§ 54-204. Concurrency review procedure.  

Latest version.
  • The availability of the necessary facilities pursuant to a concurrency review and prior to the issuance of a concurrency reservation certificate shall be determined by the city from data supplied by the application according to the following procedure:


    Identify infrastructure systems and subsystems that would serve the proposed development. This includes: Impacted roadways, considering trip lengths, trip generation and trip distribution parameters; water and wastewater treatment, collection and distribution system; community and neighborhood parks, related recreational facilities and equipment; solid waste collection and disposal systems; and drainage and stormwater management systems.


    Calculate available capacity on each of the systems and subsystems that would serve the proposed development and be impacted by it, as identified in subsection (1) of this section. This calculation should be the amount of capacity over and above the level of service standards adopted in the plan, and should be based upon current used capacity, as well as reserved capacity for permitted but unbuilt developments. The city will maintain records and estimates of available capacity for appropriate infrastructure systems.


    Determine the infrastructure demand and capacity required anticipated by the proposed development. This information will be calculated by the applicant based upon standard usage and demand generation rates available from or approved by the city.


    Compare projected infrastructure demand and capacity required by proposed development with available capacity as determined in subsection (2) of this section. If infrastructure demand is less than or equal to available capacity, then proposed development can be accommodated without reducing facilities and services below their adopted level of service standards. Available capacity will be as defined herein.

(Ord. No. 08-03, § 1(exh. 1), 6-26-2008)