Parcel 1

    A tract of land situated in the NE ¼ of Section 2, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, being a part of Tract 2 of lands described in O.R. Book 455, Page 1215, of the public records of Putnam County, Florida, and being more particularly described as follows:

    Commencing at a concrete monument at the intersection of the Southerly line of lands described in O.R. Book 308, Page 369, and Deed Book 83, page 83, of the public records of Putnam County, Florida, with the Southeasterly right-of-way of State Road #19 and run thence Easterly along said Southerly line, being the Southerly line of Tract 1 of lands described in O.R. Book 455, page 1215, a distance of 183.32 feet to a concrete monument on the North right-of-way of Carver Street according to plat of Shadow Lawn Heights Subdivision, recorded in Map Book 3, page 195, of said public records. Continue Easterly along said North right-of-way, being the South line of Tract 1 of lands described in O.R. Book 455, page 1215, a distance of 79.36 feet to a concrete monument at the Southeasterly monument at the Southeasterly corner of said lands and the point of beginning of this description. From the point of beginning:


    Continue Easterly along the North right-of-way of Carver Street a distance of 225.0 feet. Return to the point of beginning; and


    Run thence Northerly along the Easterly line of Tract 1 of lands described on O.R. Book 455, Page 1215, a distance of 144.58 feet to a concrete monument at the Northeasterly corner of said lands;


    Thence Westerly, along the Northerly line of Tract 1 of lands described in O.R. Book 455, Page 1215, a distance of 187.50 feet to a concrete monument at the Northwesterly corner of said lands on the Southeasterly right-of-way of State Road #19;


    Thence Northeasterly along said Southeasterly right-of-way a distance of 33.65 feet to a concrete monument;


    Thence Easterly parallel with call (3) and at a distance of 30.0 feet Northerly, as measured perpendicular therefrom, a distance of 171.09 feet to a concrete monument on a Northerly projection of the Easterly line of Tract 1 of lands described in O.R. Book 455, Page 1215;


    Thence Easterly parallel with the North right-of-way of Carver Street and at a distance of 174.50 feet Northerly, as measured perpendicular therefrom, a distance of 225.0 feet;


    Thence Southerly parallel with call (2) a distance of 174.605 feet to the Easterly end of call (1) and to close.

    Containing 1.02 acres, more or less.

    Subject to the 16.5-foot easement to American Telephone and Telegraph Company.

    Parcel 2

    A tract of land situated in the NE ¼ of Section 2, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, being a part of Tract 2 of lands described in O.R. Book 455, page 1215, of the public records of Putnam County, Florida, and being more particularly described as follows:

    Commencing at a concrete monument at the intersection of the Southerly line of lands described in O.R. Book 308, page 369, and Deed Book 83, page 83, of the public records of Putnam County, Florida, with the Southeasterly right-of-way of State Road #19 and run thence Northeasterly along said Southeasterly right-of-way a distance of 186.80 feet to a concrete monument at the Northerly end of call (4) of lands described in O.R. Book 530, page 1207, of the public records of Putnam County, Florida, and the point of beginning of this description. From the point of beginning:


    Run thence Easterly along call (5) of said lands a distance of 171.09 feet to a concrete monument at the Easterly end thereof;


    Thence Easterly parallel with the North right-of-way of Carver Street, according to the plat of Shadow Lawn Heights Subdivision, recorded in Map Book 3, Page 195, of said public records and at a distance of 174.50 feet Northerly, as measured perpendicular therefrom, same being call (6) of lands described in O.R. Book 530, page 1207, a distance of 225.0 feet to the Easterly end thereof;


    Thence Northerly on a Northerly projection of call (7) of said lands a distance of 80 feet, more or less, to a point 40.0 feet Southerly, as measured at right angles, from the Northerly line of tract 2 of lands described in O.R. Book 455, page 1215;


    Thence Westerly parallel with said Northerly line of Tract 2 and at a distance of 40.0 feet Southerly, as measured perpendicular therefrom, a distance of 345 feet, more or less, to the Southeasterly right-of-way of State Road #19;


    Thence Southwesterly along said Southeasterly right-of-way a distance of 108 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning and to close.

    Containing 0.75 acres, more or less.

    Ord. No. 90-9, 8-23-1990

    A part of the Southeast ¼ of the Northwest ¼ of Section 11, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, Putnam County, Florida also being a part of the lands described in Official Records Book 245, page 224, of the public records of said county and being more particularly described as follows:

    For a point of reference, commence at the Southwesterly corner of said Southeast ¼ of the Northwest ¼ of Section 11; thence N 89° 05′ 18″ E along the Southerly line of said Southeast ¼ of the Northwest ¼ of Section 11 a distance of 220.00 feet to the Southwesterly corner of said lands described in Official Records Book 245, page 224; thence N 01° 06′ 15″ W along the Westerly line of said lands described in Official Records Book 245, page 224, a distance of 49.03 feet to the Northerly right-of-way line of State Road No. 20 and the point of beginning; thence continue N 01° 06′ 15″ W along said Westerly line of the lands described in Official Records Book 245, page 224, a distance of 100.00 feet; thence N 88° 44′ 44″ E parallel with said Northerly right-of-way line of State Road No. 20 a distance of 220.00 feet to the Easterly line of said lands described in Official Records Book 245, page 224; thence S 01° 06′ 15″ E along said Easterly line of the lands described in Official Records Book 245, page 224, a distance of 100.00 feet to said Northerly right-of-way line of State Road No. 20; thence S 88° 44′ 44″ W along said Northerly right-of-way line of State Road No. 20 a distance of 220.00 feet to the point of beginning.

    Containing 0.50 acres more or less.

    Ord. No. 91-1, 2-14-1991

    All that part of the NE ¼ of the NW ¼ of Section 1, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, Putnam County, Florida, which lies Easterly of the Easterly right-of-way line of U.S. Highway 17, State Road 15 (a 100.0-foot right-of-way as described in Deed Book 127, page 415).

    Excepting therefrom the following described lands, to wit: (a) Those lands lying within the Blocks and platted roads of J.W. Glissons Subdivision, according to plat thereof recorded in Map Book 2, page 12, of the public records of Putnam County, Florida; (b) those lands conveyed by deeds recorded in O.R. Book 39, page 281; O.R. Book 39, page 286; O.R. Book 214, page 244; O.R. Book 305, page 469; O.R. Book 328, page 977; O.R. Book 343, page 419 and O.R. Book 344, page 45, of the public records of Putnam County, Florida.

    Also, excepting therefrom the following described parcel of land, to wit:

    A part of the Northeast ¼ of the Northwest ¼ of Section 1, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, Putnam County, Florida, being more particularly described as follows:

    For a point of beginning, commence at the point of intersection of the Northerly right-of-way line of Hicks Street as described in Official Records Book 39, page 286, of the public records of said county and the Easterly right-of-way line of U.S. Highway No. 17—State Road No. 15; thence N 01° 16′ 44″ W along said Easterly right-of-way line of U.S. Highway No. 17—State Road No. 15, a distance of 362.67 feet to the Southwesterly corner of Parcel No. 110, Part A, as described in Official Records Book 343, page 419, of said Public Records; thence N 70° 03′ 40″ E along the Southerly line of said Parcel No. 110, Part A, a distance of 31.66 feet; thence N 01° 16′ 44″ W, along the Easterly line of said Parcel No. 110, Part A, a distance of 12.25 feet to the Southerly right-of-way line of Towles Avenue as maintained, said right-of-way line being parallel with and 20.00 feet Southerly of as measured at right angles to the centerline of pavement; thence N 88° 42′ 01″ E along said Southerly right-of-way line of Towles Avenue a distance of 360.63 feet to the Westerly line of the lands described in Official Records Book 214, page 244, of said Public Records and the point of beginning of this description.


    Thence run S 00° 51′ 20″ E along said Westerly line of the lands described in Official Records Book 214, page 244, and the Westerly lines of lands described in Official Records Book 305, page 469, and Official Records Book 328, page 977, all of said Public Records, a distance of 385.32 feet to said Northerly right-of-way line of Hicks Street.


    Thence S 88° 44′ 21″ W along said Northerly right-of-way line of Hicks Street a distance of 65.00 feet.


    Thence N 00° 51′ 20″ W parallel with call #1 a distance of 385.28 feet to said Southerly right-of-way line of Towles Avenue.


    Thence run N 88° 42′ 01″ E along said Southerly right-of-way line of Towles Avenue a distance of 65.00 feet to the point of beginning.

    Ord. No. 91-4, 6-13-1991

    A tract of land lying and being a part of the SW ¼ of Section 3 and the NW ¼ of Section 10, all in Township 10 South, Range 26 East, Putnam County, Florida and being more particularly described as follows:

    Commence at the intersection of a Southerly projection of the Easterly line of Kay Larkin Road as described in Official Records Book 350, Page 1234, and the Northerly line of St. Johns Avenue as described in Parcel No. 2 of the lands described in Official Records Book 350, Page 1819. Thence run Easterly, along the Northerly line of Parcel No. 2 of the lands described in Official Records Book 350, Page 1819, a distance of 300.0 feet to the point of beginning of this description. From said point of beginning:


    Continue Easterly, along the North line of Parcel No. 2 of lands described in Official Records Book 350, Page 1819, a distance of 400.0 feet.


    Thence run Northerly parallel with a Southerly projection of the Easterly line and the Easterly line of lands described in Official Records Book 350, Page 1234, a distance of 680.0 feet. Return to the point of beginning and,


    Run thence Northerly, parallel with a Southerly projection of the Easterly line and the Easterly line of lands described in Official Records Book 360, Page 1234, a distance of 680.0 feet.


    Thence run Easterly, parallel with the Northerly line of Parcel No. 2 of lands described in Official Records Book 350, Page 1819, a distance of 400.0 feet to the Northerly end of Call (2) and to close.

    All references are according to the public records of Putnam County, Florida.

    Ord. No. 91-9, 7-25-1991

    The North 300 feet of property described in Official Records Book 506, Page 307, public records of Putnam County, Florida, more particularly described as follows:

    From the Northwest corner of the Northwest ¼ of the Southwest ¼ of said Section 10, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, lying North of State Road No. 20, run East, along the North line of said Northwest ¼ of the Southwest ¼ for a distance of 165 feet to the point of beginning of this description, thence:


    Continue East along said North line for a distance of 150 feet, thence


    Run South 5 degrees 36 minutes 06 seconds East along the East line of property described in Official Records Book 506, Page 307, public records of Putnam County, Florida for a distance of 300 feet to a point, thence


    Run South 89 degrees 00 minutes 04 seconds, West, a distance of 147.38 feet, more or less to the West line of said lands described in Official Records Book 506, Page 307, public records of Putnam County, Florida, thence


    Run North 6 degrees 06 minutes 12 seconds West along the West line of said Official Records Book 506, Page 307, public records of Putnam County, Florida, a distance of 300 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning and close.

    Ord. No. 92-5, 5-28-1992

    A tract of land situated in that N ½ of Government Lot 6 (NW ¼ of the SW ¼), Section 1, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, being a part of lands described in Deed Book 21, page 290 of the public records of Putnam County, Florida and being more particularly described as follows:

    Commencing at a concrete monument at the Northwest corner of Government Lot 6, Section 1, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, same being the Southwest corner of Baileyville, recorded in Map Book 2, page 11 of said public records and run thence Easterly, along the South line of Baileyville, a distance of 1340.0 feet to the East line of lands described in Deed Book 21, Page 290 of said public records. Thence Southerly, along the East line of said lands being parallel with the East line of Simpkin's Subdivision, recorded in Map Book 2, page 31, a distance of 181.12 feet to a R.R. spike set in pavement on the Southerly right-of-way of State Road #100 and the point of beginning of this description. From point of beginning (1) continue Southerly, along said East line and parallel with the East line of Simpkin's Subdivision, a distance of 587.785 feet to the Easterly end of that certain Boundary line agreement described in O.R. Book 62, page 605 of said public records. (2) Thence Westerly, along said Boundary line agreement, a distance of 400.03 feet to a concrete monument on the Easterly line of lands described in Deed Book 222, page 409 of said public records, being the Easterly right-of-way of Pine Street. (3) Thence Northerly, along said Easterly line and said Easterly right-of-way, a distance of 344.92 feet to a concrete monument at the Northwest corner of lands described in O.R. Book 62, page 635 of said public records. (4) Thence Easterly, along the North line of said lands, being parallel with the South line of Baileyville, a distance of 200.0 feet to a concrete monument at the Northeast corner of lands described in O.R Book 62, Page 635, being on the West line of lands described in O.R. Book 62, page 637. (5) Thence Northerly, along said West line, being parallel with the East line of Simpkin's Subdivision, a distance of 341.545 feet to a R.R. spike set in pavement on the Southerly right-of-way of State Road #100, being on the arc of a curve, concave to the Southwest, having a radius of 1587.28 feet and a central angle of 33 degrees 33 feet [minutes] fifteen inches [seconds]. (6) Thence Easterly, along said curve, being the Southerly right-of-way of State Road #100, an arc distance of 239.53 feet to the point of beginning and to close.

    Excepting therefrom that part thereof lying within the right-of-way of the Ocklawaha Valley Railroad, described in Deed Book 71, page 119 of the public records of Putnam County, Florida.

    Subject to that part thereof lying within the right-of-way of Mercie Avenue of the City of Palatka.

    Ord. No. 92-6, 5-28-1992

    A part of Section 33, Township 9 South, Range 26 East, Putnam County, Florida, being more particularly described as follows:

    For a Point of Reference commence at the Northeast corner of Section 4, Township 10 South, Range 26 East of aforesaid County; thence run West, 3.74 feet to a point on the Westerly Boundary Line of Kay Larkin Field as established per Boundary Line Agreement recorded in Official Records Book 183, Page 177 and 178 of the Public Records of Putnam County, Florida; thence run North 01 deg. 36 min. 55 sec. West along said Westerly line, a distance of 232.66 feet to the Southwest corner of lands described and recorded in Official Records Book 376, Pages 1974 through 1986 of the aforesaid public records; thence continue North 01 deg. 36 min. 55 sec. West along the Westerly boundary line of said lands described in Official Records Book 376, Pages 1974 through 1986, a distance of 303.47 feet to a point on said Westerly boundary line which lies 5.00 feet North of the North top of bank of the existing North ditch of the old road bed of Old Palatka, Springside Road, said point being the Point of Beginning for this description; thence continue 01 deg. 36 min. 55 sec. West along the aforesaid Westerly boundary line of lands described in Official Records Book 376, Pages 1974 through 1986, a distance of 538.83 feet to the Southerly right-of-way line of State Road No. 100 (a 66-foot right-of-way); thence North 69 deg. 28 min. 30 sec. West along said Southerly right-of-way line a distance of 231.00 feet to a point of curvature of a curve to the right being concave Northeasterly and having a radius of 10,706.13 feet; thence Northwesterly 531.05 feet along the arc of said curve in said Southerly right-of-way line passing through a central angle 02 deg. 50 min. 31 sec., said arc being subtended by a chord bearing and distance of North 68 deg. 03 min. 14 sec. West, 530.99 feet to a point on said curve in said right-of-way line which lies 100.00 feet East of, when measured perpendicular to the East line of lands described as Parcel A-1 in corrective boundary line deed recorded in Official Records Book 552, Page 46 of the aforesaid public records; thence South 00 deg. 39 min. 24 sec. West along a line 100.00 feet East of and parallel with the East line of said lands described in Official Records Book 552, Page 46, a distance of 533.71 feet to a point which lies 5.00 feet North of the aforesaid North top of bank of the existing North ditch of the old road bed of Old Palatka, Springside Road; thence South 68 deg. 43 min. 12 sec. East parallel with and 5.00 feet North of said North top of bank, a distance of 783.58 feet to the Point of Beginning, containing 8.76 acres more or less.

    Ord. No. 92-8, 8-7-1992

    The East ½ of the Northeast ¼ of the Northeast ¼ of Section 9, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, less those lands owned by the Board of County Commissioners that easement located in O.R. Book 494, Page 1874, public records of Putnam County, Florida.

    Ord. No. 92-9, 8-7-1992

    A tract of land situated in the J.B. Entralgo Grant, Section 37, Township 9 South, Range 26 East, being a part of revised map of STINWELL SUBURBAN FARMS, recorded in Map Book 2, page 39 of the public records of Putnam County, Florida and being more particularly described as follows:

    Commencing at a concrete monument at the intersection of the Easterly right-of-way of the Seaboard Coast Line Railroad with the North line of Lot 69 of revised map of STINWELL SUBURBAN FARMS and run thence S 8° 02′ 30″ E, along said Easterly right-of-way, being 50.0 feet Easterly, as measured at right angles, from the centerline of said Seaboard Coast Line Railroad, a distance of 1574.09 feet to the Southwesterly corner of lands described in O.R. Book 230, page 580 of said public records. Thence run N 88° 50′ 30″ E, along the Southerly line of said lands, a distance of 1050.36 feet to the Northerly end of call #1 of a 66.0 foot roadway easement described in O.R. Book 424, page 1162 of said public records. Thence run S 8° 02′ 30″ E, along call #1 of said easement, a distance of 100.0 feet to the P.C. of a curve, concave to the West, having a radius of 1146.28 feet and a central angle of 20° 00′ 00″. Thence along said curve, being call #2 of a 66.00 foot easement described in O.R. Book 424, page 1162, an arc distance of 400.13 feet to the P.T. of said curve. Thence run S 11° 57′ 30″ W, along call #3 of said easement, a distance of 489.05 feet to intersect with a Westerly projection of the Northerly line of lands described in EXHIBIT "A" (R-1AA Zoning) of O.R. Book 559, page 1068 of said public records. Thence run S 89° 45′ 45″ E, along said Westerly projection, a distance of 33.705 feet to the Northwest corner of lands described in EXHIBIT "A" (R-1AA Zoning) of O.R. Book 559, page 1068 and the point of beginning of this description. From point of beginning (1) continue S 89° 45′ 45″E, along the Northerly line of said lands, a distance of 224.685 feet to a point 220.0 feet Easterly, as measured at right angles, from the Easterly line of said 66.0 foot roadway easement described in O.R. Book 424, page 1162. Return to the point of beginning and (2) run thence N 11° 57′ 30″ E, along said Easterly line, being the Westerly line of lands described in O.R. Book 533, page 1414 of said public records, a distance of 225.645 feet. (3) Thence run S 78° 02′ 30″ E, perpendicular to preceding call, a distance of 220.0 feet. (4) Thence run S 11° 57′ 30″ W, parallel with call (2), a distance of 180.0 feet to the Easterly end of call (1) and to close.

    Ord. No. 92-22, 11-12-1992

    A tract of land situated in Lots 43, 44, 51, 52, 53, 54 and in Stinwell Avenue of Revised Map of STINWELL SUBURBAN FARMS, recorded in Map Book 2, page 39 of the public records of Putnam County, Florida and being more particularly described as follows:

    Commencing at the intersection of the Westerly right-of-way of Stinwell Avenue according to Revised Map of STINWELL SUBURBAN FARMS and the Northwesterly right-of-way of State Road #19 and run thence Northerly, along said Westerly right-of-way, a distance of 990.66 feet to intersect with a Westerly projection of the Northerly line of Lot 45 of said STINWELL SUBURBAN FARMS at the Northwesterly corner of lands described in O.R. Book 484, page 227 of said public records and the point of beginning of this description. From point of beginning,


    Run Easterly, along said Westerly projection and along the Northerly line of Lot 45, being the Northerly line of lands described in O.R. Book 484, page 227, a distance of 843.50 feet to intersect with the Westerly right-of-way of State Road #15 (U.S. Highway #17) at the Northeasterly corner of lands described in O.R. Book 484, page 227;


    Thence Northerly, along said Westerly right-of-way, a distance of 463.5 feet, more or less, to intersect with the Northerly line of Lot 44 at a jog in the right-of-way of State Road #15;


    Thence Easterly, along said Northerly line and said jog in right-of-way, a distance of 18.0 feet to the Westerly right-of-way of State Road #15 (U.S. Highway #17);


    Thence Northerly, along said Westerly right-of-way, a distance of 466.7 feet to intersect with the Northerly line of Lot 43 at the Southeasterly corner of lands described in O.R. Book 479, page 143 of said public records;


    Thence Westerly, along said Northerly line and on a Westerly projection thereof, being the Southerly line of lands described in O.R. Book 479, page 143, a distance of 861.50 feet to the Westerly right-of-way of Stinwell Avenue at the Southwesterly corner of lands described in O.R. Book 479, page 143;


    Thence Northerly, along said Westerly right-of-way, being the Westerly line of lands described in O.R. Book 479, page 143, a distance of 466.7 feet to the Northwesterly corner of lands described in O.R. Book 479, page 143;


    Thence Easterly, along the Northerly line of said lands, a distance of 15.0 feet to the centerline of Stinwell Avenue;


    Thence Northerly, along said centerline, a distance of 101.4 feet to the Easterly end of call (18) of Tract #7 of exceptions as to parcel #1 of lands described in O.R. Book 308, page 1667 of said public records;


    Thence Westerly, along call (18) of Tract #7, a distance of 1115.0 feet, more or less, to the Westerly line of the East 1100.0 feet of Lots 51, 52 and 53, at the most Northerly corner of lands described in O.R. Book 478, page 782 of said public records;


    Thence Southerly, along said Westerly line, being the Easterly line of lands described in O.R. Book 478, page 782, a distance of 1580.0 feet, more or less, to intersect with the Northerly line of lands described in O.R. Book 414, page 80 of said public records;


    Thence Easterly, along said Northerly line, a distance of 1125.0 feet, more or less, to the most Northerly corner of lands described in O.R. Book 414, page 80 on the Westerly right-of-way of Stinwell Avenue.


    Thence Southerly, along the Easterly line of said lands, being the Westerly right-of-way of Stinwell Avenue, a distance of 164.34 feet to the point of beginning and to close.

    Subject to A.T.&T. Co. Easement as described in Deed Book 172, page 294 and Florida Power & Light Co. Easements as described in O.R. Book 228, page 48 and O.R. Book 279, page 700 of the public records of Putnam County, Florida.

    Containing 54.8 acres, more or less.

    Ord. No. 92-23, 11-12-1992

    Lot 1

    A tract of land situated in the SW ¼ of the SE ¼ of Section 2, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, being more particularly described as follows:

    Beginning at the Southeast corner of the SW ¼ of the SE ¼ of Section 2, Township 10 South, Range 26 East and


    Run thence Westerly, along the South line of said SW ¼ of the SE ¼, a distance of 160.0 feet.


    Thence Northerly, parallel with the East line of said SW ¼ of the SE ¼ a distance of 112.5 feet.


    Thence Easterly, parallel with said South line, a distance of 160.0 feet to the East line of the SW ¼ of the SE ¼ of Section 2.


    Thence Southerly, along said East line, a distance of 112.5 feet to the point of beginning and to close.

    Excepting therefrom that part thereof lying within the right-of-way of St. Johns Avenue (Lemon Street Extension) and subject to that part thereof lying within the right-of-way of paved County Road (Holden Road).

    Lot 2

    A tract of land situated in the SW ¼ of the SE ¼ of Section 2, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, being more particularly described as follows:

    Commencing at the Southeast corner of the SW ¼ of the SE ¼ of Section 2, Township 10 South, Range 26 East and run thence Northerly, along the East line of said SW ¼ of the SE ¼, a distance of 112.5 feet to the point of beginning of this description. From point of beginning


    Continue Northerly, along said East line, a distance of 175.68 feet to the Southerly right-of-way of the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad (formerly Atlantic Coast Line Railroad). Return to the point of beginning and;


    Run thence Westerly, parallel with the South line of the SW ¼ of the SE ¼ of Section 2, a distance of 160.0 feet;


    Thence Northerly, parallel with the East line of said SW ¼ of the SE ¼, a distance of 108.69 feet to the Southerly right-of-way of the Seaboard Coast Line Railroad;


    Thence Northeasterly, along said Southerly right-of-way, a distance of 173.0 feet, more or less, to the Northerly end of call (1) and to close.

    Subject to that part thereof lying within the right-of-way of paved County Road (Holden Road).

    Ord. No. 92-24, 12-10-1992

    A tract of land situated in Lot 50 and in South Avenue of Revised Map of STINWELL SUBURBAN FARMS, recorded in Map Book 2, page 39 of the public records of Putnam County, Florida, being a part of lands described in O.R. Book 478, page 782 of said public records and being more particularly described as follows:

    Beginning on the Southerly boundary of lands described in O.R. Book 414, page 80 of the public records of Putnam County, Florida at the most Westerly corner of lands described in O.R. Book 469, page 654 of said public records and


    Run thence Westerly, along said Southerly boundary, a distance of 492.13 feet to the most Southerly corner of lands described in O.R. Book 414, page 80. Return to the point of beginning and;


    Run thence Southerly, along the Westerly boundary of lands described in O.R. Book 469, page 654, a distance of 346.37 feet to the most Southerly corner of said lands on the Northerly right-of-way of State Road #19, being on a curve concave to the Southeast, having a radius of 2964.93 feet and a central angle of 33° 30′ 00″;


    Thence Southwesterly, along said curve and said Northerly right-of-way, an arc distance of 315.0 feet, more or less, to intersect with the South boundary of Revised Map of STINWELL SUBURBAN FARMS, being the South boundary of the J.B. Entralgo Grant, Section 37, Township 9 South, Range 26 East;


    Thence Westerly, along said South boundary, a distance of 400.0 feet;


    Thence Northeasterly, a distance of 320.0 feet, more or less, to the Westerly end of call (1) and to close.

    Excepting therefrom that part thereof lying within 30.0 foot Drainage Easement described in Final Judgment as SRD #105 in Minutes of Circuit Court Book 16, page 219 of the public records of Putnam County, Florida.

    Subject to A.T.&T. Co. Easement as described in Deed Book 172, page 294 of said public records.

    Containing 4.71 acres, more or less, inclusive of A.T.&T. Co. Easement.

    Ord. No. 93-1, 2-11-1993

    Parcel 1 (11 Co.)

    A part of the South ½ of the SW ¼ of Section 3 and the SE ¼ of the SE ¼ of Section 4, all in Township 10 South, Range 26 East, Putnam County, Florida, more particularly described as follows:

    Beginning at the Southwest corner of said Section 3 and


    Run thence Easterly, along the South line of said Section 3, a distance of 745.0 feet to the Southwest corner of the lands described in O.R. Book 514, page 6;


    Thence run Northerly, along the West line of said lands, a distance of 435.0 feet to the Northwest corner of said lands;


    Thence run Easterly, along the North line of said lands, a distance of 200.0 feet to intersect with the Westerly line of lands described in that Ordinance recorded in O.R. Book 402, page 1877;


    Thence run Northerly, along the Westerly line of said lands, a distance of 880.0 feet, more or less, to intersect with call #5 of that certain Boundary Line Agreement described in O.R. Book 183, page 177;


    Thence run Westerly, along call #5 of said Boundary Line Agreement, a distance of 185.0 feet, more or less, to the Westerly end of call #5 of said Boundary Line Agreement;


    Thence run S 58° 44′ 35″ W, along call #6 of said Boundary Line Agreement, a distance of 933.36 feet to the Southerly end of call #7 of said Boundary Line Agreement;


    Thence run N 33° 05′ 55″ W, along call #8 of said Boundary Line Agreement, a distance of 295.0 feet, more or less, to intersect the West line of the East 200.32 feet of the SE ¼ of the SE ¼ of said Section 4;


    Thence run Southerly, along the West line of the East 200.32 feet of the SE ¼ of the SE ¼ of said Section 4, a distance of 1095.0 feet, more or less, to the South line of said Section 4;


    Thence run Easterly, along the South line of said Section 4, a distance of 200.32 feet to the point of beginning and to close.

    All references are according to the public records of Putnam County, Florida.

    Parcel 2 (11 Co.)

    A part of the South ½ of the SW ¼ of Section 3 and the NE ¼ of the NW ¼ of Section 10, all in Township 10 South, Range 26 East, Putnam County, Florida, more particularly described as follows:

    Commence at the intersection of a Southerly projection of the Easterly line of Kay Larkin Road as described in O.R. Book 350, page 1234, and the Northerly line of St. Johns Avenue as described in Parcel #2 of the lands described in O.R. Book 350, page 1819. Thence run Easterly, along the Northerly line of Parcel #2 of said lands described in O.R. Book 350, page 1819, a distance of 700.00 feet to the Southeast corner of lands described in that Ordinance recorded in O.R. Book 586, page 661 and the point of beginning.


    Thence run Northerly, along the East line of said lands described in O.R. Book 586, page 661, a distance of 680.0 feet to the Northeast corner of said lands;


    Thence run Westerly, along the North line of said lands described in O.R. Book 586, page 661, a distance of 400.0 feet to intersect the East line of lands described in that Ordinance recorded in O.R. Book 402, page 1877;


    Thence run Northerly, along the East line of said lands described in O.R. Book 402, page 1877, a distance of 730.0 feet, more or less, to intersect with call #5 of that certain Boundary Line Agreement recorded in O.R. Book 183, page 177;


    Thence run Easterly, along call #5 of said Boundary Line Agreement, a distance of 570.0 feet, more or less, to the Easterly end of call #5 of said Boundary Line Agreement;


    Thence run S 14° 00′ 20″ E, along call #4 of said Boundary Line Agreement, a distance of 113.27 feet to the Southerly end of said call #4;


    Thence run Westerly, parallel with the South line of the SW ¼ of said Section 3, a distance of 50.0 feet;


    Thence run Southerly, parallel with the East line of the SE ¼ of the SW ¼ of said Section 3, a distance of 224.46 feet, more or less, to the South line of said SE ¼ of SW ¼;


    Thence continue Southerly, along the same course, to the Northerly line of St. Johns Avenue as described in Parcel #2 of the lands described in O.R. Book 350, page 1819;


    Thence run Westerly, along the Northerly line of said St. Johns Avenue, a distance of 380.0 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning and to close.

    All references are according to the public records of Putnam County, Florida.

    Parcel 3 (R4)

    A part of the South ½ of the West ¾ of Section 3 and the North ½ of Section 10, all in Township 10 South, Range 26 East, Putnam County, Florida, more particularly described as follows:

    Beginning at the Southwesterly end of call #3 of that certain Boundary Line Agreement recorded in O.R. Book 183, page 177 and


    Run thence Westerly, parallel with the South line of the SE ¼ of the SW ¼ of said Section 3, a distance of 50.0 feet;


    Thence run Southerly, parallel with the East line of the SE ¼ of the SW ¼ of said Section 3, a distance of 224.46 feet, more or less, to the South line of said SE ¼ of SW ¼;


    Thence continue Southerly, along the same course, to the Northerly line of St. Johns Avenue as described in Parcel #2 of the lands described in O.R. Book 350, page 1819. Return to the point of beginning; and


    Run thence N 75° 24′ 10″ E, along call #3 of said Boundary Line Agreement recorded in O.R. Book 183, page 177, a distance of 720.40 feet to the Northerly end of said call #3;


    Thence run N 13° 27′ 50″ E, along call #2 of said Boundary Line Agreement a distance of 72.60 feet;


    Thence run Easterly, perpendicular to the West line of the Easterly 816.0 feet of the SW ¼ of the SE ¼ of said Section 3, a distance of 14.83 feet to the Northwest corner of the lands described in O.R. Book 166, page 489;


    Thence run Southerly, along the Westerly line of the Easterly 816.0 feet of the SW ¼ of the SE ¼ of said Section 3, a distance of 446.43 feet to the Northerly right-of-way of the Seaboard Coast Line Railroad;


    Thence continue Southerly, along the Easterly line of the lands described in O.R. Book 539, page 44, a distance of 100.0 feet to the Northerly line of St. Johns Avenue as described in Parcel #2 of the lands described in O.R. Book 350, page 1819;


    Thence run Westerly, along the Northerly line of said St. Johns Avenue, a distance of 784.0 feet, more or less, to the Southerly end of call (3) and to close.

    All references are according to the public records of Putnam County, Florida.

    Ord. No. 93-2, 2-11-1993, and Ord. No. 93-3, 3-11-1993

    Lots 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9, Block D, Highlawn Subdivision, as per Map Book 2, Page 49, public records of Putnam County, Florida.

    Ord. No. 93-26, 10-28-1993

    A tract of land situated in the SW ¼ of the SE ¼ of Section 2 and in the NW ¼ of the NE ¼ of Section 11, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, being more particularly described as follows:

    Commencing at the Southeast corner of the SW ¼ of the SE ¼ of Section 2, Township 10 South, Range 26 East and run thence Westerly along the South line of said SW ¼ of the SE ¼, a distance of 275.0 feet to a concrete monument and the point of beginning of this description. From a point of beginning (1) run thence Northerly parallel with the East line of the SW ¼ of the SE ¼ of Section 2, a distance of 173.97 feet to a concrete monument on the Southerly right-of-way of the Seaboard Coast Line Railroad (formerly Atlantic Coast Line Railroad). Return to the point of beginning, and (2) run thence Southerly, on a Southerly projection of call (1), a distance of 8.27 feet to a concrete monument on the Northerly right-of-way of St. Johns Avenue (Lemon Street Extension). (3) Thence Easterly, along said Northerly right-of-way, a distance of 115.26 feet to a concrete monument. (4) Thence Northerly, parallel with the East line of the SW ¼ of the SE ¼ of Section 2 and at a distance of 160.0 feet Westerly therefrom, a distance of 220.97 feet to a concrete monument set on the Southerly right-of-way of the Seaboard Coast Line Railroad. (5) Thence Southwesterly, along said Southerly right-of-way, a distance of 124.02 feet, more or less, to the Northerly end of call (1) and to close.

    Ord. No. 93-27, 10-28-1993

    All that property lying North of the following described line, to-wit:

    Commencing at the SW corner of Section 1, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, as established by John L. Turner, surveyor, in survey dated January 8, 1970, and run thence Northerly, along West line of said Section, a distance of 1327.04 feet to the SW corner of the NW ¼ of the SW ¼ of Section 1, being the SW corner of Simkin's Subdivision of the Sam Wiley Homestead, continue Northerly, along the West line of Section 1 and the West line of J.J. Simkin's Subdivision, a distance of 193.01 feet to a concrete monument, known as an S.H. Fortune monument, which said point is 1134.03 feet South of the NW corner of the SW ¼ of Section 1, as established by said Turner survey, being the point of beginning of this description. From point of beginning (1) run Easterly, on an angle of 88° 59′ 40″, as measured Northeasterly from the West line of Section 1, a distance of 85.02 feet (if extended in the same course a further distance of 30 feet from this point said line would intercept a second S.H. Fortune concrete monument) to intersect with a Southerly projection of the East line of lands described in Deed Book 242, page 538, of said public records at a distance of 9.79 feet Southerly of the SE corner of said lands, as located in said Turner survey, and the termination of this description.

    Ord. No. 94-15, 4-28-1994

    Situated in the SE ¼ of the NE ¼ of Section 11, Township 10 South, Range 26 East and being a portion of that certain tract of land deeded by J.C. Calhoun to Paul H. Mast and Ada B. Mast, his wife, by deed dated November 3, 1945 and recorded in Deed Book 157 at Page 286 of the public records of Putnam County, Florida, said portion of land being more particularly described as follows:

    From the quarter section corner on the Easterly boundary of said Section 11, run North 1 degree 01 minutes West, along the Easterly boundary of Section 11, a distance of 696.0 feet; thence run South 89 degrees 09 minutes West, a distance of 38.0 feet to a concrete marker and the point of beginning of the tract of land herein described: thence from said concrete marker as the point of beginning of the tract of land herein described, run South 89 degrees 09 minutes West, along the Southerly boundary of said tract of land described in Deed Book 157 at Page 286, a distance of 737.5 feet to a concrete marker; thence run North 1 degree 01 minutes West, parallel with the Easterly boundary of said Section 11, a distance of 550.0 feet to a concrete marker; thence run North 89 degrees 09 minutes East, a distance of 550.0 feet to a concrete marker; thence run South 1 degree 01 minutes East, a distance of 235.0 feet to a concrete marker; thence run North 89 degrees 09 minutes East, a distance of 187.5 feet to a concrete marker set 38.0 feet Westerly from the Easterly boundary of Section 11; thence run South 1 degree 01 minutes East, a distance of 315.0 feet to the point of beginning. EXCEPT those certain lands conveyed to the Florida Sanitarium and Benevolent Association, a non-profit corporation, as described in Official Records Book 1, Page 36 of the public records of Putnam County, Florida.

    Ord. No. 94-31, 12-8-1994

    Schedule A

    Parcel No. 1
    (Official Records Book 344, Page 1606)

    That part of the NW ¼ of the NW ¼ of Section 11, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, described as follows:

    Commence at the NE corner of the NW ¼ of the NW ¼ of Section 11 Township 10 South, Range 26 East, and thence run South 01° 06′ 15″ East along the East line of the said quarter section a distance of 837.33 feet to a concrete monument and the Point of Beginning; (1) Thence run South 01° 06′ 15″ East a distance of 165.87 feet to a concrete monument; (2) thence run South 89° 00′ 45″ West a distance of 228.03 feet to a concrete monument; (3) thence run North 01° 06′ 15″ West a distance of 165.87 feet to a concrete monument; (4) thence run North 89° 00′ 45″ East a distance of 228.03 feet to the Point of Beginning, to close.

    Excepting therefrom so much there of as lies within road rights of way.

    Parcel No. 1 (Per Surveyor)

    Part of the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 11, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, being those same lands as described in Official Records Book 344, Page 1606 of the Public Records of Putnam County, Florida, being more particularly described as follows:

    Commence at the Northeast corner of the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 11, Township 10 South, Range 26 East; thence run South 01° 06′ 15″ East, along the East line of said Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 837.33 feet to the Southeast corner of lands as described in Official Records Book 227, Page 525 of said Putnam County Public Records, and the Point of Beginning of the herein described parcel; thence continue South 01° 06′ 15″ East, along the East line of said Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 86.64 feet to the Westerly right-of-way line of State Road No. 19 (a 100 foot wide right-of-way as now established); thence South 16° 44′ 24″ West, along said Westerly right-of-way line, a distance of 83.18 feet; thence South 89° 00′ 45″ West, a distance of 202.54 feet; thence North 01° 06′ 15″ West, parallel with said East line of the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 11, a distance of 165.87 feet to the Southwest corner of said lands as described in Official Records Book 227, Page 525 of said Putnam County Public Records; thence North 89° 00′ 45″ East, along the South line of said lands, a distance of 228.03 feet to the Point of Beginning.

    Ord. No. 95-7, 3-23-1995

    Schedule A

    A part of the West ½ of the SE ¼ of the SE ¼ of Section 2, Township 10 South, Range 26 East and more particularly described as follows:

    Beginning at a point 430 feet West of the Southeast corner of the West ½ of the SE ¼ of the SE ¼ of Section 2, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, and running thence West 100 feet; thence North to the South line of the right-of-way of the Atlantic Coast Line Railway Company; thence Easterly, along said right-of-way line, to a point due North of the place of beginning; thence South to the place of beginning.

    Excepting therefrom that part conveyed to the State of Florida for road purposes and recorded in O.R. Book 37, Page 176 of the public records of Putnam County, Florida.

    Property appraiser's Parcel No. 02-10-26-0000-0830-0000

    Ord. No. 95-8, 5-16-1995

    Schedule A

    State Road #19:

    All that part that lies within the right-of-way of State Road #19, Southerly from the intersection with the centerline of State Road #15 (U.S. Highway #17), through the J.B. Entralgo Grant (Section 37, Township 9 South, Range 26 East) and through Section 2 to the South line of the NW ¼ of the SW ¼ of Section 11, Township 10 South, Range 26 East.

    Together with that part lying within the right-of-way of turnouts at their intersections with the rights-of-way of State Road #15 (U.S. Highway #17), State Road #100 (Reid Street), St. Johns Avenue and State Road #20 (Crill Avenue).

    St. Johns Avenue:

    All that part that lies within the right-of-way of St. Johns Avenue, Westerly from the intersection with the centerline of Palm Avenue through Sections 2 and 11, Township 10 South, Range 26 East to the West right-of-way of Zeagle Drive as described in Tract #1 of lands described in O.R. Book 350, page 1819 of the public records of Putnam County, Florida.

    Also, all that part that lies within the right-of-way of St. Johns Avenue, Easterly from the intersection with the centerline of Palm Avenue through Sections 1 and 12, Township 10 South, Range 26 East to the West right-of-way of Williams Street (present City limits of the City of Palatka).

    Palm Avenue:

    All that part that lies within the right-of-way of Palm Avenue, Northerly from the intersection with the centerline of Crill Avenue (State Road #20) through Sections 11, 12, 1 and 2, Township 10 South, Range 26 East to the centerline of State Road #100 (Reid Street).

    Together with that part lying within the right-of-way of turnouts at their intersection with the right-of-way of St. Johns Avenue.

    Moody Road:

    All that part that lies within the right-of-way of Moody Road, Northerly from the intersection with the centerline of Stillwell Avenue through Section 2, Township 10 South, Range 26 East to the centerline of State Road #100 (Reid Street).

    Ord. No. 95-15, 9-14-1995

    Schedule A

    A tract of land situated in the NE ¼ of the NW ¼ of Section 1, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, being a part of lands described in O.R. Book 39, Page 281, of the public records of Putnam County, Florida, and being more particularly described as follows:

    Commencing at the intersection of the South line of the NE ¼ of the NW ¼ of said Section 1 and the Easterly right-of-way of State Road #15 and run thence Northerly, along said Easterly right-of-way, a distance of 233.91 feet to a concrete monument and the point of beginning of this description. From point of beginning (1) continue Northerly, along said Easterly right-of-way, a distance of 100.0 feet to a concrete monument set on the Southerly right-of-way of a 50.0 ft. County Road, described in O.R. Book 39, page 286 of said public records. (2) Thence run Easterly, along said Southerly right-of-way, a distance of 175.0 feet to a concrete monument. (3) Thence run Southerly, parallel with the Easterly right-of-way of State Road #15, a distance of 100.0 feet to a concrete monument. (4) Thence run Westerly, parallel the Southerly right-of-way of said 50.0 ft. County Road, a distance of 175.0 feet to the point of beginning and to close.

    Ord. No. 96-6, 3-28-1996

    Lots 1, 2, 9 and 10, Block 15, Ridgedale Subdivision, according to the plat thereof recorded in Map Book 3, Page 164, of the public records of Putnam County, Florida.

    Ord. No. 96-14, 5-22-1996

    Lot 4, Block 3, J.W. Glisson Subdivision according to plat thereof recorded in Map Book 2, Page 12 of the public records of Putnam County, Florida.

    Together with that portion of the platted road (40 ft. wide and 170 ft. long) lying adjacent to and West of said Lot 4, as vacated by Putnam County Resolution #96-28.

    Ord. No. 96-22, 9-12-1996

    All of Block "B" of Subdivision known as "Davis Park," a subdivision of the SW ¼ of SE ¼, SE ¼ of SW ¼ and a part of NW ¼ of SE ¼ of Section 10, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, according to plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 3, pages 58 and 59 in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Putnam County, Florida. Excepting therefrom those lands conveyed to the Board of Bond Trustees by Deed dated February 16, 1926 and recorded in Deed Book 102, page 561, public records of Putnam County, Florida.

    Ord. No. 96-30, 10-10-1996

    All of Lots 4, 5, 6, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16, and the South ½ of Lot 17, Block B, Clarke and Browning Subdivision, according to Plat thereof as recorded in Map Book 2 page 27, of the public records of Putnam County, Florida.

    Ord. No. 96-31, 10-10-1996

    The North 325.6 feet of the South 651.2 feet of Lot 15 of Stinson and Williams Subdivision of part of Section 37 (J.B. Entralgo Grant), Township 9 South, Range 26 East, according to Map recorded in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court for Putnam County, Florida, in Book of Maps #2, as page 39, of the public records of Putnam County, Florida. Excepting, however, that part thereof as conveyed to the Board of Bond Trustees of Putnam County, Florida, for State Road purposes as per Deed Book 127, page 412, and Deed Book 127, page 414, records of Putnam County, Florida, also and excepting therefrom that part conveyed to Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company, a corporation, by Warranty Deed dated February 7, 1963, and recorded in Deed Book 220, page 300, public records of Putnam County, Florida, and also, excepting therefrom that part thereof taken for right-of-way purposes by the State of Florida as described in that order dated January 10, 1978 and recorded in O.R. Book 355, page 1048 of the public records of Putnam County, Florida.

    Ord. No. 97-1, 1-9-1997

    Lots 3 and 4 of Block "A" in A.W. Brooks' Subdivision of Lot Five in Block 3 of Husson's Addition to Palatka, as per map thereof recorded in Map Book 2, page 37 in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Putnam County, Florida.

    Ord. No. 97-6, 1-23-1997

    Schedule A

    A tract of land situated in the SW ¼ of the SE ¼ of Section 2 and in the NW ¼ of the NE ¼ of Section 11, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, being more particularly described as follows:

    Commencing at the Southeast corner of the SW ¼ of the SE ¼ of Section 2, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, and run thence Westerly, along the South line of said SW ¼ of the SE ¼, a distance of 275.0 feet to a concrete monument and the point of beginning of this description. From point of beginning (1) run thence Northerly, parallel with the East line of the SW ¼ of the SE ¼ of Section 2, a distance of 173.97 feet to a concrete monument on the Southerly right-of-way of the Seaboard Coast Line Railroad (formerly Atlantic Coast Line Railroad). Return to the point of beginning and (2) run thence Southerly, on a Southerly projection of call (1) a distance of 8.27 feet to a concrete monument on the Northerly right-of-way of St. Johns Avenue (Lemon Street Extension). (3) Thence Westerly along said Northerly right-of-way, 317.5 feet, more or less, to intersect with the Westerly line of lands described in O.R. Book 57, page 63 of the public records of Putnam County, Florida. (4) Thence Northerly, along said Westerly line and along the Easterly line of lands described in O.R. Book 56, page 696 to the Southerly right-of-way of the Seaboard Coast Line Railroad. (5) Thence Northeasterly along said Southerly right-of-way to the Northerly end of call (1) and to close.

    Subject to Easements described in Deed Book 238, page 264 and O.R. Book 120, page 677 of the public records of Putnam County, Florida.

    Ord. No. 97-13, 4-10-1997

    Part of the NW ¼ of the SW ¼ of Section 11, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, and being more particularly described as follows:

    Commencing at the intersection of the West line of said NW ¼ of SW ¼ with the Southerly R/W line of State Road No. 20, run thence S 1° 01′ 20″ along said West line 151.19 feet to the point of beginning; thence (1) run N 89° 30′ 25″ E 343.42 feet, thence (2) S 0° 52′ 05″ W 140.0 feet, thence (3) N 88° 29′ 39″ W 344.02 feet to the West line of said NW ¼ of SW ¼, thence (4) run N 1° 01′ 20″ E along said West line 137.0 feet to the point of beginning.

    Excepting therefrom that part lying in Moody Road.

    Ord. No. 97-16, 4-10-1997

    Lot 15 of a subdivision of part of the East one-half of Section 2, Township 10, Range 26 East, by Captain S.H. Fortune, Surveyor, dated November 6, 1948, and recorded in Deed Book 184, Page 452, Public Records of Putnam County, Florida.

    Ord. No. 98-1, 1-18-1998

    All of Lots 4 and 5, the Westerly 10 feet of Lot 3, and the Westerly 117 feet of Lots 6 and 7, Block "A", DAVIS PARK SUBDIVISION, according to plat thereof recorded in Map Book 3, pages 58 and 59 of the public records of Putnam County, Florida. Excepting therefrom that portion lying within the right-of-way of State Road #20 as per Deed Book 102, page 561 of said public records. Together with that portion of Fraternal Avenue duly abandoned by resolution recorded in O.R. Book 527, page 1539 of the public records of Putnam County, Florida, which would revert to the above described lands by operation of law.

    Ord. No. 98-10, 8-25-1998

    All of Lot 1 of Arden Heights Subdivision according to plat thereof recorded in Map Book 5, page 19, public records of Putnam County, Florida.

    Ord. No. 98-21, 9-24-1998

    Beginning at a point on the Southerly edge of the right-of-way of State Road 100 as described in that deed recorded in Deed Book 231, page 6, where said road intersects the Easterly edge of a dirt road known as "Discontinued Second Street," running thence due South 413½ feet to the Northwest corner of the lands described in Official Records Book 62, page 635; thence run due East 200 feet to the Westerly lines of those lands described in Deed Book 234, page 232; thence Northerly along the Westerly line of those lands described in Deed Book 234, page 232 and the Westerly line of those lands described in Deed Book 233, page 583 to the Southerly line of the right-of-way of State Road 100 as the same existed prior to 1966, thence Westerly along the right-of-way of State Road 100 to the point of beginning. EXCEPT those lands described in Final Judgment in the case of State Road Department vs. Louise Davis, et al. in relation to Parcel SRD-116, recorded in Official Records Book 22, page 166; EXCEPT those lands described in Deed Book 222, page 409 to the Board of Bond Trustees.

    Ord. No. 98-24, 9-24-98

    The South 300 feet of the following described property:

    Commencing at the Southwest corner of SE ¼ of NW ¼ of Section 11, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, thence East along the quarter section line 220 feet (3.335 chains) for point of beginning of this description; (1) thence North 990 feet (15 chains); (2) thence East 220 feet (3.335 chains); (3) thence South 990 feet (15 chains); (4) thence West 220 feet (3.335 chains) to the point of beginning and to close of this description. LESS AND EXCEPT those land described in Official Records Book 652, page 207 of the Public Records of Putnam County, Florida.

    Ord. No. 99-1, 1-28-99

    Parcel #1

    Part of the Entralgo Grant, Section 37, Township 9 South, Range 26 East, and being more particularly described as follows:

    Begin at the Southeast corner of Lot 16 of the Stinson and Williams Subdivision in Section 37, Township 9 South, Range 26 East; thence run Westerly along the South line of Lot 16, 348 feet to the Southwest corner thereof; thence run Northerly along the Westerly line of Lot 16, 235 feet; thence run Easterly and parallel with the South line of Lot 16 to the Westerly line of the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad right-of-way; thence run Southerly along said West lined to the point of beginning and to close.

    Parcel #2

    The North fifty (50) feet of Lot 15 in Stinson and Williams Subdivision of a part of Section 37, J.B. Entralgo Grant, Township 9 South Range 26 East, according to plat thereof recorded in Map Book 2, page 39 of the public records of Putnam County, Florida.

    EXCEPTING THEREFROM those portions conveyed to Board of Bond Trustees of Putnam County, Florida for Right-of-Way for Public Highways as shown in Deed Book 127, page 412 and Deed Book 127, page 46 and also that portion taken for Right-of-Way by Division of Administration, State of Florida Department of Transportation as shown in Order of Taking and being recorded in O.R. Book 347, page 851, all of the above references being in the public records of Putnam County, Florida.

    Ord. No. 99-10, 7-29-1999

    All that part of the right-of-way of State Road No. 19 that lies within the SW ¼ of the SW ¼ of Section 11, Township 10 South, Range 26 East. Also, all that part of the right-of-way of State Road No. 19 that lies within the NE ¼ of the SE ¼ of the SE ¼ of Section 10, Township 10 South, Range 26 East.

    Together with a tract of land situated in the E ½ of the SE ¼ of Section 10, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, being more particularly described as follows:

    Commencing at the Northeast corner of the SE ¼ of Section 10, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, Putnam County, Florida, thence N 89°52'10" W along the North boundary of said SE ¼ a distance of 1336.17 feet to the Northwest corner of the East ½ of the SE ¼ of said Section 10; thence S 00°13'23" W along the West boundary of said East ½ of the SE ¼ a distance of 663.06 feet to the Northwest corner of the South ½ of the NE ¼ of the SE ¼ of said Section 10 and the point of beginning; thence S 89°49'05" E along the North boundary of said South ½ of the NE ¼ of the SE ¼ a distance of 1089.19 feet to the Northwest corner of those lands as described in Official Records Book 190, Page 406, Public Records of Putnam County, Florida; thence S 00°11'38" W along the West boundary of said lands 260.10 feet to the Southwest corner of said lands; thence S 89°50'19" E along the South boundary of said lands 109.98 feet to the Northwest corner of those lands as described in Official Records Book 217, Page 141, Public Records of Putnam County, Florida; thence S 00°12'37" W along the West boundary of said lands 129.83 feet to the Southwest corner of said lands; thence S 89°44'31" E along the South boundary of said lands 100.09 feet to the Southeast corner of said lands, said point also being on the West right-of-way line of Moody Road; thence S 00°08'03" E along said right-of-way line 359.99 feet; thence continue along said right-of-way line S 00°00'00" W 57.27 feet to the point of curvature of a right-of-way curve concave to the Northwest and having a radius of 100.00 feet; thence Southwesterly along and with the arc of said right-of-way curve a central angle of 46°12'52", an arc distance of 80.66 feet and subtended by a chord bearing and distance of S 23°06'26" W 78.49 feet to the point of compound curvature of a curve concave to the Northwest and having a radius of 2764.93 feet, said point also being on the Westerly right-of-way line of State Road No. 19 (200 feet wide); thence Southwesterly along and with the arc of said right-of-way curve through a central angle of 05°27'43", an arc distance of 263.57 feet, and subtended by a chord bearing and distance of S 48°56'43" W 263.47 feet to the point of tangency; thence continue along said right-of-way line S 51°40'34" W 170.36 feet; thence departing from said right-of-way line N 38°19'26" W 90.76 feet; thence N 89°49'05" W 883.32 feet to an intersection with the West boundary of the East ½ of the SE ¼; thence N 00°13'01" E along said West boundary 425.13 feet to the Northwest corner of said North ½ of the SE ¼ of the SE ¼, said point also being the Southwest corner of aforesaid South ½ of the NE ¼ of the SE ¼; thence N 00°12'18" E along said West boundary of the East ½ of the SE ¼ a distance of 19.97 feet to the Southwest corner of those lands as described in Official Records Book 744, Page 108, Public Records of Putnam County, Florida; thence S 89°46'41" E along the South boundary of said lands 49.89 feet to the Southeast corner of said lands; thence N 00°16'37" E along the East boundary of said lands 49.98 feet to the Northeast corner of said lands; thence N 89°59'34" W along the North boundary of said lands 49.95 feet to the Northwest corner of said lands, said point also being on the aforesaid West boundary of the East ½ of the SE ¼; thence N 00°12'18" E along said West boundary 593.39 feet to the point of beginning and to close.

    Subject to a 20 foot easement as described in Official Records Book 592, Page 1497, Public Records of Putnam County, Florida.

    Containing 30.278 acres more or less.

    Ord. No. 99-16, 9-23-1999

    That part of the Easterly 30.00 feet of Lots 31, 32, 33, 34 and 35, College Park Subdivision as recorded in Map Book 4, page 147 lying Northerly of the Westerly projection of the Southerly line of the lands described in Official Records Book 510, page 1283, all of the public records of Putnam County, Florida, said 30.00 feet being measured at right angles to the Easterly line of said Lots 31, 32, 33, 34 and 35.

    Ord. No. 99-19, 9-23-1999

    Lots 2 and 3 of Block "B", Clark and Browning Subdivision, Palatka, Putnam County, Florida.

    Ord. No. 99-22, 9-23-1999

    Parcel No. 01-10-26-0000-0410-0000

    Part of the NW¼ of the NE ¼, Section 1, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, containing .17 acres, more or less, Book 132, page 310 of the Public Records of Putnam County, Florida.


    Parcel No. 01-10-26-0000-0320-0000

    Beginning at the NE corner of the S ½ of the NW ¼ of NE ¼ of Section 1, Township 10 South, Range 26 East and running West 2 chains to a point for a true beginning corner of this conveyance, from thence West 4.88 chains, thence South to the Public road leading from Palatka to Sauble and Rice Creck, thence Southeasterly along said road to a lightwood post standing 2 chains West of Quarter-section line, thence Northerly to place of real beginning, containing 3 acres, more or less, except a tract in the SE corner thereof 75 feet North and South by 100 feet East and West, as per deed recorded in Deed Book 132, page 310 of the Public Records of Putnam County, Florida.


    Parcel No. 00-00-00-3150-0010-0010

    Lots 1 and 2 of Block 1 of GLISSON & WELLS' SUBDIVISION of the S ½ of the NW ¼ of the NE ¼ of Section 1, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, as recorded in Map Book 1, page 138 of the Public Records of Putnam County, Florida.

    Lot Three (3) in Block One (1) of Glisson & Wells' Subdivision of the S ½ of NW ¼ of NE ¼ (less 3 acres to Hicks) in Section 1, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, Putnam County, Florida.


    Parcel No. 00-00-00-3150-0080-0030

    Lots 3 and 4 of Block 8 of GLISSON & WELLS SUBDIVISION of the S ½ of the NW ¼ of the NE ¼ of Section 1, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, as per map thereof recorded in Map Book 1, page 138 of the Public Records of Putnam County, Florida.


    Parcel No. 01-10-26-3150-0010-0040

    Lot Four (4) of Block One (1) of GLISSON & WELLS SUBDIVISION of the S ½ of the NW ¼ of the NE ¼ of Section 1, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, as per map thereof recorded in Map Book 1, page 138 of the Public Records of Putnam County, Florida.

    Ord. No. 00-1, 1-13-2000

    A parcel of land, situate in the NW ¼ of the SW ¼ of Section 10, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, Putnam County, Florida, being a part of lands described in O.R. Book 66, Page 140, and O.R. Book 233, Page 165 of the public records of Putnam County, Florida and more particularly described as follows:

    Begin at the Northwest corner of said NW ¼ of SW ¼ and (1) run East, along the North line of said NW ¼ of SW ¼ for a distance of 165 feet to the Northwest corner of lands described in O.R. Book 506, page 308 of said public records. (2) Thence run South 6°06'12" East, along the West line of said lands described in O.R. Book 506, page 308 for a distance of 300 feet, more or less, to the Southwest corner of said lands. (3) Thence run South 89°00'04" West, along a Westerly projection of the South line of said lands described in O.R. Book 506, page 308 for a distance of 190 feet, more or less, to the West line of said NW ¼ of SW ¼. (4) Thence run North, along the West line of said NW ¼ of SW ¼, a distance of 300 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning and to close.

    Ord. No. 00-28, 12-7-2000

    The West ½ of the following described Parcel #1: The South ½ of the Southwest ¼ of the Southeast ¼ of the Northwest ¼ of Section 10, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, Putnam County, Florida, Less and Except Official Records Book 536, page 736, and Less and Except that part of closed Seventh Street as vacated by Resolution No. 98-57, and recorded in Official Records Book 763, page 1745, all being a part of McLaurys Subdivision (West Palatka), as recorded in Miscellaneous Map Book 1, page 1 of the public records of Putnam County, Florida. Less and Except Streets as shown on said subdivision.


    The West ½ of the following described Parcel #2:

    TOGETHER WITH that part of Closed Seventh Street as vacated by Resolution No. 99-30, and recorded in Official Records Book 791, page 1983 of the public records of Putnam County, Florida.

    RESERVING unto the Grantor an easement for ingress and egress over the North ten (10) feet.

    Ord. No. 01-01, 1-11-2001

    The South ½ of the Southwest ¼ of the Southeast ¼ of the Northwest ¼ of Section 10, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, Putnam County, Florida, Less and Except Official Records Book 536, page 736, and Less and Except that part of closed Seventh Street as vacated by Resolution No. 98-57, and recorded in Official Records Book 763, page 1745, all being a part of McLaurys Subdivision, (West Palatka) as recorded in Miscellaneous Map Book 1, page 1 of the public records of Putnam County, Florida. (Less and Except streets as shown on said Subdivision).

    Together with that part of Closed Seventh Street as vacated by Resolution No. 99-30, and recorded in Official Records Book 791, page 1983 of the public records of Putnam County, Florida.

    Ord. No. 01-04, 1-11-2001

    A Part of Section 37, Township 9 South, Range 26 East, Putnam County, Florida also being a part of revised map of Stinwell Suburban Farms, as recorded in Map Book 2, page 39 of the public records of said county, being more particularly described as follows:

    For a Point of Beginning commence at the Northwesterly corner of the lands described in Official Records Book 584, Page 301 of said public records, said point being on the Easterly right-of-way line of Comfort Road, thence North 11 degrees 57 minutes 30 seconds East, along said Easterly Right-of-Way line of Comfort Road, a distance of 248.01 feet to the Point of curvature of a curve concave Westerly and having a radius of 1179.28 feet; thence Northerly along the arc of said curve, a chord bearing of North 11 degrees 42 minutes 56 seconds East and a chord distance of 10.00 feet to a point 258.00 feet Northerly of as measured at right angles to the Northerly line of said lands described in Official Records Book 584, Page 301, thence South 78 degrees 02 minutes 30 seconds East, parallel with said Northerly line of the lands described in Official Records Book 584, page 301, a distance of 553.09 feet; thence South 18 degrees 28 minutes 41 seconds West, a distance of 259.68 feet to the Easterly projection of said Northerly line of the lands described in official Records Book 584, Page 301; thence North 78 degrees 02 minutes 30 seconds West, along said Easterly projection and said Northerly line of the lands described in Official Records Book 584, page 301, a distance of 523.56 feet to the Point of Beginning.

    Together with an easement for the purpose of maintenance and installation of utility services over and across a strip of land 7.5 feet Northerly of and adjacent to the Northerly line of the above described parcel of land. Intending hereby to terminate the Easterly end of said easement along a Northerly projection of the Easterly line of the above described parcel and to terminate the Westerly end of said easement at the Easterly right-of-way of Comfort Road.

    Subject to an easement for the purpose of maintenance and installation of utility services over and across the Northerly 7.5 feet of the above described parcel of land as set out in Official Records Book 722, page 1779 et seq. of the public records of Putnam County, Florida.

    Ord. No. 01-09, 3-22-2001

    All of the East ½ of the SW ¼ of the SW ¼ of Section 11, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, excepting that portion of the said East ½ of the SW ¼ of the SW ¼ of Section 11, Township 10 South, Range 26 East lying South of the Right-of-Way of the Ocklawaha Valley Railroad, formerly the Ocala Northern Railroad Company, said Right-of-Way being 100 feet wide across said property. Also excepting therefrom those parcels of land described in: Official Records Book 263, Pages 302 and 303; Official Records Book 292, Pages 605 and 607; Official Records Book 353, Page 1530; and Official Records Book 410, Page 959, of the Official Records of Putnam County, Florida.

    Ord. No. 01-20, 9-13-2001

    The North 180.0 feet of the West 180.0 feet of Government Lot 3, Section 13, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, EXCEPTING THEREFROM the Northerly 30.0 feet and the Westerly 30.0 feet thereof.

    Ord. No. 01-24, 9-13-2001

    [The following property is hereby vacated, abandoned, renounced, and disclaimed:]

    South ½ of Dunham Street located between 13th Street and 15th Street within the City of Palatka as shown on Dick's Map of Palatka, Map Book 2, Page 46, official records of Putnam County, Florida.

    Ord. No. 01-25, 9-13-2001

    [The following property is hereby vacated, abandoned, renounced, and disclaimed:]

    That portion of 14th Street located between Bronson Street and Dunham Street within the City of Palatka as shown on Dick's Map of Palatka, Map Book 2, Page 46 official records of Putnam County, Florida.

    Ord. No. 02-06, 9-12-2002

    A tract of land situated in Section 4, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, being more particularly described as follows:

    Commencing at the Northeast corner of Section 4, Township 10 South, Range 26 East and run thence S 1°12'52.5" E, along the East line of the NE ¼ of Section 4, a distance of 1267.54 feet to a concrete monument set at a distance of 1040.0 feet Northerly, as measured at right angles, from the centerline of runway 9-27 of Kay Larkin Municipal Airport and the point of beginning of this description. From point of beginning (1) run thence S 87°17'24" W, parallel with said centerline and on a Westerly projection thereof, a distance of 1521.015 feet to a concrete monument set a distance of 1200.0 feet Westerly and 1040.0 feet Northerly, as measured on a Westerly projection and at right angles therefrom, from the Westerly end of the centerline of runway 9-27 of Kay Larkin Municipal Airport. (2) Thence run S 84°06'39.5" W, a distance of 3846.255 feet to a railroad spike set in pavement on the West line of the NW ¼ of Section 4 at a distance of 825.0 feet Northerly, as measured at right angles, from a Westerly projection of said runway 9-27. Return to the point of beginning and (3) run thence N 87°17'24" E, parallel with the centerline of said runway, a distance of 10.215 feet to a concrete monument set on an intersection with call #14 of that certain Boundary Line Agreement described in Official Records Book 183, page 177 of the public records of Putnam County, Florida. (4) Thence run S 1°51'13" E, along call #14 of said Boundary Line Agreement, a distance of 344.18 feet to a concrete monument at the Southerly end of call #14. (5) Thence run S 87°15'09" W, along call #13 of said Boundary Line Agreement, a distance of 664.995 feet to a concrete monument at the Westerly end of call #13. (6) Thence run S 2°40'29" E, along call #12 of said Boundary Line Agreement, a distance of 1061.71 feet to a "X" cut in concrete at the Southerly end of call #12. (7) Thence run N 87°12'30" E, along call #11 of said Boundary Line Agreement, a distance of 648.905 feet to a "X" cut in concrete at the Easterly end of call #11. (8) Thence run S 1°47'30" E, along call #10 of said Boundary Line Agreement, a distance of 386.41 feet to a concrete monument at the most Northerly corner of Parcel #4 of lands described in Official Records Book 759, page 304 of said public records. (9) Thence run S 70°41'12" W, along call #4 of said lands, a distance of 1008.875 feet to a concrete monument set at a distance of 1040.0 feet Southerly, as measured at right angles, from a Westerly projection of runway 9-27 of Kay Larkin Municipal Airport. (10) Thence run S 87°17'24" W, parallel with said Westerly projection and at a distance of 1040.0 feet Southerly, as measured perpendicular therefrom, a distance of 536.335 feet to a concrete monument set at a distance of 1200.0 feet Westerly and 1040.0 feet Southerly, as measured on a Westerly projection and at right angles therefrom, from the Westerly end of the centerline of runway 9-27 of Kay Larkin Municipal Airport. (11) Thence run N 89°31'51.5" W, a distance of 3907.565 feet to a railroad spike set in pavement on the West line of the SW ¼ of Section 4 at a distance of 153.13 feet Southerly, as measured along said West line, from the Northwest corner of the SW ¼ of said Section 4 and being at a distance of 825.0 feet Southerly, as measured at right angles, from a Westerly projection of the centerline of runway 9-27 of Kay Larkin Municipal Airport. (12) Thence run N 0°35'07" W, along the West line of the SW ¼ and the West line of the NW ¼ of Section 4, a distance of 1651.14 feet to the Westerly end of call (2) and to close.

    EXCEPTING THEREFROM Parcel "A" of lands described in Official Records Book 261, page 458 of the public records of Putnam County, Florida and Subject to that part thereof lying within the right-of-way of Francis-Springside paved County Road (County Road #309-C).

    Containing 147.616 Acres, more or less, inclusive of right-of-way.

    Ord. No. 02-07, 9-12-2002

    The East ½ of the SE ¼ of Section 4, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, lying Southerly and Westerly of that certain Boundary line agreement described in Official Records Book 183 at page 177 and Southerly of the Northerly right-of-way of call #4 of that certain Easement to Putnam County, described in Official Records Book 133 at page 127 of the public records of Putnam County, Florida. Together with: The NW ¼ of the SW ¼ of Section 3 and the East ½ of the SE ¼ of Section 4, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, lying Southerly and Westerly of that certain Boundary Line Agreement described in O.R. Book 183, page 177 and Southerly of the Northerly right-of-way of fourth call of that certain Easement to Putnam County, described in O.R. Book 133, page 127 of the public records of Putnam County, Florida, EXCEPTING THEREFROM the East 200.32 feet of the SE ¼ of the SE ¼ of Section 4, lying Southerly of that certain Boundary Line Agreement described in O.R. Book 183, page 177. Together with: The North ½ of the SW ¼ of the SE ¼ of Section 4, Township 10 South, Range 26 East. Together with: That part of the South ½ of the NW ¼ of the SE ¼ of Section 4, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, lying Southerly of old fence line running from approximately the most Westerly point of drainage ditch Westerly and Southerly to a point approximately 200 feet Northerly of the SW corner of said NW ¼ of the SE ¼ of Section 4. Together with: A tract of land situated in the SE ¼ of the NE ¼ and in the NE ¼ of the SE ¼ of Section 4, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the Northerly right-of-way of fourth call of that certain Easement to Putnam County described in O.R. Book 133, page 127 and Call (10) of that certain Boundary Line Agreement described in O.R. Book 183, page 177 of the public records of Putnam County, Florida and (1) run Northerly, along Call (10) of said Boundary Line Agreement, a distance of 400.0 feet. Return to the point of beginning and (2) run Southwesterly, along the Northerly right-of-way of fourth call of said Easement to Putnam County described in O.R. Book 133, page 127, a distance of 1480 feet, more or less, to interest with the West line of the NE ¼ of the SE ¼ of Section 4. (3) Thence Northerly, along said West line, a distance of 400.0 feet. (4) Thence Northeasterly, parallel with Call (2), a distance of 1480 feet, more or less, to the Northerly end of call (1) and to close. TOGETHER WITH Easement described in O.R. Book 514, page 3 of the public records of Putnam County, Florida. SUBJECT to Easement to Putnam County described in O.R. Book 133, page 127 of said public records and EXCEPTING any part thereof that may lie within the right-of-way of the abandoned Seaboard Coast Line Railroad as described in O.R. Book 460, page 1252 of the public records of Putnam County, Florida. Together with: SW ¼ of NE ¼ of SW ¼; N ½ of SW ¼ of SW ¼; SE ¼ of SW ¼ of SW ¼; S ½ of SW ¼ of SE ¼; S ½ of SE ¼ of NE ¼ of SW ¼; SE ¼ of SW ¼; S ½ of NW ¼ of SW ¼, all in Section 4, Township 10 South, Range 26 East. SUBJECT TO any portion of the above lying within the right-of-way of FRANCIS-SPRINGSIDE PAVED COUNTY ROAD (309-C) on the Westerly side thereof. Together with: NE ¼ of NW ¼ of NW ¼; NE ¼ of NW ¼; NW ¼ of NE ¼; all in Section 9, Township 10 South, Range 26 East. EXCEPTING THEREFROM any portion of the above lying South of that part conveyed from Seaboard System Railroad, Inc., a Virginia Corporation to Board of County of Commissioners of Putnam County Florida as described in O.R. Book 460, page 1252 of the public records of Putnam County, Florida and lying within PARK AVENUE. Together with: The SE ¼ of the NW ¼ of the NW ¼, Section 9, Township 10 South, Range 26 East. Together with: A strip or parcel of Grantor's vacated right-of-way, varying in width, being a portion of Grantor's former Palatka to Brooksville main track, more particularly described as follows: that portion of vacated right-of-way in the N ½ of Section 9, Township 10 South, Range 26 East of the public records of Putnam County, Florida.

    Ord. No. 02-13, 9-26-2002

    Lots 1, 2, and 3 of Block 1 of Underwood Estates subdivision, as recorded in Map Book 6, Page 5 of the Official Records of Putnam County, Florida.

    Ord. No. 02-16, 9-26-2002

    Lot 26 of Orman Leigh Estates, as recorded in Map Book 4, page 157 of the public records of Putnam County, Florida.

    Ord. No. 02-19, 9-26-2002

    That portion of the South ½ of the Southeast ¼ of the Southeast ¼ of Section 10, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, lying West of State Road 19, as recorded in Official Records Book 434, Page 508 of the Public Records of Putnam County, Florida.

    INCLUDING that part of State Road No. 19, located in the South ½ of the Southeast ¼ of the Southeast ¼ of Section 10, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, taken for State Road right-of-way by Order of Taking, as recorded in Official Records Book 81, Page 275 of the Public Records of Putnam County, Florida.

    EXCEPT that part described in Official Records Book 845, Page 465, and subject to that easement as described in Official Records Book 849, Page 445 of the Public Records of Putnam County, Florida.

    Ord. No. 02-25, 9-26-2002

    [The following property is hereby vacated, abandoned, renounced, and disclaimed:]

    That portion of West Main Street located between Pine Street and Williams Street, within the City of Palatka as shown on the plat of McGregors subdivision, Map Book 2, Page 14 official records of Putnam County, Florida.

    Ord. No. 02-26, 9-26-2002

    [The following property is hereby vacated, abandoned, renounced, and disclaimed:]

    That portion of Halsey Street located between Catherine Street and the Seaboard Coast Line Railroad right-of-way, within the City of Palatka as shown on the plat of McGregors subdivision, Map Book 2, Page 14 official records of Putnam County, Florida.

    Ord. No. 03-12, 4-24-2003

    Beginning at a point 316 feet West of the Southeast corner of the West ½ of the Southeast ¼ of the Southeast ¼ of Section 2, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, and running thence West 114 feet more or less; thence North to the South line of the right-of-way of the Atlantic Coast Line Railway Company, thence Easterly along said right-of-way to a point North of the place of beginning; thence South to the place of beginning, as also described in that instrument found at Book 687, Page 521, Official Records of Putnam County Florida.

    Ord. No. 03-13, 7-24-2003

    Beginning at a point on the North line of the right-of-way of State Road #20 (a/k/a Crill Avenue) at the point where same is intersected by the Westerly line of Section 11, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, said point also lying on the centerline of Moody Road; thence run East along the North line of said State Road #20 right-of-way, a distance of 180 feet; thence run North and parallel to the West line of said Section, a distance of 295 feet; thence run West and parallel to the South line of said Section, a distance of 180 feet to the Westerly line of said Section; thence run South along the Westerly line of said Section, a distance of 295 feet to the point of beginning and to close.

    EXCEPT THEREFROM that part conveyed for right-of-way purposes as described in Deed Book 107, page 390 of the public records of Putnam County, Florida.

    ALSO, EXCEPT THEREFROM that part taken for right-of-way purposes as described in the Stipulated Final Judgement recorded in Official Records Book 898, page 204 of the public records of Putnam County, Florida.

    Ord. No. 03-24, 11-20-2003

    For the Point of Beginning commence at the NW corner of the NE ¼ of Section 24, Township 10 South, Range 26 East; thence along the North boundary of Section 24 North 89°02'52" East a distance of 15.00 feet; thence departing from said North boundary South 01°17'58" East a distance of approximately 1420.67 feet to the South line of the CSX Railroad (formerly Seaboard System Railroad) right-of-way; thence North 70°23'14" East along said South right-of-way of the CSX Railroad right-of-way a distance of 530.40 feet to the point of curvature of a curve to the left, said curve being concave Northwest having a radius of 2,342 feet; thence Northeasterly along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 19°39'39" an arc distance of 803.65 feet, said arc being subtended by a chord bearing of North 60°33'25" East and a distance of 799.72 feet to a point on the East line of the West ½ of the Northeast ¼ of said Section 24; thence South 01°45'40" East along said East line of the West ½ of said Northeast ¼ a distance of 1,118.32 feet to the Southeast corner of the North ½ of the Southwest ¼ of the Northeast ¼ of said Section 24, also being the Southwest corner of the parcel described in Official Records Book 557, page 1424; thence North 88°32'48" East and along the South line of Official Records Book 557, page 1424 to the West right-of-way line of Brown's Landing Road; thence Southerly and Southeasterly along the West right-of-way line of said Brown's Landing Road to a point of intersection with the Northwesterly boundary of lands described in Official Records Book 732, page 1447, said point also lying on the North line of the Florida Power and Light right-of-way easement; thence South 46°05'28" West a distance of 1,492.63 feet; thence North 84°43'45" West a distance of 3,374.23 feet; thence South 89°42'27" West a distance of 307.29 feet to intersect the West boundary line of Section 24, Township 10 South, Range 26 East; thence North along said West boundary line to a point of intersection with the South right-of-way line of the CSX railroad; thence Northeasterly along the South line of the CSX railroad right-of-way to a point 45 feet Westerly of the Westerly boundary of the lands described in Official Records Book 433, page 1949; thence North 01°17'58" West a distance of approximately 1,435 feet, more or less, to a point on the North boundary of said Section 24; thence along said North boundary North 89°02'52" East a distance of 45.00 feet to the Point of Beginning and to close. Containing 260.91 acres, more or less.

    Ord. No. 04-11, 5-6-2004

    A tract of land lying in and being a part of the Southwest ¼ of the Southeast ¼ of Section 13, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, Putnam County, Florida, and more particularly described as follows:

    Commencing at the Southwest corner of the said Southwest ¼ of the Southeast ¼ of said Section 13; thence East, 15 feet more or less to a point on the East right-of-way line of Husson Avenue; thence North, 147.27 feet to a point, said point being the point of beginning; thence East, 212.00 feet; thence North, 90.00 feet; thence West 212.00 feet to a point on the East right-of-way line of Husson Avenue; thence South and along the Easterly right-of-way line of said Husson Avenue, 90.00 feet to the point of beginning and to close.

    Ord. No. 04-12, 5-6-2004

    A tract of land lying in and being a part of the North ½ of Section 2, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, Putnam County, Florida, and more particularly described as follows:

    Parcel A

    As a point of reference commence at a 4" X 4" concrete monument as per Department of Natural Resources Document Number #0029022 being the West ¼ of Section 2, Township 10 South, Range 26 East; run thence North 89°00'11" East along the South line of the North ½ of said Section 2, a distance of 1327.96 feet to the point of beginning of this description; thence North 01°06'21" West, a distance of 988.98 feet; thence South 69°29'23" East, a distance of 348.33 feet; thence North 20°30'25" East, a distance of 500.42 feet to the Southerly right-of-way line of State Road 100 (also known as Reid Street); thence South 69°30'39" East along said right-of-way line, a distance of 15.0 feet; thence South 20°30'25" West, a distance of 208.00 feet; thence South 69°30'39" East, a distance of 560.98 feet; thence North 20°30'25" East, a distance of 208.00 feet to the Southerly right-of-way line of aforesaid State Road 100; thence South 69°30'39" East along said South right-of-way line, a distance of 110.86 feet; thence South 20°34'24" West, a distance of 215.33 feet; thence South 69°24'34" East, a distance of 100.07 feet; thence South 07°16'55" West, a distance of 292.98 feet; thence South 69°29'23" East, a distance of 225.30 feet; thence South 01°12'41" East, a distance of 465.64 feet to a point on the South line of the North ½ of aforesaid Section 2; thence South 89°00'11" West along said South line, a distance of 1327.96 feet to the point of beginning and to close.

    Parcel B

    As a point of reference commence at a 4" X 4" concrete monument as per Department of Natural Resources Document Number #0029022 being the West ¼ of Section 2, Township 10 South, Range 26 East; run thence North 89°00'11" East along the South line of the North ½ of said Section 2, a distance of 2784.99 feet to the point of beginning of this description; thence North 01°11'09" West, a distance of 400.00 feet; thence North 89°00'11" East, a distance of 30.00 feet; thence North 01°11'09" West, a distance of 505.79 feet to the Southerly right-of-way line of State Road 100 (also known as Reid Street); thence South 69°29'00" East along said right-of-way line, a distance of 284.74 feet; thence South 01°14'05" East, a distance of 414.67 feet to a point on the Westerly right-of-way line of State Road 100 (a 200 foot right-of-way); thence South 27°46'39" West, a distance of 441.16 feet to a point on the South line of the North ½ of aforesaid Section 2; thence South 89°00'11" West along said South line, a distance of 81.30 feet to the point of beginning and to close.

    Ord. No. 04-13, 5-6-2004

    A tract of land lying in and being a part of the Northwest ¼ of the Southeast ¼ of Section 2, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, Putnam County, Florida, and more particularly described as follows:

    Commencing at the Southwest corner of the said Northwest ¼ of the Southeast ¼ of said Section 2; thence North, 9 feet more or less to a point on the North right-of-way line of Weaver Road, said point being the point of beginning; thence North 00°07'13" West, 528.33 feet to a point on the Southeasterly right-of-way line of State Road No. 19; thence North 28°51'41" East, 340.91 feet; thence Southeasterly along the Southwest boundary line of lands described in Official Records Book 542, page 1408, Putnam County, Florida, a distance of 15.35 feet, more or less, to a point; thence Southwesterly on a Southwesterly projection of the tangent of a curve, concave to the Southeast, having a radius of 80.0 feet and a central angle of 25°11'50", a distance of 27.2 feet, more or less, to the beginning of said curve; thence along said curve, an arc distance of 35.18 feet to the point of tangency of said curve; thence South 00°07'13" East along the West boundary line of lands described in Official Records Book 698, page 41, Putnam County, Florida, a distance of 135.39 feet to a point; thence North 89°59'30" East, 303.39 feet; thence North 00°14'53" West, 25.00 feet; thence North 89°59'30" East, 403.40 feet; thence South 00°21'55" West, 645.35 feet; thence South 89°40'31" West along the North right-of-way line of Weaver Road, 860.92 feet to the point of beginning and to close.

    Ord. No. 04-14, 5-6-2004

    A tract of land lying in and being a part of the Southwest ¼ of the Southeast ¼ of Section 2, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, Putnam County, Florida, and more particularly described as follows:

    Commencing at a point 212.50 feet East from the Northwest corner of the said Southwest ¼ of the Southeast ¼ of said Section 2; thence South, 46.21 feet to a point on the South right-of-way line of Weaver Road, said point being the point of beginning; thence continue South, 200.00 feet; thence East, 75.00 feet; thence North 200.00 feet to a point on the South right-of-way line of Weaver Road; thence West and along the Southerly right-of-way line of said Weaver Road, 75.00 feet to the point of beginning and to close.

    Ord. No. 04-32, 10-14-2004

    Beginning at the Southeast corner of the Southeast ¼ of Section 10, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, thence Westerly along the South line of said Section 10 a distance of 38.76 feet; thence run North 1°18'25" West along the West boundary of the Moody Road public right-of-way a distance of 398.88 feet to the Point of Beginning of this description; thence run South 87°04'47" East a distance of 587.40 feet to a point on the East boundary of the State Road 19 right-of-way; thence run North 50°27'47" East along the East boundary of State Road 19 a distance of approximately 720 feet to the point of intersection of the East boundary of the State Road 19 right-of-way with the West boundary line of the Moody Road right-of-way; from the point of intersection, thence run South 1°18'25" West along the West boundary of Moody Road a distance of approximately 450 feet to the Point of Beginning and to close. Containing 3.08 acres, more or less.

    Ord. No. 04-34, 10-14-2004

    Beginning at the Southeast corner of the Southeast ¼ of Section 10, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, thence Westerly along the South line of said Section 10 a distance of 38.76 feet to the Point of Beginning of this description. From the Point of Beginning, run North 1°18'25" West along the West boundary of the Moody Road public right-of-way a distance of 398.88 feet; thence run South 87°04'47" East a distance of 587.40 feet to a point on the East boundary of the State Road 19 right-of-way; thence South 50°27'47" West along the West boundary line of State Road 19 a distance of 637.14 feet to a point lying on the South line of Section 10; thence run North 87°04'47" East a distance of 1345.70 feet to the Point of Beginning and to close. Containing 7.36 acres, more or less.

    Ord. No. 05-01, 1-27-2005

    Lots 7 and 8, Block 16 of Ridgedale subdivision, according to plat thereof recorded in Map Book 3, page 164 of the public records of Putnam County, Florida.

    Ord. No. 05-02, 1-27-2005

    Parcel #12-10-26-7000-0010-0012

    The West 50 feet of Lot 1 and all of Lot 2 and the North 22.3 feet of Lot 5, Block 1 of A. M. Ray's subdivision of Palm Heights, according to plat thereof recorded in Map Book 2, page 40 of the public records of Putnam County, Florida. (Zoned County R-1A)

    Parcel #12-10-26-7000-0010-0030

    All of Lots 3, 4, and 5, except the North 22.3 feet of Lot 5, Block 1 of A. M. Ray's subdivision of Palm Heights, according to plat thereof recorded in Map Book 2, page 40 of the public records of Putnam County, Florida. (Zoned County R-1A)

    Parcel #12-10-26-7000-0020-0010

    All of Block 2 of A. M. Ray's subdivision of Palm Heights, according to plat thereof recorded in Map Book 2, page 40 of the public records of Putnam County, Florida. (Zoned County C-2)

    Parcel #12-10-26-7000-0030-0020

    All of Lots 2, 3, and 6, Block 3 of A. M. Ray's subdivision of Palm Heights, according to plat thereof recorded in Map Book 2, page 40 of the public records of Putnam County, Florida. (Zoned County C-1 and PUD)

    Parcel #12-10-26-7000-0030-0050

    All of Lots 5, 8, 9, and 12, Block 3 of A. M. Ray's subdivision of Palm Heights, according to plat thereof recorded in Map Book 2, page 40 of the public records of Putnam County, Florida. (Zoned County C-1)

    Parcel #12-10-26-7000-0040-0010

    All of Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, Block 4 of A. M. Ray's subdivision of Palm Heights, according to plat thereof recorded in Map Book 2, page 40 of the public records of Putnam County, Florida. (Zoned County R-1A)


    Parcel #12-10-26-0000-0270-0000

    A parcel of land located in the East ½ of the Northwest ¼ of Section 12, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, said parcel of land being more particularly described as follows:

    Beginning at the Southwest corner of the Northwest ¼ of the Northwest ¼ of said Section 12, said point lying on the Section line of said Section, said Section line also being the centerline of the Palm Avenue right-of-way; thence North, along said Section line a distance of 975 feet to the point of intersection of the centerline of Palm Avenue with the centerline of West Oak Street (also known as Hampton Street); thence East, along the centerline of West Oak Street a distance of approximately 655 feet to a point; thence South a distance of 30 feet to the point of beginning of this description; thence South a distance of 260 feet to a point on the North boundary line of lands described in Deed Book 146, page 38; thence West along said North boundary line a distance of 210 feet; thence North along the East boundary line of Block 4 of A. M. Ray's subdivision of Palm Heights, according to plat thereof recorded in Map Book 2, page 40, a distance of 260 feet; thence East along the South right-of-way line of West Oak Street a distance of 210 feet to the point of beginning and to close. (Zoned County R-1A)

    All parcels herein described as recorded in the public records of Putnam County, Florida.

    Ord. No. 05-03, 1-27-2005

    A parcel of land located in the Northwest ¼ of the Southwest ¼ of Section 10, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, said parcel of land being more particularly described as follows:

    Beginning at the Northwest corner of the Southwest ¼ of the Southwest ¼ of said Section 10, said point lying on the Section line of said Section; thence North, along said Section line a distance of 642.82 feet to a point on the North right-of-way line of State Road 20 (also known as Crill Avenue) and the point of beginning of this description; thence Northeasterly along said North right-of-way line of State Road 20 a distance of approximately 380 feet to a point on the West boundary line of the Palatka Medical Center Condominium plat, according to plat thereof recorded in Map Book 6, page 70; thence N 05°00'35" W along said West boundary a distance of approximately 220 feet to a point on the South boundary of lands described in Official Records Book 506, page 306; thence S 89°00'04" W along said South boundary line a distance of approximately 340 feet to its intersection with the Section line; thence South along said Section line a distance of approximately 350 feet to the point of beginning and to close. All parcels herein described as recorded in the public records of Putnam County, Florida.

    Ord. No. 05-04, 1-27-2005

    A tract of land situated in the West 5.0 acres of the NE ¼ of the NW ¼ of Section 11, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, more particularly described as follows:

    Commencing at the Southwest corner of the NE ¼ of the NW ¼ of said Section 11, thence run Easterly along the South line of said NE ¼ of the NW ¼, a distance of 80.58 feet to a point on the Easterly right-of-way of State Road 19 and the point of beginning of this description. From the point of beginning, continue Easterly along said South line, a distance of 83.66 feet to the Southeast corner of the West 5.0 acres of the NE ¼ of the NW ¼ of Section 11, also being the Southwest corner of lands described in Official Records Book 205, page 694; thence Northerly, along the East line of the said West 5.0 acres and the West line of lands described in Official Records Book 205, page 694, a distance of 260.09 feet to a point on the Easterly right-of-way of State Road 19; thence Southerly, along said Easterly right-of-way, a distance of 273.0 feet to the point of beginning and to close. All parcels herein described as recorded in the public records of Putnam County, Florida.

    Ord. No. 05-05, 1-27-2005

    A tract of land situated in the SE ¼ of the NE ¼ of the SE ¼ of Section 10, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, being more particularly described as follows:

    Commencing at a concrete monument at the NE corner of the SE ¼ of the NE ¼ of the SE ¼ of said Section 10 and run thence Southerly, along the East line of said Section, a distance of 260.0 feet; thence run Westerly parallel with the North line of the SE ¼ of the NE ¼ of the SE ¼, a distance of 40.39 feet to a concrete monument at the Southeast corner of lands described in Official Records Book 190, page 406, said monument also located on the Westerly right-of-way of Moody Road, a paved County Road, and the point of beginning of this description. From the point of beginning, continue Westerly, parallel with said North line and along the South line of lands described in Official Records Book 190, page 406, a distance of 100.0 feet to a concrete monument; thence Southerly, parallel with the Westerly right-of-way of said Moody Road, a distance of 130.0 feet to a concrete monument; thence Easterly, parallel with said North line, a distance of 100.0 feet to a concrete monument on the Westerly right-of-way of Moody Road, said point being 40.86 feet Westerly from the East line of Section 10; thence Northerly along said Westerly right-of-way, being 30.0 feet Westerly from the centerline of Moody Road, a distance of 130.0 feet to the point of beginning and to close. All parcels herein described as recorded in the public records of Putnam County, Florida.

    Ord. No. 05-06, 1-27-2005

    A tract of land situated in the SE ¼ of the NE ¼ of Section 11, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, being more particularly described as follows:

    From the Northwest corner of said SE ¼ of the NE ¼, run South 30 feet to a P.R.M.; thence run East 373 feet to a P.R.M. set 30 feet South of the North line of said SE ¼ of the NE ¼; thence run South along the West line of Elmwood Avenue, a 60 foot wide County paved road, 1,224 feet to a P.R.M. set in the North right-of-way of State Road 20 (also known as Crill Avenue) for the point of beginning of this description; thence run West along said State Road a distance of 115 feet to a P.R.M.; thence run North 150 feet; thence run East 115 feet to said Elmwood Avenue; thence run South 150 feet to the point of beginning and to close. All parcels herein described as recorded in the public records of Putnam County, Florida.

    Ord. No. 05-20, 2-24-2005

    Being a part of Section 6, Township 10 South, Range 27 East, more particularly described as follows: A tract of land 150 feet wide, running Northwesterly and Southeasterly by 300 feet, more or less in depth, running Northeasterly and Southwesterly, and being high land located immediately adjoining the Northwestern boundary line of the Palatka Town Site and being Northeasterly and adjoining the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad right-of-way, together with a strip of marsh or swamp land, 300 feet in width running parallel with and adjoining the said Northwestern boundary line of said Palatka Town Site, and extending from the high land down to Lot 2, North and West of the St. Johns River. The high lands fronting Southwesterly 150 feet on the said railroad right-of-way, containing 1 acre, more or less, and the marsh lands being 2,475 feet in length by 300 feet in width, containing 17 acres, more or less, and being in Putnam County, State of Florida, and adjoining the Townsite of Palatka.

    Ord. No. 05-21, 2-24-2005

    A tract of land situated in the Northwest ¼ of the Southwest ¼ of Section 11, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Northeast corner of the Northwest ¼ of the Southwest ¼ of Section 11, Township 10 South, Range 26 East and run thence Westerly, along the North line of said Northwest ¼ of the Southwest quarter, a distance of 30.0 feet; thence Southerly, parallel with the East line of the Northwest ¼ of the Southwest ¼ of Section 11, being along the West line of lands described in Deed Book 204, page 101 and the East line of lands described in Official Records Book 257, page 477 of the Public Records of Putnam County, Florida, a distance of 282.47 feet, more or less, to the Southeast corner of lands described in Official Records Book 257, page 477; thence Westerly, along the South line of lands described in Official Records Book 257, page 477, being parallel with the North line of the Northwest ¼ of the Southwest ¼ of Section 11, a distance of 125.0 feet to the Southwest corner of said lands and the Point of Beginning of this description: From Point of Beginning (1) continue Westerly, parallel with the North line of said Northwest ¼ on the Southwest quarter, a distance of 282.0 feet, more or less, to the Southeasterly right-of-way of State Road No. 19. Return to the Point of Beginning and (2) run thence Northerly, along a line of lands described in Official Records Book 257, page 477, being parallel with the East line of the Northwest ¼ of the Southwest ¼ of Section 11, a distance of 70.9 feet, more or less, to a corner of lands described in Official Records Book 257, page 477 on the Southerly line of lands described in Official Records Book 152, page 117 of said Public Records; (3) thence Easterly, along said Southerly line, being a line of lands described in Official Records Book 257, page 477, a distance of 32.15 feet, more or less, to the Southeasterly corner of lands described in Official Records Book 152, page 117; (4) thence Northerly, along the East line of lands described in Official Records Book 152, page 117, being a line of lands described in Official Records Book 257, page 477, a distance of 125.0 feet to the Southerly right-of-way of State Road No. 20, at a corner of lands described in Official Records Book 152, page 117 and Official Records Book 257, page 477; (5) thence Westerly, along said Southerly right-of-way, a distance of 140.99 feet, more or less, to the p.c. of a curve, concave to the Southeast, having a radius of 150.0 feet; (6) thence Southwesterly, along said curve, an arc distance of 188.5 feet to the p.t. of said curve on the Southeasterly right-of-way of State Road No. 19; (7) thence Southwesterly, along said Southeasterly right-of-way, a distance of 101.0 feet, more or less, to the Westerly end of Call (1) and to close.

    Containing 1.18 acres, more or less.

    Ord. No. 05-25, 6-9-2005

    The South 330 feet of the Northeast ¼ of the Northeast ¼ of the Southeast ¼ and the West 30 feet of the North 324 feet of the Northeast ¼ of the Northeast ¼ of the Southeast ¼, less and except the North 104 ½ feet thereof; said lands being more particularly described as beginning at the Southeast corner of the Northeast ¼ of the Northeast ¼ of the Southeast ¼ and run thence West along the South line thereof 660 feet, more or less, to the Southwest corner thereof, thence North along the West line thereof 549.5 feet, more or less, to the Southwest corner of a quarter acre lot in the Northwest corner thereof (said lot being 104 ½ feet square and commonly known as the Church Lot), thence East along the South line of said Church Lot 30 feet, thence South 219 ½ feet, more or less, to a point which is 330 feet North of the South line of said Northeast ¼ of the Northeast ¼ of the Southeast ¼ and 30 feet East of its West line, thence East 630 feet, more or less, to a point on the Range line between Ranges 26 and 27 East which is 330 feet North of the point of beginning, thence South along said Range line 330 feet to the point of beginning, all in Section 13, Township 10 South, Range 26 East.

    Together with a parcel of land lying West of the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad as presently located, beginning at the Southwest corner of Government Lot 9, Section 15, Township 10 South, Range 27 East, and run thence North along the Range line between Ranges 26 and 27 East a distance of 448 feet, more or less, to where the North line of the South 330 feet of the Northeast ¼ of the Northeast ¼ of the Southeast ¼ of Section 13, Township 10 South, Range 26 East intersects said Range line, thence East along said North line extended to the Westerly line of Webb & Nichols Subdivision of a part of said Lot 9 (the plat of which is of record in Map Book 1 at page 40, Public Records of Putnam County, Florida), thence Southerly along said Westerly line 85 feet, more or less, to the Southwest corner of said Subdivision, thence Easterly along the Southerly line of said Subdivision 514.4 feet, more or less, to a point which is 100 feet Westerly from the Southeast corner of Lot 3of said Subdivision, thence along the outside of an arc whose radius is 100 feet and the center point of which is 100 feet equidistant from the Southerly and Easterly lines of said Subdivision to a point where said arc intersects the Easterly line of said Lot 3, thence Northerly 15 feet to the North line of a road as shown on said Subdivision plat, thence West along the Northerly line of said Subdivision 24 feet to the East line of the property of the City of Palatka, thence North along said City Property to the Northwest corner of the East ½ of said Government Lot 9, thence East along the North line of said Lot 9 to the Northeast corner of said Lot, thence South along the East line of said Lot 9 to the Southeast corner thereof, thence West along the South line of said Lot 9 to the point of beginning and to close, all in Section 18, Township 10 South, Range 27 East.

    Ord. No. 05-26, 6-9-2005

    A tract of land situated in Lot 42 and in Stinwell Avenue of Revised Map of Stinwell Suburban Farms subdivision recorded in Map Book 2, page 39 of the Public Records of Putnam County, Florida and being more particularly described as follows:

    Beginning at a concrete monument at the intersection of the Westerly right-of-way of Stinwell Avenue with a Westerly projection of the Northerly line of Lot 42 of Revised Map of Stinwell Suburban Farms and (1) run thence Easterly, along said Westerly projection and along the Northerly line of Lot 42, a distance of 361.50 feet to a concrete monument on the Westerly right-of-way of State Road #15 (a/k/a U.S. Highway #17). Return to the point of beginning and (2) run thence Southerly, along the Westerly right-of-way of Stinwell Avenue, a distance of 466.7 feet to a concrete monument set on a Westerly projection of the Southerly line of Lot 42. (3) Thence run Easterly, along said Westerly projection and along the Southerly line of Lot 42, a distance of 361.50 feet to a concrete monument on the Westerly right-of-way of State Road #15. (4) Thence Northerly, along said Westerly right-of-way, a distance of 466.7 feet to the Easterly end of call (1) and to close.

    Ord. No. 05-28, 6-9-2005

    A part of the Southeast ¼ of the Southeast ¼ of Section 9, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, more particularly described as follows:

    From the Southwest corner of the Southeast ¼ of the Southwest ¼ of Section 9, run East, along the South line of the Section, for a distance of 263.5 feet to the Southeast corner of lands described in Deed Book 212, Page 136 for the Point of Beginning of this description. From said Point of Beginning, (1) run thence North, along the East line of lands described in Deed Book 212, Page 136 to the Southerly right-of-way line of State Road #20. Return to the Point of Beginning, (2) run thence East, along the South line of Section 9, for a distance of 231.5 feet to the Southeast corner of lands described in Deed Book 181, Page 423. (3) Run thence North, along the East line of lands described in Deed Book 181, Page 423 to the South right-of-way line of State Road #20. (4) Run thence Southwesterly, along the Southerly right-of-way line of State Road #20 to the Northerly end of Call #1 to close.

    Together with the West ½ of that part of the Southeast ¼ of the Southwest ¼ of Section 9, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, that lies East of Deed Book 215, Page 342, and West of Deed Book 187, Page 30 of the Public Records of Putnam County, Florida.

    Less and except that part described in Official Records Book 859, Page 1372 of the Public Records of Putnam County, Florida.

    Ord. No. 05-40, 9-22-2005

    A tract of land lying in and being a part of the Southeast ¼ of the Northeast ¼, Section 11, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, Putnam County, Florida and being more particularly described as follows:

    Commencing at the Southeast corner of said Southeast ¼ of the Northeast ¼; Thence on the Easterly line thereof run North 1°01'00" West, 1,011 feet; Thence South 89°09'99" West, 38.0 feet to the West Right-of-way line of Pal Avenue and the point of beginning; Thence continue South 89°09'00" West, 187.37 feet; Thence North 1°01'00" West, 44.75 feet; Thence North 89°23'39" East, 74.01 feet; Thence North 00°23'28" West, 9.24 feet; Thence North 89°16'52" East, 113.26 feet to the aforesaid West right-of-way line of Palm Avenue; Thence along last said line South 1°01'00" East, 53.43 feet to the point of beginning and to close.

    Ord. No. 05-43, 9-22-2005

    That part of the West ½ of the Northwest ¼ of the Southwest ¼ of Section 11, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, more particularly described as follows:

    Commence at the intersection of the South right-of-way line of State Road No. 20 and the West line of the Southwest ¼ of Section 11, run thence South along the West line of Section 11 for a distance of 130 feet, run thence East, parallel with the South right-of-way line of State Road No. 20 for a distance of 300 feet to a point and the point of beginning: (1) thence run East and parallel with the South right-of-way line of State Road No. 20 for a distance of 40 feet to a point; (2) thence run North and parallel with the West line of the Southwest ¼ of Section 11 for a distance of 130 feet to the South right-of-way line of State Road No. 20; (3) thence run West and along the South right-of-way line of said State Road No. 20 for a distance of 40 feet to a point; (4) thence run South and parallel with the West line of the said Southwest ¼ of Section 11 for a distance of 130 feet to the point of beginning and to close.

    Ord. No. 05-50, 12-15-2005

    A tract of land situated in the NW ¼ of the SW ¼ of the SE ¼ of Section 13, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, more particularly described as follows:

    Commence at a point, said point being the corner of the NW ¼ of the SW ¼ of the SE ¼, said point lying in the right-of-way of Husson Avenue. Thence Easterly, parallel to the section line of said Section, a distance of approximately 15 feet to a point lying on the East boundary of the Husson Avenue right-of-way and the point of beginning of this description. From the point of beginning, (1) thence Easterly, parallel to the Section line of said Section, a distance of 209 feet; (2) thence Southerly, parallel to the right-of-way of Husson Avenue, a distance of 209 feet; (3) thence Westerly, parallel to the Section line of said Section, a distance of 209 feet to a point, said point lying on the East boundary of the Husson Avenue right-of-way; (4) thence Northerly, along the East boundary of the Husson Avenue right-of-way, a distance of 209 feet to the point of beginning and to close. Containing one acre more or less.

    Ord. No. 05-52, 12-15-2005

    A tract of land situated in the SE ¼ of the NE ¼ of Section 11, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, Tallahasses Meridian, and being more particularly described as follows: Commence at a concrete monument which is 698.0 feet Northerly and 223.0 feet Easterly of the SW corner of the SE ¼ of the NE ¼ of said Section 11, and run thence Easterly parallel with the South line of said SE ¼ of the NE ¼, a distance of 150.0 feet to the Westerly line of those lands described in Deed Book 199, page 214, of the Public Records of Putnam County, Florida. Thence Northerly along said Westerly line, a distance of 94.0 feet. Thence Westerly and parallel with the South line of said SE ¼ of the NE ¼, a distance of 150.0 feet to the Easterly line of those lands described in Official Records Book 67, page 10 of said Public Records. Thence Southerly and along said Easterly line, a distance of 94.0 feet to the point of beginning and to close.

    Ord. No. 05-54, 12-15-2005

    All of the North half of the East half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 2, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, lying Easterly of the right-of-way of State Highway #19, as condemned and taken by Order entered in Official Records Book 81, page 275, Public Records of Putnam County, Florida.

    Ord. No. 05-56, 12-15-2005

    A tract of land situated in the Northwest ¼ of the Southwest ¼ of Section 11, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, being more particularly described as follows:

    Commencing at the Northwest corner of the Northwest ¼ of the Southwest ¼ of Section 11, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, and run thence Southerly, along the West line of said Northwest ¼ of the Southwest ¼, a distance of 190.25 feet to the Southwest corner of lands described in Official Records Book 139, Page 125 of the Public Records of Putnam County, Florida. Thence run Easterly, along the Southerly line of lands described in Official Records Book 139, Page 125 and Official Records Book 320, Page 1243 of said Public Records, being parallel with the Southerly right-of-way of State Road No. 20, a distance of 340.0 feet to the Southeast corner of lands described in Official Records 320, Page 1243 of said Public Records. Thence Southerly, parallel with the West line of the Northwest ¼ of the Southwest ¼ of Section 11, being along a line of lands described in Official Records Book 509, Page 1802, a distance of 12.32 feet to a corner of said lands on the Northerly line of lands described in Official Records Book 394, Page 1187 of said Public Records. Thence Easterly, along said Northerly line, being a line of lands described in Official Records Book 509, Page 1802, a distance of 3.30 feet to the Northeasterly corner of lands described in Official Records Book 394, Page 1187 at a corner of lands described in Official Records Book 509, Page 1802. Thence Southerly, along the Easterly line of lands described in Official Records Book 394, Page 1187, being a line of lands described in Official Records Book 509, Page 1802 and being along call #5 of lands described in Official Records Book 484, Page 1638 of said Public Records, a distance of 140.0 feet to the Southeast corner of lands described in Official Records Book 430, Page 156 and the Point of Beginning of this description. From said Point of Beginning (1) run thence Westerly, along the South line of said lands described in Official Records Book 430, Page 156, a distance of 344.02 feet to the Southwest corner of said lands being on the West line of said Northwest ¼ of Southwest ¼. Return to the Point of Beginning and (2) run thence Southerly, parallel with the West line of the Northwest ¼ of the Southwest ¼ of Section 11, being along call #4 of lands described in Official Records Book 484, Page 1638, a distance of 102.31 feet to a corner of lands described in Official Records Book 484, Page 1638. (3) Thence Easterly, along call #3 of lands described in Official Records Book 484, Page 1638, being parallel with the South line of the Northwest ¼ of the Southwest ¼ of Section 11, a distance of 106.115 feet to a corner of lands described in Official Records Book 484, Page 1638. (4) Thence Southerly, parallel with the West line of the Northwest ¼ of the Southwest ¼ of Section 11, being along call #2 of lands described in Official Records Book 484, Page 1638, a distance of 115.0 feet to a corner of lands described in Official Records Book 484, Page 1638. On the North line of tract #2 of lands described in Official Records Book 445, Page 355 of said Public Records. (5) Thence Westerly, along said North line and along call #4 of lands described in Official Records Book 465, Page 1767, being parallel with the South line of the Northwest ¼ of the Southwest ¼ of Section 11, a distance of 295.0 feet to a corner of lands described in Official Records Book 465, Page 1767. (6) Thence Northerly, parallel with the West line of the Northwest ¼ of the Southwest ¼ of Section 11, being along call #5 of lands described in Official Records Book 465, Page 1767, a distance of 68.0 feet, more or less, to a corner of said lands on the South line of Parcel #1 of lands described in Official Records Book 181, Page 248. (7) Thence Westerly, along said South line, being along call #6 of lands described in Official Records Book 465, Page 1767, a distance of 154.8 feet, more or less, to West line of the Northwest ¼ of the Southwest ¼ of Section 11. (8) Thence run Northerly, along said West line, a distance of 150.79 feet, more less, to the Westerly end of call (1) and to close.

    Subject to that part thereof lying within the right-of-way of paved County Road (Moody Road), along the West line of the above described lands and subject to easement for drainage and water retention as described in Official Records Book 445, Page 355 of the Public Records of Putnam County, Florida. And together with easement for drainage and water retention as described in Official Records Book 445, Page 355 of the Public Records of Putnam County, Florida.

    Ord. No. 05-60, 12-15-2005

    That the following streets or portions thereof are hereby vacated, abandoned, renounced, and disclaimed:

    A part of Main Street of the City of Palatka, being more particularly described as follows:

    Beginning at a nail and cap in pavement at the Northwesterly corner of Block 359 of the City of Palatka and (1) run thence Easterly, along the Northerly line of Block 359, across North 20th Street and along the Northerly line of Block 355 of the City of Palatka, a distance of 534.355 feet to a cross cut in concrete curb at the Northeasterly corner of lands described in Official Records Book 850, page 1848 of the public records of Putnam County, Florida. (2) Thence Northerly, on a Northerly projection of the Easterly line of said lands, a distance of 6.02 feet. (3) Thence Westerly, parallel with the Northerly face of a concrete block building and at a distance of 22.5 feet Northerly, as measured perpendicular to the face of the pilasters of said building, a distance of 417.84 feet to intersect with a Northerly projection of the Westerly side of a 12.0 foot wide covered walk of said building. (4) Thence Westerly, on a deflection angle left of 13°24'08" a distance of 119.575 feet to the point of beginning and to close.

    Containing 7,393.66 sq. ft. or 0.17 acres, more or less.

    Together with all of that part of North 20th Street of the City of Palatka lying Northerly of the Northerly right-of-way of Main Street and Southerly of that part of North 20th Street (previously closed) described in Official Records Book 220, page 605 of the public records of Putnam County, Florida.

    Containing 5,499.94 sq. ft. or 0.126 acres, more or less.

    Ord. No. 05-61, 12-15-2005

    A parcel of land being in the SE ¼ of the NW ¼ of the SW ¼ of Section 12, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, Putnam County, Florida and more particularly described as follows: Commence at the Southeast corner of the said SE ¼ of the NW ¼ of the SW ¼ and thence run West, along the South line of said SE ¼ of the NW ¼ of SW ¼, a distance of 25 feet, more or less, to the West line of that certain hard surface County Road (Westover Drive); thence run North, along the West line of said Westover Drive, a distance of 25 feet to the North line of a graded road and the Point of Beginning of this description; thence run North, along the West line of said Westover Drive, a distance of 170 feet; thence run West, parallel to the South line of said SE ¼ of NW ¼ of SW ¼, a distance of 160 feet; thence run South, parallel to the West line of said Westover Drive, a distance of 170 feet; thence run East, parallel to the South line of said SE ¼ of NW ¼ of SW ¼, a distance of 160 feet to the Point of Beginning and to close.

    Ord. No. 06-10, 1-26-2006

    That the following streets or portions thereof are hereby vacated, abandoned, renounced, and disclaimed:

    A part of Hotel Street of the City of Palatka, being more particularly described as follows:

    That portion of Hotel Street lying Southeasterly of the platted right-of-way of River Street, a county-maintained right-of-way, said Hotel Street being approximately 50 feet in width and running Southeasterly from the East side of the platted River Street right-of-way to its terminus at the mean high-water line of the St. Johns River. All streets as described herein are as shown on the Plat of the Palatka Blocks and Water Lots, Map Book 2, Page 41, of the official records of Putnam County, Florida.

    Ord. No. 06-11, 2-23-2006

    Part of the NW ¼ of the NW ¼ of Section 09, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, more particularly described as follows:

    From the Southwest corner of the NW ¼ of the NW ¼ of said Section 09, head thence Easterly a distance of approximately 30 feet to a point on the East right-of-way line of County Road 309-C. Thence head Northerly, along the East line of the County Road 309-C right-of-way, a distance of a approximately 330 feet to a point, said point being the Northwest corner of lands described in Deed Book 66, page 245, said point also being the point of beginning of this description. From the point of beginning, head North 89 degrees, 21 minutes, 23 seconds East a distance of 642.88 feet to a point; thence North 00 degrees, 54 minutes, 24 seconds West a distance of 796.34 feet to a point; thence South 89 degrees, 25 minutes, 00 seconds West a distance of 640.02 feet to a point; thence South 00 degrees, 42 minutes, 30 seconds East a distance of approximately 710 feet to a point, said point also being the Southeast corner of lands described in Official Records Book 200, page 417; thence South 89 degrees, 22 minutes, 35 seconds West a distance of 192.8 feet to a point, said point also lying on the Easterly right-of-way of County Road 309-C; thence South 00 degrees, 42 minutes, 00 seconds East a distance of 332.38 feet along the Easterly right-of-way line of County Road 309-C to the point of beginning and to close. All lands as described herein as recorded in the Public Records of Putnam County, Florida.

    Ord. No. 06-13, 2-23-2006

    Part of the NE ¼ of the NE ¼ of Section 03, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, more particularly described as follows:

    From the Northeast corner of said Section 03, thence Southerly, along the East section line of Section 03, a distance of 991.62 feet, to a point, said point lying on the Westerly right-of-way line of Moody Road, said point also being the point of beginning of this description. From the point of beginning, head Westerly along the South right-of-way line of State Road 100 (also known as Reid Street) a distance of 876.83 feet to a point; thence South 20 degrees, 31 minutes, 30 seconds West a distance of 500.00 feet to a point; thence Southeasterly and parallel to the South right-of-way line of State Road 100 a distance of 576.83 feet to a point; thence North 89 degrees, 01 minutes, 02 seconds East a distance of 462.43 feet to a point, said point lying on the West right-of-way line of Moody Road; thence Northerly, along the West right-of-way line of Moody Road a distance of 355 feet to the point of beginning and to close. All lands as described herein as recorded in the Public Records of Putnam County, Florida.

    Ord. No. 06-17, 4-13-2006

    Commencing at a PRM at the Southeast corner of the Northeast quarter of Section 2, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, and run thence run West 1,768.8 feet to a point; thence run North 887.25 feet to a point; thence run South 69 degrees 47 minutes 28 seconds East 36.9 feet to a point; thence run South 27 degrees 26 minutes 18 seconds West 49.55 feet to the Point of Beginning of the property described herein, said Point of Beginning being also described as the intersection of the Northerly right-of-way of State Road 100 (as now established) with the Easterly right-of-way of State Road 19 (as now established). From said Point of Beginning, thence run North 27 degrees 26 minutes 18 seconds East along the Easterly right-of-way line of State Road 19, a distance of 49.55 feet to its intersection with the Southerly right-of-way line of the Georgia Southern and Florida Railroad right-of-way, thence run South 69 degrees 47 minutes 28 seconds East along the said Southerly right-of-way line of the Georgia Southern and Florida Railroad, a distance of 263.10 feet, thence run South 01 degrees 11 minutes 48 seconds East, a distance of 54.52 feet to a point on the aforementioned right-of-way line of State Road 100; thence run North 69 degrees 28 minutes 30 seconds West along the said Northerly right-of-way line of State Road 100, a distance of 289.23 feet, to the Point of Beginning, situate, lying and being in the County of Putnam, State of Florida, and containing 0.317 acre, more or less.

    Containing 0.317 acres, more or less.

    Ord. No. 06-19, 4-13-2006

    Parcel No. 1:

    A part of the West ½ of the Southeast ¼ of the Southeast ¼ of Section 2, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, Putnam County, Florida, as recorded in Deed Book 168, page 559, with exception referred to therein, and more particularly described as follows:

    From the Southeast corner of the West ½ of the Southeast ¼ of the Southeast ¼ of said Section 2, run West 216 feet to the Point of Beginning of this description; (1) thence continue West a distance of 100 feet; (2) thence North to the South line of the right-of-way of the Atlantic Coast Line Railway Company; (3) thence return to the Point of Beginning and run North 200 feet; (4) thence East 100 feet; (5) thence North to the South line of the right-of-way of the Atlantic Coast Line Railway Company; and (6) thence Southwesterly along the South line of said Railroad right-of-way to intersect the Northern terminus of Call (2) and to close.

    Excepting therefrom that part thereof conveyed to the State of Florida for extension of Lemon Street by deed from Blanche R. Chesser and recorded in Official Records Book 37, page 166 of the Public Records of Putnam County, Florida.

    Parcel No. 2:

    From the Southeast corner of the West ½ of the Southeast ¼ of the Southeast ¼ of Section 2, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, run West 116 feet to the Point of Beginning of this description; thence West 100 feet; thence North 200 feet; thence East 100 feet; thence South 200 feet to the Point of Beginning.

    Excepting therefrom right-of-way conveyed to the State of Florida as described in Official Records Book 37, page 172 of the Public Records of Putnam County, Florida.

    Ord. No. 06-25, 4-27-2006

    That the following property be abandoned:

    The Northerly 60 feet of Block 7 of Golf Club Heights, according to map or plat thereof recorded in Map Book 3, page 124, of the public records of Putnam County, Florida.

    Ord. No. 06-27, 5-25-2006

    Parcel A:

    A part of the NW ¼ of Section 2, Township 10 South, Range 26 East and more particularly described as follows: From the Southwest corner of the said NW ¼ run North 1 degree 00' West, along the Westerly boundary of said Section 2, a distance of 2156.6 feet to the centerline of State Highway No. 100; thence run South 69 degrees 30' East, along the center line of said State Highway, a distance of 1,460.2 feet to the point of beginning of the tract of land described herein; thence run South 20 degrees 30' West a distance of 100.0 feet to a concrete marker, then continuing on the same course for an additional distance of 500.0 feet to a concrete marker, making a total distance of 600.0 feet on this course; thence run South 69 degrees 30' East, parallel with the centerline of said State Highway, a distance of 250.0 feet to a concrete marker; thence run North 20 degrees 30' East, a distance of 500.0 feet to a concrete marker; then continuing on the same course for an additional distance of 100.0 feet to the center line of said State Highway, making a total distance of 600.0 feet on this course; thence run North 69 degrees 30' West, along the center line of said State Highway, a distance of 250.0 feet to the point of beginning, except that part thereof on State Highway right-of-way.

    Parcel B:

    The South 325 feet of the following described lands:

    Being a part of the NW ¼ of Section 2, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, and more particularly described as follows: From the quarter section corner on the Westerly boundary of said Section 2, run North 1 degrees 00' West along said Westerly boundary of Section 2, a distance of 2,156.6 feet to the centerline of State Road No. 100; thence run South 69 degrees 30' East, along the said centerline of State Road No. 100, a distance of 1,360.2 feet to the point of beginning of the tract of land herein described; thence run South 20 degrees 30' West a distance of 100.00 feet to a cypress stake, thence continuing the same course an additional distance of 500.00 feet to a cypress stake, making a total distance of 600.00 feet on this course; thence run South 69 degrees 30' East, parallel to the centerline of State Road No. 100, a distance of 100 feet to a cypress stake, thence run North 20 degrees 30' East a distance of 500.00 feet to a cypress stake, thence continuing the same course an additional distance of 100.00 feet to the centerline of State Road No. 100, making a total distance of 600.00 feet on this course; thence run North 60 degrees 30' West along the centerline of State Road No. 100 to the point of beginning.

    Excepting therefrom that part heretofore taken for State Road Right-of-Way by that certain Order of Final Judgement recorded in Minutes Circuit Court Book 22, page 297, of the public records of Putnam County, Florida.

    Ord. No. 06-29, 6-8-2006

    Parcel #1:

    A tract of land situated in the South ½ of the Northwest ¼ of Section 11, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, being a part of lands described in Official Records Book 387, Page 579 of the public records of Putnam County, Florida, and being more particularly described as follows:

    Commencing at the Southeast corner of the Southwest ¼ of the Northwest ¼ of Section 11, Township 10 South, Range 26 East and run thence Northerly, along the East line of said Southwest ¼ of the Northwest ¼, a distance of 594.0 feet to a concrete monument at a corner of lands described in Official Records Book 387, Page 579 of said public records. Thence Easterly, along a line of said lands, being parallel with the South line of the Northwest ¼ of Section 11, a distance of 110.00 feet to a concrete monument at a corner of lands described in Official Records Book 387, Page 579. Thence Northerly, along the East line of said lands, being parallel with the West line of the Southeast ¼ of the Northwest ¼ of Section 11, a distance of 261.0 feet to a concrete monument at the Northeast corner of lands described in Official Records Book 387, Page 579 and the point of beginning of this description. From point of beginning (1) run thence Westerly, along the North line of said lands, a distance of 180.91 feet to the Easterly right-of-way of State Road #19; (2) thence Southwesterly, along said Easterly right-of-way, being the Westerly line of lands described in Official Records Book 387, Page 579, a distance of 100.0 feet; (3) thence Easterly, parallel with said North line, a distance of 211.55 feet, more or less, to intersect with the East line of lands described in Official Records Book 387, Page 579; (4) thence Northerly, along said East line, a distance of 95.29 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning and to close.

    Parcel #2:

    A tract of land situated in the South ½ of the Northwest ¼ of Section 11, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, being a part of lands described in Official Records Book 387, Page 579 of the public records of Putnam County, Florida, and being more particularly described as follows:

    Commencing at the Southeast corner of the Southwest ¼ of the Northwest ¼ of Section 11, Township 10 South, Range 26 East and run thence Northerly, along the East line of said Southwest ¼ of the Northwest ¼, a distance of 594.0 feet to a concrete monument at a corner of lands described in Official Records Book 387, Page 579 of said public records. Thence Easterly, along a line of said lands, being parallel with the South line of the Northwest ¼ of Section 11, a distance of 110.00 feet to a concrete monument at a corner of lands described in Official Records Book 387, Page 579. Thence Northerly, along the East line of said lands, being parallel with the West line of the Southeast ¼ of the Northwest ¼ of Section 11, a distance of 261.0 feet to a concrete monument at the Northeast corner of lands described in Official Records Book 387, Page 579. Thence Westerly, along the North line of said lands, a distance of 180.91 feet to the Easterly right-of-way of State Road #19 at the Northwesterly corner of lands described in Official Records Book 387, Page 579. Thence Southwesterly, along said Easterly right-of-way, being the Westerly line of lands described in Official Records Book 387, page 579, a distance of 100.0 feet to the point of beginning of this description. From point of beginning (1) continue Southwesterly, along said Easterly right-of-way and said Westerly line, a distance of 100.0 feet; (2) thence Easterly, parallel with the North line of lands described in Official Records Book 387, Page 579, being parallel with the South line of the Northwest ¼ of Section 11, a distance of 242.19 feet, more or less, to intersect with the East line of lands described in Official Records Book 387, Page 579. Return to the point of beginning and (3) run thence Easterly, parallel with call (2), a distance of 211.55 feet, more or less, to intersect with the East line of lands described in Official Records Book 387, Page 579; (4) thence Southerly, along said East line, a distance of 95.29 feet, more or less, to the Easterly end of call (2) and to close.

    Ord. No. 06-42, 10-26-2006

    Parcel #1:

    A part of the Westerly 495 feet of the Southeast ¼ of the Southwest ¼ of Section 9, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, Putnam County, Florida, lying Southerly of State Road #20 and being more particularly described as follows:

    Commence at the Southwest corner of said Southeast ¼ of the Southwest ¼ and run Easterly along the Southerly boundary thereof, 113.5 feet to the Southeasterly corner of a parcel of land as described in Deed Book 210 page 256 of the public records of said County; thence Northerly, along the Easterly boundary of said parcel (Deed Book 210 page 256), a distance of 240 feet to the Northwesterly corner of a parcel of land as described in Official Records Book 68 page 438 of said public records and the Point of Beginning. From Point of Beginning thus described (1) continue Northerly, along said Easterly boundary (Deed Book) Point of beginning and (2) thence Easterly, along said Northerly boundary (Official Records Book 68 page 438), a distance of 50.0 feet to the Northeast corner thereof; (3) thence Northerly, parallel with said Easterly boundary (Deed Book 210 page 256), to said Southerly boundary of State Road #20; (4) thence Southwesterly, along said Southerly boundary, to the end of call (1) and to close.

    (Being tax parcel #09-10-26-0000-0700-0000)


    Parcel #2:

    A part of the Westerly 495 feet of the Southeast ¼ of the Southwest ¼ of Section 9, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, Putnam County, Florida, lying Southerly of State Road #20, and being more particularly described as follows:

    Commence at the Southwest corner of said Southeast ¼ of the Southwest ¼ and run Easterly, along the Southerly boundary thereof, 113.5 feet to the Southeasterly corner of a parcel of land as described in Deed Book 210, page 256 of the public records of said County; thence Northerly, along the Easterly boundary of said parcel (Deed Book 210 page 256), a distance of 240 feet to the Northwesterly corner of a parcel of land described in Official Records Book 68, page 438 of said public records; thence Easterly, along the Northerly boundary thereof, 50.0 feet to the Northeast corner of last parcel (Official Records Book 68, page 438) and the Northwest corner of a parcel of land as described in Deed Book 212, page 323 of said public records and the point of beginning. From point of beginning thus described (1) continue Easterly, along the Northerly boundary of last said parcel (Deed Book 212 page 323), a distance of 100.0 feet to the Northeast corner thereof and on the Westerly boundary of a parcel of lands as described in Deed Book 215 page 342 of said public records; (2) thence Northerly, along last said Westerly boundary (Deed Book 215 page 342) to the Southerly boundary of the right-of-way of State Road #20. Return to the point of beginning; (3) thence Northerly, parallel with the Easterly boundary of a parcel of land as described in Deed Book 210 page 256, to the Southerly boundary of the right-of-way of State Road #20; (4) thence Northeasterly, along said Southerly boundary, to the end of call (2) and to close.

    (Being tax parcel #09-10-26-0000-0680-0000)

    Excepting therefrom that portion being conveyed by Elaine Mardell May f/k/a Elaine May Colvard to State of Florida Department of Transportation and being recorded at O.R. Book 862, page 237 of the public records of Putnam County, Florida.

    Ord. No. 06-47, 11-9-2006

    That the following streets or portions thereof are hereby vacated, abandoned, renounced, and disclaimed:

    Description of property:

    A part of St. Johns Avenue lying Southerly of and adjacent to Tract No. 6 as shown on a map titled "Survey of Blocks 356 & 357 City of Palatka, Florida Showing Property Lines" and recorded in Miscellaneous Map Book 1, page 96 of the Public Records of Putnam County, Florida being more particularly described herein as follows:

    For a point of beginning commencing at the Southeasterly corner of Block 356, Dick's Map of the City of Palatka, also being the most Easterly corner of said Tract No. 6; thence Northwesterly along the arc of a curve concave Southerly and having a radius of 1,150.00 feet, a chord bearing of N 85°43'27" W, and a chord distance of 204.47 feet to the Southwesterly corner of said Tract No. 6, also being the point of intersection of the Easterly right-of-way line of Moseley Avenue and the Northerly right-of-way line of St. Johns Avenue (formerly Lemon Street) all as shown on said map recorded in Miscellaneous Map Book 1, page 96; thence S 00°55'58" E, along the Southerly projection of said Easterly right-of-way line of Moseley Avenue, a distance of 15.42 feet to the approximate back of a concrete sidewalk; thence S 88°56'55" E, along said approximate back of a concrete sidewalk, a distance of 202.9 linear feet to the Southerly projection of the Easterly line of said Block 356; thence N 11°20'00" E, along said Southerly projection of the Easterly line of said Block 356, a distance of 3.98 feet to the point of beginning.

    Reserving an easement for use by the grantor, its successors or assigns, for ingress, egress, utility, and drainage purposes.

    Ord. No. 06-48, 11-9-2006

    That the following streets or portions thereof are hereby vacated, abandoned, renounced, and disclaimed:

    Description of property:

    All that portion of Cleveland Avenue described as: lying East of Lot 12 Block 5 and East of Lot 1 Block 8 and East of the Southerly extension of the East line of said Lot 1 Block 8 to the Northeast corner of Lot 12 Block 5 Golf Club Heights Subdivision Map Book 3 Page 124 of the public records of Putnam County, Florida.

    That portion lying West of Lot 8 Block 7 and West of closed Cleveland Avenue as per Official Records Book 181 Page 145, and West of closed Palma Ceia Avenue as per Deed Book 225 Page 510 of the public records of Putnam County, Florida.

    Reserving an easement for use by the grantor, its successors or assigns, for ingress, egress, utility, and drainage purposes.

    Ord. No. 06-49, 12-14-2006

    Part of the NE ¼ of the NE ¼ of Section 03, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, Putnam County, Florida, more particularly described as follows:

    Commence at a concrete monument at the Northeast corner of said section 3 and run thence South 00°58'58" East, along the Easterly boundary thereof 991.62 feet to an iron rod set at the intersection of said Easterly boundary and the Southerly boundary of the right-of-way of State Road 100, said intersection being the Northeast corner of a parcel of land as described in O.R. Book 316, Page 456 of the Public Records of Putnam County, Florida, and the Point of Beginning of this description; from the Point of Beginning thus described, run thence (1) North 69°28'30" West, along said Southerly boundary and the Northerly boundary of said parcel a distance of 659.03 feet to an iron rod set at the Northeast corner of a parcel of land as described in O.R. Book 974, Page 314 of said Public Records; run thence (2) South 20°31'30" West, along the Easterly boundary thereof 500.00 feet to an iron rod set at the Southeast corner of last said parcel (O.R. Book 974, Page 314) and on the Southerly boundary of said parcel (as described in O.R. Book 316, Page 456); run thence (3) South 69°28'30" East, along the Southerly boundary thereof 359.03 feet to a concrete monument at the bend in said Southerly boundary; run thence (4) North 89°01'02" East, along said Southerly boundary 462.43 feet to an iron rod set on the Easterly boundary of said section; run thence (5) North 00°58'58" West, along said Easterly boundary thereof 355.20 feet to the Point of Beginning and to close.

    Ord. No. 07-01, 1-11-2007

    A parcel of land lying in and being a part of the NW ¼ of the NW ¼ of Section 9, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, Putnam County, Florida, and being more particularly described as follows:

    Commence at a railroad spike at the Northwest corner of said Section 9 and run thence South 00°42'30" East, along the Westerly boundary thereof 200.00 feet to the Southwest corner of the North 200 feet of the North ½ of the Northwest ¼ of the Northwest ¼ of the Northwest ¼ of said Section 9; run thence North 89°25' East, along the Southerly boundary thereof 217.80 feet to a set iron rod and the Point of Beginning of this description; from the Point of Beginning thus described continue (1) North 89°25' East, along said Southerly boundary 442.27 feet to an iron rod set at the Southeast corner of said North 200 feet of the North ½ of the Northwest ¼ of the Northwest ¼ of the Northwest ¼; run thence (2) South 00°54'24" East, along the Easterly boundary of said Northwest ¼ of the Northwest ¼ of the Northwest ¼ a distance of 796.34 feet to a concrete monument at the Southeast corner of the North ½ of the Southwest ¼ of the Northwest ¼ of the Northwest ¼ of said section; run thence (3) South 89°21'23" West, along the Southerly boundary thereof 667.83 feet to a point of the Westerly boundary of said Section 9; run thence (4) North 00°42'30" West, along the Westerly boundary thereof 332.34 feet to the Southwest corner of a parcel of land as described in Official Records Book 758, page 668 of the Public Records of said County; run thence (5) North 89°22'35" East, along the Southerly boundary of said parcel (Official Records Book 758, Page 668) a distance of 217.80 feet to an iron rod at the Southeast corner thereof; run thence (6) North 00°42'30" West, parallel with said Westerly boundary of said Section 9 and along the Easterly boundary of last said parcel (Official Records Book 758, Page 668) a distance of 464.54 feet to the Point and Beginning and to Close.

    Subject to the Right-of-Way of County Road 309C.

    Less and except that parcel of land lying in and being a part of the NW ¼ of the NW ¼ of Section 9, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, Putnam County, Florida, and being more particularly described as follows:

    Commence at a railroad spike at the Northwest corner of said Section 9 and run thence South 00°42'30" East, along the Westerly boundary thereof 200.00 feet to the Southwest corner of the North 200 feet of the North ½ of the Northwest ¼ of the Northwest ¼ of the Northwest ¼ of said Section 9 and the Point of Beginning of this description. From the Point of Beginning thus described, run thence (1) North 89°25' East, along the Southerly boundary thereof 217.80 feet to a set iron rod; run thence (2) South 00°42'30" East, parallel with the last said Westerly Boundary 264.54 feet to an iron rod set at the Northeast corner of a parcel of land as described in Official Records Book 758, page 668 of the Public Records of said County; run thence (3) South 89°22'35" West, along the Northerly boundary thereof 217.80 feet to a point on the Westerly boundary of said Section 9; run thence (4) North 00°42'30" West, along the Westerly boundary thereof 264.69 feet to the Point of Beginning and to Close.

    Subject to the Right-of-Way of County Road 309C.

    Ord. No. 07-06, 2-8-2007

    A parcel of land lying and being in Section 2, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, as described in the warranty deed recorded in OR Book 903, Page 182, of the Official Records of Putnam County, Florida, and more particularly described as Lots 11 and 12, Block 27, Ridgedale Subdivision, according to plat thereof recorded in Map Book 3, Page 164, of the Public Records of Putnam County, Florida.

    Ord. No. 07-10, 5-10-2007

    That the following streets or portions thereof are hereby vacated, abandoned, renounced, and disclaimed:


    All that portion of Eagle Street described as: lying Westerly of N. 12th Street, also known as CSX Railroad; Easterly of N. 13th Street, Southerly of block 223 of the City of Palatka, and Northerly of Block 222 of the City of Palatka.

    Reserving an easement for use by the grantor, its successors or assigns, for ingress, egress, utility, and drainage purposes.

    Ord. No. 07-20, 10-11-2007

    That the following streets or portions thereof are hereby vacated, abandoned, renounced, and disclaimed:


    That portion of Ruth Street located in Burt's Subdivision described as: lying Southerly of Blocks 11 and 12 and Northerly of Blocks 10 and 13 and bounded on the West by the Southerly extension of the East line of Lot 1 Block 12 and bounded by the Northerly extension of the East line of Lot 6 Block 13 within the City of Palatka, Florida, as shown on the Subdivision Map Book 1 Page 47 and Map Book 2 Page 22 of the public records of Putnam County, Florida; and,

    Reserving an easement for use by the grantor, its successors or assigns, for ingress, egress, utility, and drainage purposes.

    Ord. No. 08-18, 12-11-2008

    The following described unincorporated lands lying adjacent and contiguous to the boundaries of the City of Palatka, Florida, shall henceforth be deemed and held to be within the corporate limits of the City of Palatka, Florida, said lands being described as follows:


    Situated in the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 2, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, and more particularly described as follows:

    From the Southwest corner of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 2, run North 1 degree 00 minutes West, along the Westerly boundary of Section 2, a distance of 2156.6 feet to the centerline of State Highway No. 100; thence run South 69 degrees 30 minutes East, along the centerline of said State Highway, a distance of 2543.2 feet; thence run South 20 degrees 30 minutes West, a distance of 100.0 feet to the Southerly right-of-way of said State Highway; thence run South 69 degrees 30 minutes East along said right-of-way a distance of 254.0 feet to the Point of Beginning. From Point of Beginning run South 20 degrees 30 minutes West a distance of 215.0 feet to an Iron Pipe; thence run South 7 degrees 14 minutes West a distance of 292.81 feet; thence run South 69 degrees 30 minutes East, parallel with the centerline of said State Highway 225.02 feet to the Easterly boundary of the Northwest Quarter of Section 2; thence run North 1 degree 14 minutes West; along said Easterly boundary a distance of 538.26 feet to the Southerly right-of-way of said State Highway; thence run North 69 degrees 30 minutes West along said right-of-way a distance of 92.91 feet to the Point of Beginning and to close.

    (Being tax parcel #02-10-26-000-0380-0000)

    Ord. No. 09-12, 5-14-2009

    Lot 13, Orman-Leigh Estates, according to plat thereof recorded in Map Book 4, page 157 of the public records of Putnam County, Florida.

    Plat herein referred to show a 25 foot building set back line in street side.

    (Being tax parcel #13-10-26-6790-0000-0130)

    Ord. No. 09-14, 5-14-2009

    The Northerly 98.0 feet of Lots 11 and 12 of Block 20, in Lemon Street Heights, Waits and Johnson's Re-subdivision of Blocks 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, and 21 of McGregor's Subdivision of a part of Section 1, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, according to map of said Lemon Street Heights recorded in Map Book 2 on page 33 in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Putnam County, Florida.

    (Being tax parcel #01-10-26-5200-0200-0110)

    Ord. No. 09-16, 5-14-2009

    From the point of intersection between the Southerly right-of-way line of St. Johns Avenue (formerly Lemon Street) as such right-of-way line is described in minutes of Circuit Court Book 15, Page 258 with the West line of the East ½ of the Northwest ¼ of Northeast ¼ of Northeast ¼ of Section 11, Township 10 South, Range 26 East run South and along the said West line a distance of 120 feet to the Southwest corner of the tract described in Official Records Book 203, Page 599, being the point of beginning; (1) Thence run East and along the South line of the said tract a distance of 150 feet to the Southeast corner thereof, return to the point of beginning and (2) continue thence South along the West line of the East ½ of Northwest ¼ of Northeast ¼ of Northeast ¼ a distance of 90 feet to a point; (3) thence run East and parallel to call (1) a distance of 150 feet to a point; (4) thence run North and in a straight line to the Easterly end of call (1) and to close.

    Subject to that certain easement granted to City of Palatka, recorded in Official Records Book 141, Page 371 and excepting therefrom that part conveyed to City of Palatka and recorded in Official Records Book 394, Page 1120, all of the above being in the public records of Putnam County, Florida.

    (Being tax parcel #11-10-26-0000-0120-0030)

    Ord. No. 09-18, 5-14-2009

    A tract of land situated in the East ½ of the Northeast ¼ of Section 2, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, Putnam County, Florida, being more particularly described as follows:

    Commencing at an iron pipe at the Southwesterly corner of Shadow Lawn Heights Subdivision, according to plat thereof recorded in Map Book 3, Page 194 of the Public Records of Putnam County, Florida and run thence Northerly, along the Westerly boundary of said Subdivision, a distance of 604.67 feet to a concrete monument at the Northeasterly corner of lands described in Official Records Book 416, Page 1762 of said public records and the point of beginning of this description. From point of beginning (1) run thence Westerly, along the Northerly line of lands described in Official Records Book 416, Page 1762, a distance of 215.96 feet to a concrete monument on the Southeasterly right-of-way of State Road #19. Return to the point of beginning and (2) continue Northerly, along the Westerly boundary of Shadow Lane Height Subdivision, a distance 207.30 feet to a concrete monument on the Southerly line of lands described in Deed Book Q, Page 560 of said public records. (3) Thence run Westerly, along said, Southerly line, a distance of 98.43 feet to a concrete monument on the Southeasterly right-of-way of State Road #19. (4) Thence run Southwesterly, along said Southeasterly right-of-way, a distance of 241.88 feet to the Westerly end of call (1) and to close.

    (Being tax parcel #02-10-26-0000-0190-0000)

    Ord. No. 09-26, 8-27-2009

    Orman Leigh Estates MB4 P157 LOT 15 (All Book and Page references are to the public records of Putnam County, Florida)

    (Being tax parcel #13-10-26-6790-0000-0150)

    Ord. No. 09-27, 8-27-2009

    Orman Leigh Estates MB4 P157 LOT 16 (All Book and Page references are to the public records of Putnam County, Florida)

    (Being tax parcel #13-10-26-6790-0000-0160)

    Ord. No. 09-28, 8-27-2009

    A part of the East ½ of the Northwest ¼ of the Northeast ¼ of the Northeast ¼ of Section 11, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, more particularly described as follows:

    From a point in the East Line of the East ½ of the Northwest ¼ of the Northeast ¼ of the Northeast ¼ (this being the East line of lands described in Deed Book 173, page 293) where the South Line of Lemon Street as described in that certain final Judgment recorded in minutes of Circuit Court Book 15, page 258 intersect said East Line of the East ½ of the Northwest ¼ of the Northeast ¼ of the Northeast ¼ and run West along said South Line of Lemon Street as described above for a distance of 75 Feet to the Northwest corner of those lands as described in Official Records Book 198, page 315 and the point of beginning of this description. (1) Continue West along the South Line of said Lemon Street a distance of 70 Feet more or less to the East Line of those lands as described in Official Records Book 394, page 1120. Return to the point of Beginning and (2) run South and along the West Line of said lands as described in Official Records Book 198, page 315, a distance of 140 feet to a point on the North Line of lands described in Official Records Book 291, page 1902; (3) run thence West and along the North Line of said lands described in Official Records Book 291, page 1902, a distance of 70 Feet more or less to the West Line of said lands described in Official Records Book 394, page 1120; (4) thence run North and along the East Line of said lands described in Official Records Book 394 page 1120 a distance of 140 feet to the Westerly end of Call (1) above and to close.

    All Book and page references are to the Public Records of Putnam County, Florida.

    (Being tax parcel #11-10-26-0000-0120-0120) and

    A part of the E ½ of the NW ¼ of the NE ¼ of the NE ¼ of Section 11, Township 10 South, range 26 East, more particularly described as follows: Begin at the intersection of the East Line of the E ½ of the NW ¼ of the NE ¼ of the NE ¼ of Section 11, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, with the Southerly right-of-way Line of Lemon Street extension Section 76631, run thence Westerly, along the South Line of Lemon Street extension for a distance of 75 Feet, run thence South, parallel with the East Line of the E ½ of the NW ¼ of the NE ¼ of the NE ¼ for a distance of 140 Feet, run thence East, parallel with the North Line of Section 11 for a distance of 75 Feet, more or less, to the East Line of the E ½ of the NW ¼ of the NE ¼ of the NE ¼ , run thence North, along the East Line of the E ½ of the NW ¼ of the NE ¼ of the NE ¼ for a distance of 140 Feet more or less to the point of beginning to close.

    (Being tax parcel #11-10-26-0000-0122-0000)

    Ord. No. 09-29, 8-27-2009

    A part of the East ½ of the Northwest ¼ of Section 2, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, Putnam County, Florida, also being a part of the lands described in Official Records Book 453, page 1733 and Official Records Book 453, page 1735, all of the Public Records of said county being more particularly described as follows:

    For a Point of Beginning commence[ing] at the Southwesterly corner of said lands described in Official Records Book 453, page 1733, said point being on the Northerly right-of-way line of State Road No. 100; thence N 21 degrees 37 minutes 41 seconds East, along the Westerly line of said lands described in Official Records Book 453, page 1733, a distance of 166.87 feet; thence North, continuing along said Westerly line of the lands described in Official Records Book 453, page 1733, a distance of 560.00 feet; thence East, a distance of 412.55 feet to the Easterly line of said lands described in Official Records Book 453, page 1735; thence South, along said Easterly line of the lands described in Official Records Book 453, page 1735, a distance of 903.08 feet to the Southeasterly corner of said lands described in Official Records Book 453, page 1735, said point being on said Northerly right-of-way line of State Road No. 100; thence N 68 degrees 22 minutes 19 seconds West, along said Northerly right-of-way line of State Road No. 100, a distance of 509.96 feet to the Point of Beginning, excepting there from the right-of-way of the Georgia Southern and Florida Railway Company.

    Containing 7.35 acres more or less.

    (Being a portion of tax parcel #02-10-26-0000-0590-0030)

    Ord. No. 09-35, 9-10-2009

    Parcel 1:

    A Parcel of land lying and being a part of Section 3, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, Putnam County, Florida, being more particularly described as follows:

    Commence at a concrete monument located at the Northeast corner of said Section 3 and run South 00°58'58" East, along the Easterly boundary thereof, 991.62 feet to a concrete monument on the Southerly boundary of the right-of-way of State Road 100 and the Northeast corner of a parcel described in Official Records Book 316, Page 456 of the public records of said County; thence North 69°28'30" West, along said Southerly boundary and along the Northerly boundary of said parcel (O.R. Book 316, Page 456), a distance of 1312.43 feet to a concrete monument at the Point of Beginning; thence continue North 69°28'30" West, along said Southerly boundary, and along the Northerly boundary of said parcel (O.R. Book 316, Page 456), a distance of 450.00 feet to an iron rod at the Northwest corner of said parcel (O.R. Book 316, page 456); thence South 20°31'30" West, along the Westerly boundary of said parcel (O.R. Book 316, Page 456), a distance of 500.00 feet to an iron rod at the Southwest corner of said parcel (O.R. Book 316, page 456); thence South 69°28'30" East, along the Southerly boundary of said parcel, 450.00 feet to a concrete monument; thence North 20°31'30" East, 500 feet to the Point of Beginning.

    Less and except from the above described parcel, the lands as described in Official Records Book 859, Page 283 of the public records of Putnam County, Florida.

    Parcel 2:

    Commence at a concrete monument located at the Northeast corner of said Section 3 and run South 00°58'58" East, along the Easterly boundary thereof, 991.62 feet to a concrete monument on the Southerly boundary of the right-of-way of State Road 100 and the Northeast corner of a parcel described in Official Records Book 316, Page 456 of the public records of said County; thence North 69°28'30" West, along said Southerly boundary and along the Northerly boundary of said parcel (O.R. Book 316, Page 456), a distance of 1094.63 feet to the Point of Beginning; thence (Call 1) continue North 69°28'30" West, along said Southerly boundary and along the Northerly boundary of said parcel(O.R. Book 316, Page 456), a distance of 217.8 feet to the Northeast corner of lands described in O.R. Book 619, Page 1573; thence (Call 2) run South 20°31'30" West, along the Easterly line of said lands, a distance of 500.00 feet to the Southeast corner of said lands, being on the Southerly boundary of lands described in O.R. Book 316, Page 456; thence return to the Point of Beginning and run (Call 3) thence South 20°31'30" West, parallel with the Easterly line of said lands described in O.R. Book 619, Page 1573, a distance of 500.00 feet to the Southerly boundary of said lands described in O.R. Book 316, Page 456; thence (Call 4) run North 69°28'30" West, along said Southerly boundary, a distance of 217.8 feet to the Southerly end of Call 2 and to close.

    (Tax parcels 03-10-26-0000-0010-0011 and 03-10-26-0000-0010-0013)

    Ord. No. 09-48, 11-12-2009

    A tract of land, lying and being a part of the Northeast ¼ of the Northeast ¼ of the Southeast ¼ of Section 10, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, Putnam County, Florida, and being more particularly described as follows:

    Beginning at a point 384.75 feet West of the Northeast corner of the Southeast ¼ of Section 10, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, being also the Northeast corner of lands described in Deed Book 157 page 275, (1) thence South 467 feet to an iron pipe,(2) thence West 220.25 feet +/- to the Northwest corner of lands described in OR 573 Page 1434, (3) thence run South 90 feet to a point at the Southwest corner of lands described in OR 573 Page 1434, (4) thence run West 50 feet +/- to a point on the East line of lands described in OR 555 Page 1461, (5) thence run North along the Easterly line of lands described in OR 555 page 1461 and OR 555 Page 1459, 257 feet +/- to a point at the Southwest corner of lands described in OR 145 Page 16, (6) thence run East 100 feet to a point at the Southeast corner of lands described in OR 145 Page 16, (7) thence run North along the Easterly line of lands described in OR 145 Page 16 and continue Northerly to a point at the Southwest corner of lands described in OR 157 Page 685, (8) thence run East 70 feet along the South line of lands described in OR 157 Page 685 to the Southeast corner thereof. Return to the point of beginning and run Westerly along the South line of State Road 20 108.5 feet +/- to a point on the East line of lands described in OR 157 Page 685, (9) thence run South along the East line of lands described in OR 157 Page 685 to the end of call 8 and to close.

    All references are to the records of Putnam County, Florida.

    Containing 2.24 acres more or less.

    Ord. No. 09-50, 11-12-2009

    Parcel #1:

    Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 of Block 1, according to plat entitled "Dr. Schlect's Subdivision, Unit No. 1, part of the West 22 acres of the NE ¼ of the SW ¼ of Section 10, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, Putnam County, Florida", said plat being recorded in Map Book 3, page 167 of the public records of Putnam County, Florida.

    Together with that portion of Coolidge Avenue and Garfield Avenue as closed or abandoned by Resolution recorded in Official Records Book 696, page 198 of the public records of Putnam county, Florida which would revert to the above described lands by operation of law.

    Excepting therefrom that part thereof conveyed for road right-of-way purposes as described in Deed Book 102, page 565 and Official Records Book 885, page 1863 (Parcel Number 183) of said public records.

    Parcel #2:

    A tract of land situated in the NE ¼ of the SW ¼ of Section 10, Township 10 South, Range 26 East being a part of land described in Parcel #2 of Official Records Book 668, page 1264 of the public records of Putnam County, Florida and being more particularly described as follows:

    Commencing at a concrete monument at the Southwesterly corner of Lot 7, Block 1 according to Dr. Schlect's Subdivision, Unit No. 1, recorded in Map Book 3, page 167 of said public records and run thence Southerly, along a Southerly projection of the Easterly right-of-way of Roosevelt Avenue, a distance of 61.265 feet to a concrete monument at a bend in the Southerly right-of-way of Garfield Avenue and the point of beginning of this description. From point of beginning (1) continue Southerly, along said Southerly projection of the Easterly right-of-way of Roosevelt Avenue, a distance of 502.0 feet. (2) Thence run Easterly, parallel with the South line of the NE ¼ of the SW ¼ of Section 10, a distance of 325.87 feet, more or less, to intersect with the Easterly line of lands described in Parcel #2 of Official Records Book 668, page 1264. Return to the point of beginning and (3) run thence Northeasterly, along the Southerly right-of-way of Garfield Avenue (closed in Official Records Book 696, page 198 of said public records), a distance of 333.33 feet to a concrete monument on the Easterly line of lands described in Parcel #2 of Official Records Book 668, page 1264. (4) Thence Southerly, along said Easterly line, being parallel with the West line of the NE ¼ of the SW ¼ of Section 10, a distance of 567.07 feet, more or less, to the Easterly end of call (2) and to close.

    Containing 6.0 acres, more or less (Parcels #1 - 10-10-26-2100-0010-0010 and 10-10-26-2100-0010-0050 and #2 -10-10-26-0000-0390-0010)

    All references are to the records of Putnam County, Florida.

    Ord. No. 09-52, 11-12-2009

    The West 21 14/16 acres of the NE ¼ of the SW ¼ of Section 10, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, and more particularly described as follows:

    Beginning at the NW corner of the NE ¼ of the SW ¼ of said Section 10; thence running East 10.94 chains; thence South 20 chains; thence West 10.94 chains; thence North 20 chains to place of beginning.

    Except that portion thereof embraced in plat of Dr. Schlecht's Subdivision, Unit 1, and of record in Map Book 3, Page 167 in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court for Putnam County, Florida.

    Also, except therefrom that part of the above described lands lying within the lands described in Deed Book 233, Page 182 of the public records of Putnam County, Florida.

    Also, except therefrom that part of the above described lands lying within the lands described in Official Records Book 1101, Page 663 of the public records of Putnam County, Florida.

    Property Appraiser's Parcel Number 10-10-26-0000-0390-0000

    (9.55 acres more or less.)

    All references are to the records of Putnam County, Florida.

    Ord. No. 09-54, 11-12-2009

    The following described property be, and the same is hereby vacated and closed as a right-of-way, and said property be, and the same is hereby released and discharged of any and every public right, use, title and interest of the City of Palatka, for right-of-way purposes except that the City of Palatka shall retain an easement for all lawful utility purposes including but not limited to storm drainage. The subject property described in Schedule "A" is the property being vacated herein and said property shall revert to the adjoining and abutting owners who have a reversionary interest, except and subject to any easements of record and any easement rights of the City of Palatka over, under and across the following described property, said property lying and being in Putnam County, Florida, and more particularly described as follows, to wit:


    All of that property lying and being within the right-of-way area of 16th Street which lies between St. Johns Avenue and Reid Street in Palatka, Florida.

    Ord. No. 09-55, 12-10-2009

    Commencing at the Southwest corner of the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 11, Township 10 South, Range 26 East; thence North 520 feet; thence East 258 feet; thence South 520 feet; thence West 258 feet to the place of beginning, being a part of the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 11, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, Putnam County, Florida.

    Parcel: 11-10-26-0000-0100-0000

    All references are to the records of Putnam County, Florida.

    Containing 2.72 acres more or less.

    Ord. No. 09-57, 12-10-2009

    (Diocese of St. Augustine Sale to Putnam County)

    The portion of the following described lands lying North of the St. Johns Avenue Extension within the lands conveyed by that warranty deed by Ralph H. Oliver, JR., and Rachel C. Oliver, husband and wife, grantor, and John J. Snyder, as Bishop of the Diocese of St. Augustine, dated November 3, 1986, and recorded at Official Records Volume 494, Page 1874, current Public Records of Putnam County, Florida.

    The West ½ of the Northeast ¼ of the Northeast ¼ of Section 9, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, Putnam County, Florida, excepting therefrom that part lying within the Seaboard Coastline Railroad right-of-way, and further excepting therefrom an easement over a part of the Northeast ¼ of the Northeast ¼ of said Section 9 and over a part of the Northwest ¼ of the Northwest ¼ of Section 10, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, said easement being more particularly described as being 66.00 feet wide and lying Northerly of and adjacent to the following described line:

    For a point of beginning of said line being described, commence at the Northeasterly corner of Foxwood as recorded in Map Book 6, Page 19 of the Public Records of said County, said point being on the Westerly right-of-way line of Zeagler Drive; thence Westerly along the Northerly line of said Foxwood and its Westerly projection to the Easterly line of the West ½ of the Northeast ¼ of the Northeast ¼ of said Section 9 and the point of terminus of said line being described.

    Containing 2.75 acres more or less.

    (Tax parcel #09-10-26-0000-0010-0021)

    Ord. No. 10-07, 2-25-2010

    All of Section 05, Township 10 South, Range 26 East.

    Containing 680.12 acres more or less.

    (Tax parcel #05-10-26-0000-0010-0000)

    Ord. No. 10-09, 6-10-2010

    COMMENCING at the Southwest corner of the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 11, Township 10 South, Range 26 East; thence North 520 feet; thence East 258 feet; thence South 520 feet; thence West 258 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING, being a part of the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 11, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, Putnam County, Florida.

    Parcel: 11-10-26-0000-0100-0000

    All references are to the records of Putnam County, Florida.

    Containing 2.75 acres more or less.

    Ord. No. 10-16, 8-26-2010

    Parcel: 11-10-26-0000-0230-0000

    All references are to the records of Putnam County, Florida.

    Containing .65 acres more or less.

    Exhibit A

    Part of that certain tract of land conveyed by J.C. Calhoun, et ux, to Paul H. Mast and Ada B. Mast, his wife, by deed dated November 3, 1945 and recorded in Deed Book 157, page 286, of the public records of Putnam County, Florida, and being in Section 11, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, and more particularly described as follows:

    From the quarter section corner on the East boundary of said Section 11, run North 1 deg. 01 mins. West, along the Easterly boundary of Section 11, a distance of 1011 feet; thence run South 89 degs. 09 mins. West, a distance of 38 feet to a concrete marker and point of beginning of the parcel to be described, being one of the corners of that certain tract described in Deed Book 188, page 63; thence (1) run South 89 degs. 09 mins. West and along the boundary line of said lands described at Deed Book 188, page 63, 187.5 feet to a concrete marker; thence (2) run North 1 deg. 01 mins. West, along the boundary of lands described at Deed Book 188, page 63 for a distance of 235 feet to a concrete marker, and continue in the same course, along the East line of lands described at O.R. Book 24, page 556 for an additional distance of 80 feet to the North line of land described at Deed Book 157, page 286 and continue in the same course, to the North line of the SE ¼ of the NE ¼ of said Section 11; thence (3) run Easterly, along the North line of the SE ¼ of the NE ¼ for a distance of 187.5 feet to the West line of the paved County Road commonly known as "Palm Avenue (see deed in Deed Book 139, page 7); thence (4) South 1 deg. 01 mins. East, along the Westerly line of "Palm Avenue" for a distance of 315 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning to close.

    EXCEPTING therefrom the South 153 feet thereof, heretofore conveyed to F&J Inc., by deeds recorded in Official Records Book 161, page 30, Official Records Book 163, page 264 and Official Records Book 172, page 438.

    AND, EXCEPTING the North 30 feet thereof, heretofore conveyed to Putnam County, a political subdivision by deed recorded in Official Records Book 39, page 151.

    All references being to the public records of Putnam County, Florida.

    Ord. No. 10-20, 9-9-2010

    Parcel: 11-10-26-9101-0000-0010

    All references are to the records of Putnam County, Florida.

    Containing .78 acres more or less.


    PARCEL 1

    A part of the West ½ of Southeast ¼ of Section 11, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, and more particularly described as follows:

    Beginning on the East line of said West ½ of Southeast ¼ at a point 50 feet Southerly from the centerline of State Highway #20 as the same is now located, and running thence Westerly and along the Southerly Right-of-Way of State Highway #20, for a distance of 30 feet to a point, which is 50 feet Southerly from the centerline of said State Highway #20, thence Southerly and parallel with the Easterly line of said Southeast ¼ for a distance of 125 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING of the parcel of land to be conveyed: (1) thence Westerly and parallel with the North line of said Southeast ¼ for a distance of 131 feet to a point; (2) thence Southerly and parallel with the East line of said Southeast ¼ for a distance of 75 feet to a point; (3) thence Easterly and parallel with Call 1 above for a distance of 131 feet to a point; (4) thence Northerly 75 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING.

    PARCEL 2

    A part of the West ½ of Southeast ¼ of Section 11, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, and more particularly described as follows:

    Beginning on the East line of said West ½ of Southeast ¼ at a point 50 feet Southerly from the centerline of State Highway #20 as the same is now located, and running thence Westerly and along the Southerly Right-of-Way of State Highway #20 for a distance of 30 feet to a point, which is 50 feet Southerly from the centerline of said State Highway #20, (1) thence Southerly and parallel with the East line of said Southeast ¼ for a distance of 125 feet; (2) thence Westerly and parallel with the North line of said Southeast ¼ for a distance of 131 feet to a point; (3) thence Northerly and parallel with line (1) above for a distance of 125 feet to a point; (4) thence Easterly 131 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING.

    TOGETHER with all and singular the right of passage and repassage to the grantees, their successors and assigns, in common with the grantors, and their successors and assigns, over and across a certain strip of land described as follows:

    Beginning at the Southeast corner of parcel described above, and (1) running thence Northerly and parallel with the East line of the West ½ of Southeast ¼, Section 11, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, for a distance of 200 feet to the Southerly line of State Highway #20; (2) Thence Easterly and along the Southerly line of State Highway #20 for a distance of 30 feet to the East line of the West ½ of Southeast ¼; (3) thence Southerly and along the East line of the West ½ of Southeast ¼ for a distance of 200 feet; (4) Westerly to the POINT OF BEGINNING.

    Ord. No. 11-01, 1-13-2011

    Parcel: 09-10-26-0000-0340-0000

    All references are to the records of Putnam County, Florida.

    Containing 1.19 acres more or less.


    Parcel "D"

    A parcel of land lying in and being a part of Section 9, Township 10 South, Range 26 East, Putnam County, Florida said parcel being more particularly described as follows:

    COMMENCE at a concrete monument at the Southeast corner of the Southeast ¼ of said Section 9 and run North 01 degrees, 10 minutes and 15 seconds East, along the Westerly boundary of the right-of-way of ROUND LAKE ROAD, 661.44 feet to an Iron Rod and the POINT OF BEGINNING. From POINT OF BEGINNING thus described continue North 01 degrees, 10 minutes and 15 seconds East, long said Westerly boundary, 11.35 feet to an Iron Rod at the Southeast corner of lands described in Official Records Book 520, Page 1789 of the Public Records of said county; thence North 00 degrees, 50 minutes and 25 seconds East, along Westerly boundary and along the Easterly boundary of said parcel (Official Records Book 520, Page 1789), a distance of 60.31 feet to an Iron Rod at the Southeast corner of a parcel of land described in Official Records Book 568, Page 897 of said Public Records; thence South 82 degrees, 03 minutes and 39 seconds West, along the Southerly boundary thereof and along the Southerly boundary of a parcel of land described in Official Records Book 891, Page 388 of said Public Records, 40.06 feet to an Iron Rod at the Southwest corner of last said parcel (Official Record Book 891, Page 388); thence North 01 degrees, 09 minutes and 00 seconds East along the Westerly boundary thereof 20.00 feet to an Iron Rod on the Southerly boundary of a parcel of land described in Official Record Book 520, Page 1793 of said Public Records; thence South 82 degrees, 03 minutes and 39 seconds West, along last said Southerly boundary (Official Record Book 520, Page 1793), a distance of 110.00 feet to an Iron Rod at the Southwest corner thereof; thence North 19 degrees, 58 minutes and 05 seconds West, along the Westerly boundary thereof, 100.00 feet to an Iron Rod at the Southeast corner of a parcel of land described in Official Record Book 848, Page 1927 of said Public Records; thence South 70 degrees, 20 minutes and 00 seconds West along the Southerly boundary of last said parcel (Official Record book 848, page 1927) a distance of 325.01 feet to an Iron Rod at the Southwest corner thereof said iron being on a Easterly boundary of a parcel of land described in Official Record Book 539, Page 1506 of said Public Records; thence South 16 degrees 20 minutes and 45 seconds East, along last said Easterly boundary (Official record Book 539, Page 1506) a distance of 141.10 feet to an Iron Rod; thence North 70 degrees, 20 minutes and 00 seconds East parallel with last said Southerly boundary (Official Records Book 539, Page 1506) a distance of 243.92 feet to an Iron Rod; thence South 89 degrees, 24 minutes and 53 seconds East 217.78 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING.

    Ord. No. 11-36, 9-8-2011

    Description of property:

    Part of W 1/3 of NW ¼ OR604 P730 described in paragraph 2 on P741 OR613 P1789

    (Being tax parcel #02-10-26-0000-0420-0010)

    Ord. No. 11-37, 9-8-2011

    Description of property:

    Ridgedale MB3 P164 Block 28 Lots 9 and 10

    (Being tax parcel #02-10-26-7720-0280-0090)

    Ord. No. 11-66, 11-10-2011

    Description of property:

    Tuckers addition of Palatka Heights MB2 P40 Blk G Lot 11

    (Being tax parcel #12-10-26-9050-0070-0110)

    Ord. No. 11-69, 11-10-2011

    Description of property:

    Tuckers addition of Palatka Heights MB2 P40 Blk G Lots 9 & 10

    (Being tax parcel #12-10-26-9050-0070-0090)

    Ord. No. 12-06, 1-26-2011

    Description of property:

    PT of SE ¼ of NE ¼ OR 120 P 347 (subject to utility easement OR1300 P1502)

    (Being tax parcel #11-10-26-0000-0300-0000)

    Ord. No. 12-22, 5-24-2012

    Description of properties:

    W ½ of NE ¼ of NE ¼ of SE ¼ (EX BK207 P312)

    (Being 3205 Crill Avenue/tax parcel #11-10-26-0000-1110-0000)

    PT of NE ¼ of SE ¼ BK207 P312

    (Being 3209 Crill Avenue/tax parcel #11-10-26-0000-1160-0000)

    PT of NE ¼ of SE ¼ OR 191 P 555

    (Being 1108 South Palm Avenue/tax parcel #11-10-26-0000-1100-0000)

    Ord. No. 12-35, 9-13-2012

    Description of property:

    PT of Lots 1 + 2 of survey by C A LeHardy recorded misc MB1 P83 OR58 PP101 102

    (Being 102 Phillips Dairy Road/tax parcel #02-10-26-0000-0220-0000)

    Ord. No. 12-47, 12-13-2012

    Description of property:

    Clarke + Browning S/D MB2 P27 Blk A Lots 4 5

    (Being 1107 Old Jacksonville Road/tax parcel #01-10-26-1470-0010-0040)

    Lemon St Heights MB2 P33 Blk 17 W ½ of Lot 2, Lot 3, W ½ of Lot 7 E 50 ft of Lot 8 + E ½ of Lot 4

    (Being 2806 Lane Street/tax parcel #01-10-26-5200-0170-0020)

    Pt of NE ¼ of NE ¼ BK208 P179 (EX MCCBK15 P485)

    (Being 3205 St. Johns Avenue/tax parcel #11-10-26-0000-0060-0000)

    Ross Green Resub MB4 P10 Blk B Lot 8 + pt of SE ¼ of SE ¼ of SEC 2-10-26 OR15 P195 (EX OR979 P1951)

    (Being 3321 Weaver Road/tax parcel #02-10-26-8020-0020-0080)

    Tuckers addition of Palatka Heights MB2 P40 Blk F Lots 4 5 + 6

    (Being 209 Bates Avenue/tax parcel #12-10-26-9050-0060-0040)

    PT of NW ¼ of SW ¼ BK79 P175 BK197 P324(EX OR64 P207) (subject to R/W easement as described in BK244 P277)

    (Being 3435 Crill Avenue/tax parcel #11-10-26-0000-0870-0000)

    Orman Leigh Estates MB4 P157 LOT 17

    (Being 2407 Tommy Avenue/tax parcel #13-10-26-6790-0000-0170)

    Pt of NW ¼ of SW ¼ of SE ¼ OR442 P685 subject to OR511 P1260 easement

    (Being 410 Mission Road/tax parcel #02-10-26-0000-0630-0014)

    Palm Heights MB2 P40 Blk 6 Lot 1 2 3 4 5 6 + pt of SW ¼ of NW ¼ of NW ¼ OR407 P1716 IN 12-10-26 (Suzanne Grimes' Mobile Home Park)

    (Being 311 Poinsetta Avenue/tax parcel #12-10-26-7000-0060-0010)

    Ord. No. 13-05, 1-24-2013

    Description of properties:

    Orman Leigh Estates MB4 P157 Lot 10

    (Being 2406 Tommy Avenue/tax parcel #13-10-26-6790-0000-0100)

    Orman Leigh Estates MB4 P157 Lot 9

    (Being 2408 Tommy Avenue/tax parcel #13-10-26-6790-0000-0090)

    Orman Leigh Estates MB4 P157 Lot 7

    (Being 2412 Tommy Avenue/tax parcel #13-10-26-6790-0000-0070)

    Orman Leigh Estates MB4 P157 Lot 19

    (Being 2419 Leigh Street/tax parcel #13-10-26-6790-0000-0190)

    Ord. No. 13-12, 2-28-2013

    Description of property:

    Pt of SE ¼ of SW ¼ OR325 P618

    (Being 119, 121 Round Lake Road and 100 Kelley Smith School Road/tax parcel # 09-10-26-0000-0340-0090)

    Ord. No. 13-22, 6-13-2013

    Description of property:

    Simpkins MB1 P114 Block 3 West 85 feet of Lot 4 plus any lands lying northerly of BLA Case #76-577 Division J OR377 P178

    (Being 421, 425 North Palm Avenue/tax parcel #01-10-26-8650-0030-0400)

    Ord. No. 13-25, 6-13-2013

    Description of property:

    Palatka Cedar Grove MB3 P192PT of Lots 44 45 46 47OR365 P900

    (Being 1095 North State Road 19/tax parcel #02-10-26-6870-0000-0441)

    Ord. No. 14-03 , 1-23-2014

    Description of property:

    Orman Leigh Estates MB4 P157 Lot 8

    (Being 2410 Tommy Avenue/tax parcel #13-10-26-6790-0000-0080)

    Ord. No. 14-06 , 1-23-2014

    Description of property:

    Stinwill Suburban Farms MB2P39 pt of Lots 50 + 51 OR469P654 (EX OR682 P1879) (Mapsheet 35/37F 37E)

    (Being 1400 North State Road 19/tax parcel #37-09-26-0000-0060-0020)

    Ord. No. 14-13 , 6-12-2014

    That the following street or portions thereof are hereby vacated, abandoned, renounced, and disclaimed:

    Description of property:

    A parcel of land being a portion of Second Street (a 60.00 foot wide right-of-way as presently established) of the City of Palatka, Florida, according to John Dick's Plat of the Town of Palatka, dated 1853 on file in the office of the Clerk of Circuit Court, Putnam County, Florida and being more particularly described as follows:

    Begin at the Southwest corner of Block 2 of the City of Palatka, Florida, according to John Dick's Plat of the Town of Palatka, dated 1853 on file in the office of the Clerk of Circuit Court, Putnam County, Florida, said Southeast corner being a magnetic nail and disk identified as being "LB 6824", thence N 76º00′00″ W, a distance of 1.00 feet; thence N 14º12′52″ East, a distance of 209.68 feet; thence S 75º46′28″ E, a distance of 0.22 feet to the easterly right-of-way line of Second Street (a 60.00 foot wide right-of-way as presently established) of the City of Palatka, Florida, according to John Dick's Plat of the Town of Palatka, dated 1853 on file in the office of the Clerk of Circuit Court, Putnam County, Florida and the Westerly line of said Block 2 according to John Dick's plat of the Town of Palatka, dated 1853 on file in the office of the Clerk of Circuit Court, Putnam County Florida; thence S 14º00′00″ W, along said Easterly right-of-way line of Second Street and said Westerly line of Block 2, a distance of 209.68 feet to the Point of Beginning.

    Said parcel of land containing 127 square feet more or less.

    Ord. No. 14-14 , 6-26-2014

    Description of property:

    Pt of SW ¼ of SE ¼ OR330P723

    (Being 2525 Husson Avenue/tax parcel #13-10-26-0000-0420-0100)

    Ord. No. 15-07 , 5-14-2015

    Description of property:

    Pt of W ½ of NE ¼ BK65 P399 (EX OR490 P1436)

    (Being 3314 Crill Avenue/tax parcel #11-10-26-0000-0030-0000)

    Ord. No. 15-17 , 9-10-2015

    Description of property:

    Brooks S/D of Hussons add MB2 P37 Blk A S 64.13 ft of Lots 1 2 (EX E 5 ft)

    (Being 908 Husson Avenue/tax parcel #12-10-26-0820-0010-0011)

    Ord. No. 15-20 , 9-10-2015

    Description of property:

    Orman Leigh Estates MB4 P157 Lot 11

    (Being 2404 Tommy Avenue/tax parcel #13-10-26-6790-0000-0110)

    Ord. No. 15-24 , 9-24-2015

    Description of property:

    Palm Heights MB2 P40 Blk 5 Lot 2

    (107 Mungin Street/tax parcel #12-10-26-7000-0050-0020)

    Ord. No. 15-27 , 9-24-2015

    Description of property:

    Pt of SW ¼ of SE ¼ OR358 P912 (EX OR442 P685)

    (Being 416 Mission Road/tax parcel #02-10-26-0000-0630-0013), an 0.17-acre parcel.

    Ord. No. 15-32 , 10-22-2015

    Description of property:

    Stinwill Suburban Farms MB2 P39 pt of Lots 48 + 49 OR467 P1656 (EX OR488 P1318 OR489 P875 OR713 P733) also pt of closed Old Hwy 15 per Res OR1241 P254 (EX OR1288 P675) (subject to Esmt OR1330 PP1435 1441) (Map Sheet 37E)

    (Being 276 North US 17)/tax parcel #37-09-26-0000-0060-0480), a 0.6-acre parcel.

    Ord. No. 15-35 , 10-22-2015

    Description of property:

    Lemon St Heights MB2 P33 Blk 17 Lots 1 + E ½ of Lot 2

    (Tax parcel #01-10-26-5200-0170-0010), a 0.17-acre parcel.

    Ord. No. 16-04 , 5-12-2016

    Description of property:

    Highlawn MB2 P49, Blk E Lots 18 19 20

    (Tax parcel #11-10-26-3770-0050-0180), a 0.47-acre parcel.

    Ord. No. 16-07 , 5-12-2016

    Description of property:

    5 points S/D MB4 P2 Blk 1, Lots 18 + 20 BK196 PP245 + 247

    (Tax parcel #13-10-26-2550-0010-0180), a 0.38-acre parcel.

    Ord. No. 16-10 , 5-12-2016

    Description of property:

    Highlawn S/D MB2 P49 Blk F, Lots 1 2 3

    (Tax parcel #11-10-26-3770-0060-0010), a 0.48-acre parcel.

    Ord. No. 16-13 , 5-12-2016

    Description of property:

    Pt of SE¼ of SW¼ of SE¼ OR436 P1570 (lot 6)

    (Tax parcel #03-10-26-0000-0150-0060), a 0.33-acre parcel.

    Ord. No. 16-16 , 5-12-2016

    Description of property:

    Clarke + Browning S/D MB2 P27 Blk D Lot 2

    (Being 908 North 20 th Street/tax parcel #01-10-26-1470-0040-0020)

    Ord. No. 16-19 , 5-12-2016

    Description of property:

    Stinwell Suburban Farms MB2 P39 Pt of Lot 7 OR776 P1171

    (Being 163 Comfort Road)/tax parcel #37-09-26-0000-0060-0067), a 1.09-acre parcel.

    Ord. No. 16-28 , 9-8-2016

    Description of property:

    Pt of E½ of NW¼ BK201 P59, BK188 P150 (EX OR159 P538 RD)

    (Tax parcel #02-10-26-0000-0390-0010), a 0.47-acre parcel.

    Ord. No. 16-31 , 9-8-2016

    Description of property:

    Pt of SE¼ of SE¼ of NE¼, BK133 P386

    (Tax parcel #09-10-26-0000-0820-0000), a 1.01-acre parcel.

    Ord. No. 16-34 , 9-8-2016

    Description of property:

    Pt of SE¼ of SW¼ OR213, P257 + OR259 P713 (EX OR472, P1469) + College Park S/D MB4, P147 Lots 12 13 14 15 16 17 18, 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 29, 30 31 32 33 34 35 + Pt closed, Street OR342 P1893 (EX OR790, P1505).

    Tax parcel #02-10-26-0000-1323-0000, a 8.57-acre parcel.

    Ord. No. 17-01 , 1-12-2017

    Description of property:

    Pt of W½ of Sec BK217 P241, (EX W 30 ft OR596 P1137).

    Tax parcel #01-10-26-0000-0520-0000, a 1.37-acre parcel.

    Ord. No. 17-06 , 1-26-2017

    Description of property:

    Highlawn S/D MB2 P49, Blk C Lots 4 + 9 OR294 P704, and Blk C S 93 ft, of Lots 5 & 6, all Lots 7 & 8, pt of Lots 5 & 6 OR320 P1775.

    Tax parcels #11-10-26-3770-0030-0040 and 11-10-26-3770-0030-0050, a 0.21-acre parcel and a 0.42-acre parcel.

    Ord. No. 17-12 , 2-23-2017

    Description of property:

    Highlawn S/D MB2 P49 Blk F, Lot 3

    (South third of tax parcel #11-10-26-3770-0060-0010), also known as 203 Central Ave., with Lot 3 being a 0.16-acre area of land.

    Ord. No. 17-15 , 6-8-2017

    Description of property:

    Ridgedale MB3 P164 Blk 28, Lot 6

    (Being 320 Stilwell Avenue/tax parcel #02-10-26-7720-0280-0060), an 0.11-acre parcel.

    Ord. No. 17-18 , 7-27-2017

    Description of property:

    Pt of NW¼ of SW¼ OR 257, P 477

    (Being 4001 Crill Avenue/tax parcel #11-10-26-0000-0571-0020), an 0.48-acre parcel.

Editor's note

Section 6 has been inserted by the editor. It is a compilation of all ordinance annexations available to the editor which are not covered in the special acts compiled in section 5 of this Charter.