§ 54-160.2. Exemptions.  

Latest version.
  • The following shall be exempted from payment of the impact fees:


    Alterations or expansion of an existing building, structure or improvement which will not create an additional impact on the capital facilities for which impact fees are imposed under this article. For purposes of the water impact fees and sewer impact fees imposed pursuant to this article, this exemption applies to alterations or expansion of an existing building, structure or improvement where no additional demand on the city sewer system or the city water system, as applicable, is or will be created.


    The replacement or construction of accessory buildings or structures which will not create an additional impact on the capital facilities for which impact fees are imposed under this article. For purposes of the water impact fees and sewer impact fees imposed pursuant to this article, this exemption applies to the construction of accessory buildings or structures which will not create an additional demand on the city sewer system or the city water system, as applicable.


    The replacement of a building or dwelling unit where no additional square footage or dwelling units are created and where the existing and replacement building or dwelling units are located on the same lot. A certificate of occupancy must have been issued for such replacement building or dwelling unit within seven years of the date the previous building or dwelling unit was previously occupied, otherwise no exemption shall be granted.


    The issuance of a tie-down permit for a mobile home on which the applicable impact fee has previously been paid for the lot upon which the mobile home is to be situated.


    For purposes of the water impact fees and sewer impact fees imposed pursuant to this article, the replacement of an existing building, structure or improvement which has been previously subjected to a water impact fee or sewer impact fee, as applicable, payable to the city where no additional demand is or will be created on the city sewer system or the city water system, as applicable.


    Government-owned buildings or facilities.

(Ord. No. 07-23, § 8.01, 12-17-2007)